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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
fwdpy11 public Forward-time population genetic simulation in Python. 2024-12-13
digestiflow-cli public Command line client for Digestiflow. 2024-12-13
pgma-simple public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-bedweedoverlapping public Filter out beds that overlap a 'weed.bed' file. 2024-12-13
meryl public No Summary 2024-12-13
ska public SKA (Split Kmer Analysis) 2024-12-13
ucsc-dbsnoop public Produce an overview of a database. 2024-12-13
fmlrc public A long-read error correction tool using the multi-string Burrows Wheeler Transform 2024-12-13
estscan public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-linestora public generate .ra format from lines with pipe-separated fields 2024-12-13
ucsc-stringify public Convert file to C strings. 2024-12-13
vdjer public B Cell Receptor Repertoire Reconstruction from short read mRNA-Seq data 2024-12-13
perl-socket6 public IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators 2024-12-13
ucsc-bigpsltopsl public convert bigPsl file to psl 2024-12-13
w4mclassfilter public Filter Workflow4Metabolomics feature list, optionally imputing NA values. 2024-12-13
ucsc-wigcorrelate public Produce a table that correlates all pairs of wigs. 2024-12-13
perl-perl-unsafe-signals public Allow unsafe handling of signals in selected blocks 2024-12-13
ucsc-hgfindspec public Create hgFindSpec table from trackDb.ra files. 2024-12-13
fqtrim public fqtrim is a versatile stand-alone utility that can be used to trim adapters, poly-A tails, terminal unknown bases (Ns) and low quality 3' regions in reads from high-throughput next-generation sequencing machines. 2024-12-13
ucsc-ratolines public Output .ra file stanzas as single lines, with pipe-separated fields. 2024-12-13
fasta_ushuffle public a wrapper for uShuffle 2024-12-13
art public No Summary 2024-12-13
kalign2 public Kalign is a fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment algorithm designed to align large numbers of protein sequences. 2024-12-13
gvcfgenotyper public A utility for merging and genotyping Illumina-style GVCFs. 2024-12-13
perl-acme-damn public 'Unbless' Perl objects. 2024-12-13
r-lme4qtl public Linear mixed models (lme4) with flexible covariance structure for qtl and association analysis. 2024-12-13
pizzly public Fast fusion detection using kallisto 2024-12-13
starcode public Starcode: sequence clustering based on all-pairs search 2024-12-13
nanoblaster public Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool for Oxford Nanopore Long Sequences 2024-12-13
genometester4 public A toolkit for performing set operations - union, intersection and complement - on k-mer lists. 2024-12-13
ucsc-hgspeciesrna public Create fasta file with RNA from one species 2024-12-13
dialign2 public DIALIGN multiple sequence alignment using various sources of external information 2024-12-13
perl-gdtextutil public Text utilities for use with GD 2024-12-13
ucsc-trfbig public Mask tandem repeats on a big sequence file. 2024-12-13
ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig public Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format. 2024-12-13
fqzcomp public Fqzcomp is a basic fastq compressor, designed primarily for high performance. 2024-12-13
ucsc-maffrag public Extract maf sequences for a region from database 2024-12-13
epa-ng public Massively parallel phylogenetic placement of genetic sequences 2024-12-13
btrim public This tool is made to remove "tips" (short dead ends) from a compacted de Bruijn graph and more generally to remove sequencing errors. Used in Bcool a short read corrector (https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.03336) 2024-12-13
ucsc-genepredtomafframes public create mafFrames tables from a genePreds 2024-12-13
ucsc-maffilter public Filter out maf files. Output goes to standard out 2024-12-13
r-annotables public Provides tables for converting and annotating Ensembl Gene IDs. 2024-12-13
ucsc-pslrecalcmatch public Recalculate match,mismatch,repMatch columns in psl file. 2024-12-13
ucsc-axtchain public Chain together axt alignments. 2024-12-13
ucsc-parasol public Parasol is the name given to the overall system for managing jobs on a computer cluster and to this specific command. This command is intended primarily for system administrators. The 'para' command is the primary command for users. 2024-12-13
ucsc-twobitmask public apply masking to a .2bit file, creating a new .2bit file 2024-12-13
ucsc-facount public count base statistics and CpGs in FA files. 2024-12-13
bcov public BCov is a software package designed for predicting protein beta-sheet topology from amino acid sequence. 2024-12-13
ucsc-mafgene public output protein alignments using maf and genePred 2024-12-13
twopaco public A fast constructor of the compressed de Bruijn graph from many genomes. 2024-12-13

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