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hargup / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
django-modeltranslation None Translates Django models using a registration approach. 2023-06-16
django-markdown None Django markdown support and wysiwyg. 2023-06-16
django-localflavor None Country-specific Django helpers 2023-06-16
defusedxml None XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules 2023-06-16
datadiff None DataDiff is a library to provide human-readable diffs of python data structures. 2023-06-16
cli53 None Command line script to administer the Amazon Route 53 DNS service 2023-06-16
bumpversion None Version-bump your software with a single command! 2023-06-16
bleach None An easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool. 2023-06-16
billiard None Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes 2023-06-16
azure None Microsoft Azure client APIs 2023-06-16
argparse None Python command-line parsing library 2023-06-16
pytest-cov None py.test plugin for coverage reporting with support for both centralised and distributed testing, including subprocesses and multiprocessing 2023-06-16
dicttoxml None Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. 2023-06-16
wsme None Simplify the writing of REST APIs, and extend them with additional protocols. 2023-06-16
willow None A Python image library that sits on top of Pillow, Wand and OpenCV 2023-06-16
twitter.common.config None twitter.common config parsing library. 2023-06-16
tweepy None Twitter library for python 2023-06-16
treeherder-client None Python library to submit data to treeherder-service 2023-06-16
transifex-client None A command line interface for Transifex 2023-06-16
sqlalchemy None Database Abstraction Library 2023-06-16
smartypants None Python with the SmartyPants 2023-06-16
simplekml None A Simple KML creator 2023-06-16
setproctitle None A library to allow customization of the process title. 2023-06-16
schematics None Structured Data for Humans 2023-06-16
robotframework-sshlibrary None Robot Framework test library for SSH and SFTP 2023-06-16
restructuredtext_lint None reStructuredText linter 2023-06-16
pytest-pythonpath None pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from command line or configs. 2023-06-16
pypdf2 None PDF toolkit 2023-06-16
pyhocon None HOCON parser for Python 2023-06-16
py4j None Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects 2023-06-16
pint None Physical quantities module 2023-06-16
pickleshare None Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support 2023-06-16
oslosphinx None OpenStack Sphinx Extensions and Theme 2023-06-16
oslo.i18n None Oslo i18n library 2023-06-16
num2words None Modules to convert numbers to words. Easily extensible. 2023-06-16
ntplib None Python NTP library 2023-06-16
namedentities None Easy conversion between Unicode characters and HTML entities (named, decimal, or hex) 2023-06-16
moto None u'A library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library' 2023-06-16
mailer None A module to send email simply in Python 2023-06-16
logstash_formatter None JSON formatter meant for logstash 2023-06-16
klein None werkzeug + twisted.web 2023-06-16
keystonemiddleware None Middleware for OpenStack Identity 2023-06-16
junit-xml None Creates JUnit XML test result documents that can be read by tools such as Jenkins 2023-06-16
jsonpickle None Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON 2023-06-16
iso8601 None Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates 2023-06-16
inflection None A port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python 2023-06-16
http-parser None http request/response parser 2023-06-16
httmock None A mocking library for requests. 2023-06-16
gspread None Google Spreadsheets Python API 2023-06-16
foxinstaller None A simple installation script for my own django projects. 2023-06-16

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