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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bart public bart - a bacterial read type 2023-06-18
marvd2 public Metagenomic Archaeal Virus Detector 2 2023-06-18
cartools public Coverage Analysis Report tool CAR tool is a tool for assessment of per base quality of NGS data. 2023-06-18
tecount public A package to count read alignments on transposable elements subfamilies, families and classes. 2023-06-18
transcriptm public Metagenomics analyses. 2023-06-18
physiofit4galaxy public Calculate extracellular fluxes from metabolite concentrations and biomass data 2023-06-18
dirseq public Work out whether RNAseq reads in general agree with the direction of the gene predicted. 2023-06-18
rpfbagr public Cli interface to predict gene knockout targets with an heterologous pathway 2023-06-18
taxadb public locally query the ncbi taxonomy 2023-06-18
saintbioutils public A package of utility and miscellaneous functions for using in bioinformaticspipelines, primarily in Python. 2023-06-18
vapor public VAPOR is a tool for classification of Influenza samples from raw short read sequence data for downstream bioinformatics analysis. 2023-06-18
plastedma public Plastic Enzymes Degrading in Metagenomic databases Analysis 2023-06-18
r-netcomi public Network Construction and Comparison for Microbiome Data 2023-06-18
r-mixedcca public Semi-parametric approach for sparse canonical correlation analysis 2023-06-18
liftofftools public A tool for comparing annotations across genome assemblies 2023-06-18
mcross public The script to detect RNA-protein cross linking sites 2023-06-18
svsolver public The svSolver includes three executable programs: Presolver(svpre), Flowsolver(svsolver), Postsolver(svpost). 2023-06-18
braid-mrf public Predicting protein complexes 2023-06-18
parallel-virfinder public parallel-virfinder, split virfinder execution in chuncks 2023-06-18
czlab_perl_lib public mCross Perl script 2023-06-18
nedrex public A Python library for interfacing with the NeDRex API 2023-06-18
mydbfinder public MyDbFinder identifies genes from your own database in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria. 2023-06-18
c4counter public returns the number and types of human C4 regions in a fasta file 2023-06-18
hla-asm public find HLA gene exon coordinates in long read-based assemblies and carry out HLA typing at G group resolution 2023-06-18
kmerfinder public Prediction of bacterial species using a fast K-mer algorithm. 2023-06-18
mhc-annotation public Tools to annotate haplotypes of MHC with gene and transcript information 2023-06-18
grimer public GRIMER performs analysis of microbiome studies and generates a portable and interactive dashboard 2023-06-18
interval-binning public A Python implementation of the interval binning scheme 2023-06-18
jvarkit-bamstats04 public Coverage statistics for a BED file. 2023-06-18
ashleys-qc public Automated Selection of High quality Libraries for the Extensive analYsis of Strandseq data (ASHLEYS). 2023-06-18
paplot public Automatic generation of cancer genome interactive report. 2023-06-18
dinf public discriminator-based inference for population genetics 2023-06-18
vcf2tsvpy public Genomic VCF to tab-separated values (TSV) 2023-06-18
mantis-msi2 public MANTIS2 is a program developed for detecting microsatellite instability from paired-end BAM files 2023-06-18
blastmining public blastMining: Mining NCBI BLAST outputs 2023-06-18
vrhyme public vRhyme functions by utilizing coverage variance comparisons and supervised machine learning classification of sequence features to construct viral metagenome-assembled genomes (vMAGs). 2023-06-18
mosaic public mosaic: counts Strand-seq reads and classifies strand states of each chromosome in each cell using a Hidden Markov Model. 2023-06-18
mosaicatcher public mosaicatcher: counts Strand-seq reads and classifies strand states of each chromosome in each cell using a Hidden Markov Model. 2023-06-18
mvirs public mVIRs: Localisation of inducible prophages using NGS data 2023-06-18
covsonar public A database-driven system for handling genomic sequences and screening genomic profiles. 2023-06-18
scte public scTE builds genome indices for the fast alignment of reads to genes and TEs. 2023-06-18
hmntrimmer public A trimmer for NGS reads 2023-06-18
agouti public Annotation of Genomic and Transcriptomic Intervals 2023-06-18
cctk public Tools to identify and compare CRISPR arrays. 2023-06-18
sbol-utilities public Collection of scripts and functions for manipulating SBOL 3 data that can be run from the command line or as functions in Python. 2023-06-18
gtftools public gtftools provides a set of functions to compute or extract various features of gene models. 2023-06-18
corekaburra public A commandline bioinformatics tool made to utilize syntenic information from genomes in the context of pan-genomes 2023-06-18
pyfastg public Minimal Python library for parsing SPAdes FASTG files 2023-06-18
scexecute public SCExecute generates cell-barcode specific BAM files from aligned, aggregate single-cell sequencing data, executing a user-provided command on each barcode-stratified BAM file. 2023-06-18
gothresher public GOThresher: a program to remove annotation biases from protein function annotation datasets 2023-06-18

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