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flyem-forge / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
go public The Go Programming Language 2025-03-25
flyemflows public Various compute-cluster workflows for the FlyEM project. 2025-03-25
ilastikrag public ND Region Adjacency Graph with edge feature algorithms 2025-03-25
confiddler public Utilities for defining, reading, and writing config files 2025-03-25
neutu public No Summary 2025-03-25
neuclease public Tools for computing interactive "cleaves" of agglomerated neuron fragments from a DVID server. 2025-03-25
nifty public No Summary 2025-03-25
fastfilters public No Summary 2025-03-25
graph-tool public No Summary 2025-03-25
dvid-web-console public Web console and API help for DVID 2025-03-25
basholeveldb public No Summary 2025-03-25
dvidutils public A collection of utility functions for dealing with dvid data 2025-03-25
vol2mesh public Tools for converting image volumes to meshes 2025-03-25
marching_cubes public A fast marching cubes implementation in C++ with python bindings. 2025-03-25
draco public Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics. 2025-03-25
glbinding public glbinding is an MIT licensed, cross-platform C++ binding for the OpenGL API. 2025-03-25
assimp public A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats including scene-post-processing to generate missing render data. 2025-03-25
vtk public No Summary 2025-03-25
dvid-resource-manager public A simple server to manage large-scale batch requests to DVID (or other resources). 2025-03-25
numpy-allocation-tracking public Allocation tracking utility from the numpy source repo (which isn't installed by default), plus an extra module with some decorators. 2025-03-25
dvid public Distributed, Versioned, Image-oriented Dataservice 2025-03-25
lowtis public C++ library for low-latency image fetching 2025-03-25
libdvid-cpp public C++ library for accessing DVID's REST API 2025-03-25

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