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fastchan / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
gtest public Google's C++ test framework 2023-09-11
glib public Provides core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. 2023-09-11
glib-tools public Provides core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. 2023-09-11
libglib public Provides core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. 2023-09-11
libgfortran-ng public The GNU Fortran Runtime Library 2023-09-11
libgfortran5 public Fortran compiler and libraries from the GNU Compiler Collection 2023-09-11
libstdcxx-ng public The GNU C++ Runtime Library 2023-09-11
aws-crt-cpp public C++ wrapper around the aws-c-* libraries. Provides Cross-Platform Transport Protocols and SSL/TLS implementations for C++. 2023-09-08
smart_open public Python library for efficient streaming of large files 2023-09-07
brotli public Brotli compression format 2023-09-07
asttokens public The asttokens module annotates Python abstract syntax trees (ASTs) with the positions of tokens and text in the source code that generated them. 2023-09-07
brotli-bin public Brotli compression format 2023-09-07
aws-sdk-cpp public C++ library that makes it easy to integrate C++ applications with AWS services 2023-09-07
libthrift public Compiler and C++ libraries and headers for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2023-09-06
libbrotlienc public Brotli compression format 2023-09-06
libbrotlidec public Brotli compression format 2023-09-06
libbrotlicommon public Brotli compression format 2023-09-06
boa public The mamba-powered conda package builder 2023-09-06
conda-build public tools for building conda packages 2023-09-06
mamba public A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution 2023-09-06
conda-index public Create `repodata.json` for collections of conda packages. 2023-09-06
libmambapy public A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution 2023-09-06
libmamba public A library that exposes the internals of mamba, a fast drop-in alternative to conda 2023-09-06
more-itertools public More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools 2023-09-06
fmt public {fmt} is an open-source formatting library for C++ 2023-09-06
timm public (Unofficial) PyTorch Image Models 2023-09-06
pytz public World timezone definitions, modern and historical. 2023-09-05
fsspec public A specification for pythonic filesystems 2023-09-02
soupsieve public A modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup 2023-09-02
ipython public IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 2023-09-01
xkeyboard-config public The non-arch keyboard configuration database for X Windows 2023-08-28
sqlite public Implements a self-contained, zero-configuration, SQL database engine 2023-08-28
mysql public Meta package for backwards compat + bonus content 2023-08-28
zstd public Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm 2023-08-27
pluggy public Plugin registration and hook calling for Python 2023-08-27
aws-c-http public C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications 2023-08-25
aws-c-cal public Aws Crypto Abstraction Layer: Cross-Platform, C99 wrapper for cryptography primitives. 2023-08-25
icu public International Components for Unicode. 2023-08-25
aws-c-event-stream public C99 implementation of the vnd.amazon.eventstream content-type. 2023-08-25
kiwisolver public A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver 2023-08-24
pyarrow public Python libraries for Apache Arrow 2023-08-24
libarrow public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow 2023-08-24
pydantic public Data validation and settings management using python type hinting 2023-08-24
pydantic-core public Core validation logic for pydantic written in rust 2023-08-24
safetensors public Fast and Safe Tensor serialization 2023-08-23
pyyaml public YAML parser and emitter for Python 2023-08-23
nss public A set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. 2023-08-21
fonttools public fontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python. 2023-08-20
scipy public Scientific Library for Python 2023-08-20
click public Python composable command line interface toolkit 2023-08-18

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