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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
fastlin public fastlin, ultra-fast MTBC lineage typing 2024-09-22
perl-minion public Job queue 2024-09-21
recognizer public A tool for domain based annotation with the COG database 2024-09-21
eukfinder public Eukfinder is a tool for detecting eukaryotic sequences in metagenomic data. 2024-09-21
bactopia-qc public The methods used in Bactopia for read QC 2024-09-21
percolator public Semi-supervised learning for peptide identification from shotgun proteomics datasets. 2024-09-20
phylodeep public Deep-learning parameter estimation and model selection from phylogenetic trees. 2024-09-20
fastq-screen public FastQ Screen allows you to screen a library of sequences in FastQ format against a set of sequence databases so you can see if the composition of the library matches with what you expect. 2024-09-20
seurat-scripts public A set of wrappers for individual components of the Seurat package. 2024-09-20
busco_phylogenomics public Utility script to construct species phylogenies using BUSCO proteins. 2024-09-20
peptides public Physicochemical properties, indices and descriptors for amino-acid sequences. 2024-09-19
scarches public Transfer learning with Architecture Surgery on Single-cell data 2024-09-19
superdsm public SuperDSM is a globally optimal segmentation method based on superadditivity and deformable shape models for cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images and beyond. 2024-09-19
methylartist public Tools for parsing and plotting nanopore methylation data 2024-09-19
igv-reports public Creates self-contained html pages for visual variant review with IGV (igv.js). 2024-09-18
repeatmasker public RepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences. 2024-09-17
genomepy public Install and use genomes & gene annotations the easy way! 2024-09-17
hylight public Strain aware assembly of low coverage metagenomes. 2024-09-17
transanno public accurate VCF/GFF3/GTF LiftOver tool for new genome assemblies 2024-09-17
biophi public BioPhi open-source antibody design platform. 2024-09-17
fiji-omero_ij public ImageJ / Fiji plugin to visualize and manipulate both image data and metadata maintained at an OMERO server site. 2024-09-17
mirtop public Small RNA-seq annotation. 2024-09-17
cellprofiler-core public Dependency for CellProfiler v4. 2024-09-17
microhapulator public Tools for empirical microhaplotype calling, forensic interpretation, and simulation. 2024-09-17
pathphynder public A workflow for ancient DNA placement into reference phylogenies. 2024-09-17
cnv_facets public Detect somatic copy number variants (CNV) in tumour-normal samples using next generation sequencing data 2024-09-17
hackgap public hackgap (hash-based counting of k-mers with gaps) provides a fast jit-compiled k-kmer counter which supports gapped k-mers. 2024-09-16
pymsaviz public MSA visualization python package for sequence analysis 2024-09-15
zga public Prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation pipeline 2024-09-13
cellxgene public Web application for exploration of large scale scRNA-seq datasets 2024-09-13
bioconvert public Convert between bioinformatics formats 2024-09-13
anglerfish public Anglerfish, a tool to demultiplex Illumina libraries from ONT data 2024-09-13
micom public Microbial community modeling based on cobrapy. 2024-09-12
irescue public A tool to quantify transposable elements expression in scRNA-seq. 2024-09-12
checkqc public A simple program to parse Illumina NGS data and check it for quality criteria. 2024-09-12
geofetch public Downloads data and metadata from GEO and SRA and creates standard PEPs. 2024-09-11
callingcardstools public An API and collection of cmd line tools to work with calling cards sequencing data 2024-09-11
tribal public TRIBAL is a package to infer B cell lineage trees from single-cell RNA sequencing data. 2024-09-11
schpl public Hierarchical progressive learning pipeline for single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets 2024-09-11
diphase public A diploid genome phasing tool 2024-09-11
synapseclient public Python client for Synapse 2024-09-10
toulligqc public A post sequencing QC tool for Oxford Nanopore sequencers. 2024-09-10
duplex-tools public Duplex Tools contains a set of utilities for dealing with ONT Duplex sequencing data. 2024-09-10
xengsort public A fast xenograft read sorter based on space-efficient k-mer hashing 2024-09-10
pod5 public Oxford Nanopore Technologies Pod5 File Format Python API and Tools. 2024-09-10
mtnucratio public A small tool to determine MT to Nuclear ratios for NGS data. 2024-09-10
lib-pod5 public Python bindings for the POD5 file format. 2024-09-10
perl-mce-shared public MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes 2024-09-10
telometer public A simple regular expression based method for measuring individual, chromosome-specific telomere lengths from long-read sequencing data. 2024-09-09
seqchromloader public Sequence and chromatin dataloader for deep learning 2024-09-09

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