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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
mlst-cge public Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) determine the ST from an assembled genome or from a set of reads. 2023-06-18
tmb public This tool was designed to calculate a Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) score from a VCF file. 2023-06-18
hmnfusion public Analysis fusion from DNA genomics 2023-06-18
miga public Python package to optimize mutual information between two multiple sequence alignment. 2023-06-18
markermag public linking MAGs with 16S rRNA marker genes 2023-06-18
resmico public Increasing the quality of metagenome-assembled genomes with deep learning 2023-06-18
fastkit public Routine pre-processing of biological data e.g. FASTA/FASTQ files 2023-06-18
ccne public Carbapenemase-encoding gene copy number estimator 2023-06-18
mantis-msi public MANTIS is a program developed for detecting microsatellite instability from paired-end BAM files 2023-06-18
quickdeconvolution public Deconvolves linked-reads sequencing data 2023-06-18
mdmcleaner public A pipeline for the assessment, classification and refinement of microbial dark matter SAGs and MAGs 2023-06-18
microbeannotator public A user friendly microbe genome annotation tool 2023-06-18
dastk public Differential ATAC-seq toolkit 2023-06-18
feems public Fast Estimation of Effective Migration Surfaces 2023-06-18
extract_vcf public Tool to extract information from vcf file. 2023-06-18
tyto public Tyto (Take Your Terms from Ontologies) provides a handy interface for ontologies for use in your Python application. 2023-06-18
magphi public A bioinformatics tool allowing for examnination and extraction of genomic features using seed sequences. 2023-06-18
phertilizer public Phertilizer is a method to grow a clonal tree from ultra-low coverage single-cell DNA sequenced data 2023-06-18
vcferr public Probabilistic VCF genotype error simulation 2023-06-18
mitoz public MitoZ: A toolkit for assembly, annotation, and visualization of animal mitochondrial genomes 2023-06-18
scglue public Graph-linked unified embedding for unpaired single-cell multi-omics data integration 2023-06-18
bte public Cython wrapper enabling use of the MAT library in Python. 2023-06-18
haplogrep public A tool for mtDNA haplogroup classification. 2023-06-18
hat-phasing public HAT:‌ Haplotype assembly tool that use both long and short reads to reconstruct haplotypes 2023-06-18
mgca public Microbial genome component and annotation pipeline 2023-06-18
boquila public NGS read simulator to eliminate read nucleotide bias in sequence analysis. 2023-06-18
pyvcf3 public A Variant Call Format reader for Python 2023-06-18
cladebreaker public Nextflow pipeline for phylogenetic analysis. 2023-06-18
parse_mito_blast public Filtering blast out from querying assembly against mitochondrial database. 2023-06-18
perl-devel-checklib public check that a library is available 2023-06-18
mgcplotter public Microbial Genome Circular plotting tool using Circos 2023-06-18
genbank_to public genbank_to: convert genbank files to a swath of other formats 2023-06-18
biosniff public A Sniffer for Biological formats 2023-06-18
aeon public Python/Rust library for symbolic manipulation of Boolean networks. 2023-06-18
metaplex public Read Processing and Quality Control Toolkit for Dual-Indexed Metabarcoding 2023-06-18
hmtnote public Human mitochondrial variants annotation using HmtVar. 2023-06-18
vcfpy2 public Python 3 VCF library, based on vcfpy. 2023-06-18
naltorfs public Nested Alternate Open Reading Frames (nAlt-ORFs) 2023-06-18
bwa-meme public Faster BWA-MEM2 using learned-index 2023-06-18
automappa public Automappa: An interactive interface for exploration of metagenomes 2023-06-18
propy3 public Python library for calculating various protein descriptors from protein sequences 2023-06-18
cogclassifier public Classify prokaryote protein sequences into COG functional category 2023-06-18
gbkviz public Simple web application to visualize and compare genomes in Genbank files 2023-06-18
ampliconclassifier public AmpliconClassifier classifies the output of AmpliconArchitect to detect different types of focal amplifications. 2023-06-18
perl-ffi-checklib public Check that a library is available for FFI 2023-06-18
perl-class-trigger public Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers 2023-06-18
lmas public LMAS - Last (Meta)Genomic Assembler Standing 2023-06-18
pmlst public Plasmid Multi-Locus Sequence Typing 2023-06-18
pprodigal public PProdigal - Parallelized gene prediction based on Prodigal. 2023-06-18
perl-bio-searchio-hmmer public A parser for HMMER2 and HMMER3 output (hmmscan, hmmsearch, hmmpfam) 2023-06-18

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