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cf-staging / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
psearch public PSearch: ligand-based pharmacophore modeling and screening 2025-01-11
fps-login public An FPS plugin for the login API 2025-01-11
libarrow-substrait public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow Substrait 2025-01-11
libarrow-flight public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow Flight 2025-01-11
libparquet public C++ libraries for Apache Parquet 2025-01-11
libarrow-all public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow 2025-01-11
libarrow-gandiva public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow Gandiva 2025-01-11
libarrow-dataset public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow Dataset 2025-01-11
libarrow-flight-sql public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow Flight SQL 2025-01-11
libarrow public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow core 2025-01-11
libarrow-acero public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow Acero 2025-01-11
tectonic public A modernized, complete, standalone TeX/LaTeX engine. 2025-01-11
conda-forge-pinning public The baseline versions of software for the conda-forge ecosystem 2025-01-11
microsoft-aurora public Implementation of the Aurora model 2025-01-11
simsimd public Portable mixed-precision BLAS-like vector math library for x86 and ARM 2025-01-11
ofxclient public OFX client for dowloading transactions from banks 2025-01-11
imagecodecs public Image transformation, compression, and decompression codecs 2025-01-11
tifffile public Read and write image data from and to TIFF files. 2025-01-11
r-redcapr public Encapsulates functions to streamline calls from R to the REDCap API. REDCap (Research Electronic Data CAPture) is a web application for building and managing online surveys and databases developed at Vanderbilt University. The Application Programming Interface (API) offers an avenue to access and modify data programmatically, improving the capacity for literate and reproducible programming. 2025-01-11
pangeo-forge-runner public Commandline tool to manage pangeo-forge feedstocks 2025-01-11
groq public The official Python library for the groq API 2025-01-11
ecgtools public ESM Catalog Generation Utilities 2025-01-11
ht public Heat transfer component of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL) 2025-01-11
mysqlclient public Python interface to MySQL 2025-01-11
textual-dev public Development tools for working with Textual 2025-01-11
conda-forge-tick public Flagship repo for cf-regro-autotick-bot 2025-01-11
girder public Web-based data management platform 2025-01-11
gopass public The slightly more awesome standard unix password manager for teams. 2025-01-11
fancy-collections public Useful classes to store data in a structured way 2025-01-11
sliceable-dict public A simple dictionary that support slicing and multiple key selection. 2025-01-11
rdflib-pyld-compat public Conversion between rdflib and PyLD data formats for compatibility 2025-01-11
outlier-utils public Library for detecting and removing outliers from normally distributed datasets 2025-01-11
ctdopts public module for CTD handling 2025-01-11
crystmatch public Enumerating and analyzing crystal-structure matches for solid-solid phase transitions. 2025-01-11
libignition-rendering6 public Ignition Rendering 2025-01-11
notolog public Notolog - Python Markdown Editor 2025-01-11
gz-sim7-python public Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo. 2025-01-09
ldas-tools-framecpp public LDAS tools libframecpp toolkit runtime files 2024-12-21
openturns public Uncertainty treatment library 2024-12-18
graphblas public SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a full implementation of the GraphBLAS standard 2024-12-18
timezonefinder public python package for finding the timezone of any point on earth (coordinates) offline 2024-12-05
spacy-model-nl_core_news_lg public Dutch pipeline optimized for CPU. 2024-12-01
spacy-model-es_dep_news_trf public Spanish transformer pipeline (Transformer(name='dccuchile/bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased', piece_encoder='bert-wordpiece', stride=112, type='bert', width=768, window=158, vocab_size=31002)). 2024-12-01
fpm public Fortran package manager 2024-11-23
pyagrum public pyAgrum is a scientific C++ and Python library dedicated to Bayesian Networks and other Probabilistic Graphical Models. 2024-11-18
crick public High performance approximate and streaming algorithms. 2024-10-03
pymeshfix public Python Wrapper for MeshFix to easily repair holes in surface meshes 2024-09-24
go-gum public Tool for glamorous shell scripts 2024-09-23
networkit public NetworKit is a growing open-source toolkit for large-scale network analysis. 2024-03-28
openmm-dlext public Plugin for OpenMM providing simulation data wrappers as DLPack data structures 2024-03-22

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