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cmutel / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bentso public BONSAI living model for European electricity via ENTSO-E API 2023-06-16
entsoe-py public Python client for the ENTSO-E API (european network of transmission system operators for electricity) 2023-06-16
bentso-dev public BONSAI living model for European electricity via ENTSO-E API 2023-06-16
ocelot-dev public Ocelot is open-source linking for life cycle assessment 2023-06-16
ensemble-dev public Library to create hybrid LCI databases, using science 2023-06-16
ensemble public Library to create hybrid LCI databases, using science 2023-06-16
bw2_lcimpact public This package provides the impact of the LC IMPACT regionalized LCIA method in brightway2 and brightway2-regional 2023-06-16
bw2_aware public Brightway2-regional implementation of the AWARE LCIA method 2023-06-16
rower public Consistently define, label, and manage "Rest-of-World" locations for processes in Brightway databases 2023-06-16
pandarus_remote public Flask app for Pandarus 2023-06-16
bw2regional public LCA calculations for the Brightway2 life cycle assessment framework 2023-06-16
brightway2 public Open source framework for life cycle assessment 2023-06-16
wurst public Code and metadata for linking life cycle assessment databases to other models 2023-06-16
bw2-lcimpact public No Summary 2023-06-16
pandarus public GIS toolkit for regionalized life cycle assessment 2023-06-16
stats_arrays None The stats_arrays package provides a standard NumPy array interface for defining uncertain parameters used in models, and classes for Monte Carlo sampling. 2023-06-16
progressbar-ipython None Note: This is a just a packaged version of https://github.com/fnoble/python-progressbar. 2023-06-16

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