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Entos / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
entos public A Python wrapper for the Entos Qcore quantum chemistry package. 2025-03-25
qcore-boost-1.72.0 public Entos Qcore is a powerful suite of electronic structure and dynamics tools, built on cutting-edge quantum embedding 2025-03-25
py-qcore public A Python wrapper for the Entos Qcore quantum chemistry package. 2025-03-25
codex public Schema and utilities for the Entos python ecosystem. 2025-03-25
qcore public Entos Qcore is a powerful suite of electronic structure and dynamics tools, built on cutting-edge quantum embedding 2025-03-25
libecpint public Libecpint is a C++ library for the efficient evaluation of integrals over ab initio effective core potentials, using a mixture of generated, recursive code and Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature 2025-03-25
libxc public M.A.L. Marques's exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory 2025-03-25
libcint public General GTO integrals for quantum chemistry 2025-03-25

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