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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
famseq public Peng G, Fan Y, Palculict TB, Shen P, Ruteshouser EC, Chi A, Davis RW, Huff V, Scharfe C, Wang W. Rare variant detection using family-based sequencing analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2013 Mar 5;110(10):3985-90 2024-12-11
gemf_favites public User-friendly epidemic simulations 2024-12-11
radtk public A collection of tools for working with RAD files. 2024-12-11
fineradstructure public Inference of population structure from RAD datasets 2024-12-11
rnaz public predicting structural noncoding RNAs 2024-12-11
ucsc-genepredtobiggenepred public converts genePred or genePredExt to bigGenePred input (bed format with extra fields) 2024-12-11
pyrodigal public Python bindings to Prodigal, an ORF finder for microbial sequences. 2024-12-11
hardklor public Analyze mass spectra 2024-12-11
ucsc-checkcoveragegaps public Check for biggest gap in coverage for a list of tracks. 2024-12-11
debwt public A efficient method to construct BWT index of a given DNA sequence, especially useful for gigantic and high similar genome. DeBWT has good scalability to construct BWT in parallel computing. It is well-suited to run on multiple core servers or clusters to construct the BWT of large collections of genome sequences. 2024-12-11
verifybamid public No Summary 2024-12-11
ucsc-bamtopsl public Convert a bam file to a psl and optionally also a fasta file that contains the reads. 2024-12-11
mentalist public The MLST pipeline developed by the PathOGiST research group. 2024-12-11
comet-ms public Comet is a command line tool that does MS/MS database search. 2024-12-11
ucsc-hgloadbed public Load a generic bed file into database 2024-12-11
ucsc-mafcoverage public Analyse coverage by maf files - chromosome by 2024-12-11
ucsc-hgloadoutjoined public load new style (2014) RepeatMasker .out files into database 2024-12-11
mutscan public Detect and visualize target mutations by scanning FastQ files directly 2024-12-11
rainbow public Efficient tool for clustering and assembling short reads, especially for RAD 2024-12-11
rabbitqcplus public RabbitQCPlus is an efficient quality control tool for sequencing data 2024-12-11
ucsc-liftup public change coordinates of .psl, .agp, .gap, .gl, .out, .align, .gff, .gtf 2024-12-11
treebest public TreeBeST: Tree Building guided by Species Tree, used in the Ensembl Compara pipeline. 2024-12-11
irf public Inverted Repeats Finder is a program that detects approximate inverted repeats. 2024-12-11
gmtk public A publicly available toolkit for rapidly prototyping statistical models using dynamic graphical models (DGMs) and dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) 2024-12-11
r-epic public Estimate the Proportion of Immune and Cancer cells from bulk gene expression data. 2024-12-11
ucsc-bedintersect public Intersect two bed files 2024-12-11
genesplicer public No Summary 2024-12-11
ucsc-genepredsinglecover public create single-coverage genePred files 2024-12-11
ucsc-parasync public uses paraFetch to recursively mirror url to given path 2024-12-11
ncrf public Noise-Cancelling Repeat Finder, Uncovering tandem repeats in error-prone long-read sequencing data. 2024-12-11
tepeaks public Package for including repetitive regions in peak calling from ChIP-seq datasets. 2024-12-11
gnu-wget public No Summary 2024-12-11
ucsc-validatefiles public Validates the format of different genomic files. 2024-12-11
strainseeker public A bacterial identification program for fast identification of bacterial strains from raw sequencing reads 2024-12-11
pcaone public PCAone - Principal Component Analysis All in One 2024-12-11
r-gwpcr public Implements the necessary distributions and parameter estimation procedures for a model of amplification and high-troughput sequencing. The model is based on a mechanistic model of PCR amplification as a Galton-Watson branching process, and on Poissonan sampling to model high-throughput sequencing. 2024-12-11
carpedeam public CarpeDeam - A metagenomic assembler for heavily damaged ancient datasets 2024-12-11
gefast public Clustering tool using Swarm's clustering strategy and Pass-Join's segment filter. 2024-12-11
msisensor public MSIsensor is a C++ program to detect replication slippage variants at microsatellite regions, and differentiate them as somatic or germline. 2024-12-11
extract-sv-reads public Tool for extracting splitter or discordant reads from a BAM or CRAM file. 2024-12-11
plink public Whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses in a computationally efficient manner. 2024-12-11
flopp public flopp is a software package for single individual haplotype phasing of polyploid organisms from long read sequencing. 2024-12-11
ispcr public In silico PCR 2024-12-11
prophasm public ProPhasm – ProPhyle Assembler. Compressing k-mer sets via assembling contigs. 2024-12-11
kmerstream public Streaming algorithm for computing kmer statistics for massive genomics datasets 2024-12-11
extract_fullseq public extract_fullseq is part of BMTagger aka Best Match Tagger, for removing human reads from metagenomics datasets 2024-12-11
ucsc-lavtopsl public Convert blastz lav to psl format 2024-12-11
filtlong public Filtlong is a tool for filtering long reads. It can take a set of long reads and produce a smaller, better subset. It uses both read length (longer is better) and read identity (higher is better) when choosing which reads pass the filter. 2024-12-11
mgs-canopy public No Summary 2024-12-11
ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph public Convert from bigWig to bedGraph format. 2024-12-11

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