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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-maffrag public Extract maf sequences for a region from database 2024-08-27
ucsc-maforder public order components within a maf file 2024-08-27
ucsc-maftosnpbed public finds SNPs in MAF and builds a bed with their functional consequence 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredsinglecover public create single-coverage genePred files 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadbed public Load a generic bed file into database 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedtogenepred public convert bed format files to genePred format 2024-08-27
ucsc-liftover public Move annotations from one assembly to another 2024-08-27
ucsc-transmappsltogenepred public convert PSL alignments of mRNAs to gene annotations. 2024-08-27
ucsc-featurebits public Correlate tables via bitmap projections. 2024-08-27
ucsc-trfbig public Mask tandem repeats on a big sequence file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-getrnapred public Get virtual RNA for gene predictions 2024-08-27
ucsc-netclass public Add classification info to net 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedintersect public Intersect two bed files 2024-08-27
ucsc-qatoqac public convert from uncompressed to compressed 2024-08-27
ucsc-findmotif public find specified motif in sequence 2024-08-27
ucsc-faonerecord public Extract a single record from a .FA file 2024-08-27
ucsc-checktablecoords public check invariants on genomic coords in table(s). 2024-08-27
ucsc-getrna public Get mrna for GenBank or RefSeq sequences found in a database 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgbbidblink public Add table that just contains a pointer to a bbiFile to database. This program 2024-08-27
ucsc-ratotab public Convert ra file to table. 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslpairs public join paired ends in psl alignments 2024-08-27
ucsc-fapolyasizes public get poly A sizes 2024-08-27
ucsc-maffrags public Collect MAFs from regions specified in a 6 column bed file 2024-08-27
ucsc-facmp public Compare two .fa files 2024-08-27
ucsc-coltransform public Add and/or multiply column by constant. 2024-08-27
ucsc-hubpubliccheck public checks that the labels in hubPublic match what is in the hub labels 2024-08-27
ucsc-validatefiles public Validates the format of different genomic files. 2024-08-27
ucsc-axtchain public Chain together axt alignments. 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafspeciessubset public Extract a maf that just has a subset of species. 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgsqldump public Execute mysqldump using passwords from .hg.conf 2024-08-27
ucsc-psltochain public Convert psl records to chain records 2024-08-27
ucsc-autodtd public Give this a XML document to look at and it will come up with a DTD 2024-08-27
ucsc-checkcoveragegaps public Check for biggest gap in coverage for a list of tracks. 2024-08-27
ucsc-blasttopsl public Convert blast alignments to PSLs. 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedcoverage public Analyse coverage by bed files - chromosome by 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslcat public concatenate psl files 2024-08-27
ucsc-bigbedinfo public Show information about a bigBed file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-fastqtofa public Convert from fastq to fasta format. 2024-08-27
ucsc-maftobigmaf public Put ucsc standard maf file into bigMaf format 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslcdnafilter public Filter cDNA alignments in psl format. Filtering criteria are comparative, selecting near best in genome alignments for each given cDNA and non-comparative, based only on the quality of an individual alignment. 2024-08-27
ucsc-nibfrag public Extract part of a nib file as .fa (all bases/gaps lower case by default) 2024-08-27
ucsc-estorient public Read ESTs from a database and determine orientation based on estOrientInfo table or direction in gbCdnaInfo table. Update PSLs so that the strand reflects the direction of transcription. By default, PSLs where the direction can't be determined are dropped. 2024-08-27
ucsc-texthistogram public Make a histogram in ascii 2024-08-27
ucsc-stringify public Convert file to C strings 2024-08-27
ucsc-crtreeindexbed public Create an index for a bed file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredhisto public get data for generating histograms from a genePred file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-chromgraphtobin public Make binary version of chromGraph. 2024-08-27
ucsc-nettoaxt public Convert net (and chain) to axt. 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedtopsl public convert bed format files to psl format 2024-08-27
ucsc-wigtobigwig public Convert ascii format wig file (in fixedStep, variableStep 2024-08-27

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