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hargup / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pycountry None ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations 2023-06-16
pathtools None File system general utilities 2023-06-16
fuzzy None Fast Python phonetic algorithms 2023-06-16
pg8000 None PostgreSQL interface library 2023-06-16
marshmallow None A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes. 2023-06-16
gitdb None Git Object Database 2023-06-16
gearman None Gearman API - Client, worker, and admin client interfaces 2023-06-16
ddshape None this is a package which include some modules that you can use them to create shape.dat used by ddscat 2023-06-16
ipdb None IPython-enabled pdb 2023-06-16
mozfile None Library of file utilities for use in Mozilla testing 2023-06-16
jprops None Parser for Java .properties files 2023-06-16
gns3-converter None Convert old ini-style GNS3 topologies (<=0.8.7) to the newer version 1+ JSON format 2023-06-16
cython None The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language. 2023-06-16
polib None A library to manipulate gettext files (po and mo files). 2023-06-16
markdown None Python implementation of Markdown. 2023-06-16
effect None pure effects for Python 2023-06-16
pies2overrides None Defines override classes that should be included with pies only if running on Python2. 2023-06-16
graypy None Python logging handler that sends messages in GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format). 2023-06-16
ipaddr None Google's IP address manipulation library 2023-06-16
html None simple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation 2023-06-16
gdata None Python client library for Google data APIs 2023-06-16
croniter None croniter provides iteration for datetime object with cron like format 2023-06-16
crcmod None CRC Generator 2023-06-16
hiredis None Python wrapper for hiredis 2023-06-16
hashlib None Secure hash and message digest algorithm library 2023-06-16
guess_language-spirit None Guess the natural language of a text 2023-06-16
twitter.common.options None twitter.common optparse wrapper. 2023-06-16
termcolor None ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. 2023-06-16
python-gflags None Google Commandline Flags Module 2023-06-16
poster None Streaming HTTP uploads and multipart/form-data encoding 2023-06-16
pika None Pika Python AMQP Client Library 2023-06-16
pbkdf2 None PKCS#5 v2.0 PBKDF2 Module 2023-06-16
infinity None All-in-one infinity value for Python. Can be compared to any object. 2023-06-16
django-dynamic-fixture None A full library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes. 2023-06-16
brownie None Common utilities and datastructures for Python applications. 2023-06-16
twitter.common.lang None twitter.common python language and compatibility facilities. 2023-06-16
trollius None Port of the Tulip project (asyncio module, PEP 3156) on Python 2 2023-06-16
mozprofile None Library to create and modify Mozilla application profiles 2023-06-16
ansible None Radically simple IT automation 2023-06-16
xstatic None XStatic base package with minimal support code 2023-06-16
xattr None Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes 2023-06-16
wget None pure python download utility 2023-06-16
unidecode None ASCII transliterations of Unicode text 2023-06-16
twitter.common.threading None twitter.common python threading libs. 2023-06-16
stevedore None Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications 2023-06-16
smtpapi None Simple wrapper to use SendGrid SMTP API 2023-06-16
simple-crypt None Simple, secure encryption and decryption for Python 2.7 and 3 2023-06-16
serpent None Serialization based on ast.literal_eval 2023-06-16
reportlab None The Reportlab Toolkit 2023-06-16
python-troveclient None Client library for OpenStack DBaaS API 2023-06-16

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