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cf-staging / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pytorch public PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs. 2025-03-20
pytorch-gpu public PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs. 2025-03-20
oxlint public Linter for oxc 2025-03-20
hats public A HATS astronomical catalog format reader library 2025-03-20
fastbencode public Implementation of bencode with optional fast C extensions 2025-03-20
setuptools-gettext public Setuptools gettext extension plugin 2025-03-20
patiencediff public Python implementation of the patiencediff algorithm 2025-03-20
tree-sitter-muttrc public Muttrc grammar for tree-sitter 2025-03-20
lld public The LLVM Linker 2025-03-20
py-pcha public Python implemenation of PCHA algorithm for Archetypal Analysis 2025-03-20
tree-sitter-tmux public Tmux grammar for tree-sitter 2025-03-20
isolearn public Keras Genomics Data Generators 2025-03-20
ultraplot public Elegant and flexible high-level plotting with matplotlib 2025-03-20
git-imerge public Incremental merge for git 2025-03-20
python-chromedriver-binary public Downloads and installs the chromedriver binary version 2025-03-20
r-modeva public Analyses species distribution models and evaluates their performance. It includes functions for variation partitioning, extracting variable importance, computing several metrics of model discrimination and calibration performance, optimizing prediction thresholds based on a number of criteria, performing multivariate environmental similarity surface (MESS) analysis, and displaying various analytical plots. Initially described in Barbosa et al. (2013) <doi:10.1111/ddi.12100>. 2025-03-20
dbus-fast public A faster version of dbus-next 2025-03-20
bc-detect-secrets public Tool for detecting secrets in the codebase 2025-03-20
cuda_histogram public Histogramming tools on CUDA 2025-03-20
anaconda-assistant-sdk public The Anaconda Assistant Python client 2025-03-20
pvlib public A set functions and classes for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems. 2025-03-20
pvlib-python public A set functions and classes for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems. 2025-03-20
intel-media-driver public Intel(R) Media Driver for VAAPI 2025-03-20
owslib public OGC Web Service utility library 2025-03-20
pre-commit public A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. 2025-03-20
pre_commit public A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. 2025-03-20
coloraide public A color library for Python. 2025-03-20
arize-phoenix public ML Observability in your notebook 2025-03-20
mapserver public Platform for publishing spatial data and interative mapping. 2025-03-20
mlflow-skinny public MLflow is an open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. 2025-03-17
mlflow-ui-dbg public MLflow is an open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. 2025-03-17
pyiron_base public pyiron_base - an integrated development environment (IDE) for computational science. 2025-03-12
adaptive-scheduler public An asynchronous scheduler for Adaptive 2025-03-12
virtualenv public Virtual Python Environment builder 2025-03-07
remark-cli public remark is a popular tool that transforms markdown with plugins 2025-01-16
kahip public The graph partitioning framework KaHIP -- Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioning 2025-01-15
gz-sim7-python public Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo. 2025-01-09
ldas-tools-framecpp public LDAS tools libframecpp toolkit runtime files 2024-12-21
openturns public Uncertainty treatment library 2024-12-18
spacy-model-nl_core_news_lg public Dutch pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-12-01
spacy-model-es_dep_news_trf public Spanish transformer pipeline (Transformer(name='dccuchile/bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased', piece_encoder='bert-wordpiece', stride=112, type='bert', width=768, window=158, vocab_size=31002)). 2024-12-01
fpm public Fortran package manager 2024-11-23
pyagrum public pyAgrum is a scientific C++ and Python library dedicated to Bayesian Networks and other Probabilistic Graphical Models. 2024-11-18
pymeshfix public Python Wrapper for MeshFix to easily repair holes in surface meshes 2024-09-24
openmm-dlext public Plugin for OpenMM providing simulation data wrappers as DLPack data structures 2024-03-22

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