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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-fasomerecords public Extract multiple fa records 2024-12-12
zagros public No Summary 2024-12-12
perl-findbin-real public Locates the full path to the script bin directory to allow the use of paths relative to the bin directory. 2024-12-12
perl-list-someutils public Provide the stuff missing in List::Util 2024-12-12
bloocoo public Bloocoo is a k-mer spectrum-based read error corrector, designed to correct large datasets with a very low memory footprint. As an example, it can correct whole human genome re-sequencing reads at 70 x coverage with less than 4GB of memory. 2024-12-12
cofold public An RNA secondary structure prediction method that takes co-transcriptional folding into account. 2024-12-12
nmrglue public A module for working with NMR data in Python 2024-12-12
trf public Tandem Repeats Finder is a program to locate and display tandem repeats in DNA sequences. 2024-12-12
ucsc-countchars public Count the number of occurrences of a particular char 2024-12-12
vcftools public A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files. This package only contains the C++ libraries whereas the package perl-vcftools-vcf contains the perl libraries 2024-12-12
seqtk public Seqtk is a fast and lightweight tool for processing sequences in the FASTA or FASTQ format 2024-12-12
ucsc-wordline public chop up words by white space and output them with one 2024-12-12
ucsc-netsplit public Split a genome net file into chromosome net files 2024-12-12
ucsc-qacagplift public Use AGP to combine per-scaffold qac into per-chrom qac. 2024-12-12
bamhash public No Summary 2024-12-12
ucsc-faalign public Align two fasta files 2024-12-12
evidencemodeler public Evidence Modeler combines ab intio gene predictions, protein alignments, and transcript alignments into weighted consensus gene structures 2024-12-12
assemblyutility public No Summary 2024-12-12
python-hyphy-python public HyPhy package interface library 2024-12-12
fastsimbac public Models bacterial recombination 2024-12-12
ucsc-catdir public concatenate files in directory to stdout. 2024-12-12
ucsc-fatotab public convert fa file to tab separated file 2024-12-12
ucsc-getrnapred public Get virtual RNA for gene predictions 2024-12-12
r-loom public An interface for the single-cell RNAseq-oriented loom format. Loom files are an HDF5-based format for storing and interacting with large single-cell RNAseq datasets. loomR provides an interface for working with loom files in a loom-specific way; we provide routines for validating loom files, iterating with chunks through data within the loom file, and provide a platform for other packages to build support for loom files. 2024-12-12
ucsc-mafsplit public Split multiple alignment files 2024-12-12
snp-dists public Convert a FASTA alignment to SNP distance matrix 2024-12-12
aragorn public ARAGORN, tRNA (and tmRNA) detection 2024-12-12
mappy public Minimap2 Python binding 2024-12-12
ucsc-pslmap public map PSLs alignments to new targets using alignments of 2024-12-12
ucsc-psltobed public transform a psl format file to a bed format file. 2024-12-12
r-soap-nmr public No Summary 2024-12-12
ucsc-crtreeindexbed public Create an index for a bed file. 2024-12-12
mlrho public Takes as input a file with assembled reads from a single diploid individual and returns maximum likelihood estimates of the population mutation rate, , the sequencing error , the zygosity correlation, and the population recombination rate. 2024-12-12
ucsc-bedgeneparts public Given a bed, spit out promoter, first exon, or all introns. 2024-12-12
seq-gen public Seq-Gen is a program that will simulate the evolution of nucleotide or amino acid sequences along a phylogeny, using common models of the substitution process. 2024-12-12
ucsc-pslmappostchain public Post genomic pslMap (TransMap) chaining. This takes transcripts that have been mapped via genomic chains adds back in blocks that didn't get include in genomic chains due to complex rearrangements or other issues. 2024-12-12
tidyp public Program for cleaning up and validating HTML 2024-12-12
ucsc-psltopslx public Convert from psl to pslx format, which includes sequences 2024-12-12
perl-heap-simple-xs public No Summary 2024-12-12
ucsc-gaptolift public create lift file from gap table(s) 2024-12-12
adapterremoval public The AdapterRemoval v2 tool for merging and clipping reads. 2024-12-12
ucsc-bigwigcat public merge non-overlapping bigWig files 2024-12-12
ucsc-pslselect public select records from a PSL file. 2024-12-12
ucsc-bigwigmerge public Merge together multiple bigWigs into a single output bedGraph. 2024-12-12
ucsc-pslmrnacover public Make histogram of coverage percentage of mRNA in psl. 2024-12-12
ucsc-mafspeciessubset public Extract a maf that just has a subset of species. 2024-12-12
fastq-and-furious public Fast handling of FASTQ files 2024-12-12
ucsc-hgloadnet public Load a generic net file into database 2024-12-12
tantan public tantan masks simple regions (low complexity & short-period tandem repeats) in biological sequences. 2024-12-12
ucsc-hgloadout public load RepeatMasker .out files into database 2024-12-12

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