Favorites | Downloads | Artifact (owner / artifact) | Platforms |
1 | 4953 |
MOSAIC / cellcomplex 1.1.0
linux-64 noarch osx-64 win-64 |
2 | 2167 |
MOSAIC / timagetk 3.0.12TimageTK is a Python package dedicated to image processing of multicellular architectures, such as plants or animals. It is intended for biologists, modellers and computer scientists.
linux-64 noarch osx-64 osx-arm64 win-64 |
1 | 1944 |
MOSAIC / tissue_nukem_3d 0.11.0A Python library for the detection and quantitative data extraction from microscopy images of cell nuclei.
linux-64 osx-64 |
1 | 724 |
MOSAIC / tissue_analysis 0.10.0An Python library providing image analysis tools to extract quantitative information from 3D segmented tissue images.
linux-64 osx-64 |
1 | 662 |
MOSAIC / draco_stem 0.10.0A Python library for the reconstruction of 3D meshes from segmented shoot apical meristem (SAM) tissue images.
linux-64 osx-64 |