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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-rubic public No Summary 2024-12-13
smhasher public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-chromgraphtobin public Make binary version of chromGraph. 2024-12-13
ucsc-chainprenet public Remove chains that don't have a chance of being netted 2024-12-13
zerone public Zerone discretizes several ChIP-seq replicates simultaneously and resolves conflicts between them. 2024-12-13
perl-math-cdf public Generate probabilities and quantiles from several statistical probability functions 2024-12-13
takeabreak public tool that can detect inversion breakpoints directly from raw NGS reads, without the need of any reference genome and without de novo assembling the genomes 2024-12-13
ucsc-chainfilter public Filter chain files. Output goes to standard out. 2024-12-13
groot public A tool for resistome profiling of metagenomic samples. 2024-12-13
prodigal public Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program 2024-12-13
ucsc-wigtobigwig public Convert ascii format wig file (in fixedStep, variableStep). 2024-12-13
pytabix public Fast random access to sorted files compressed with bgzip and indexed by tabix. 2024-12-13
ucsc-bigwigsummary public Extract summary information from a bigWig file. 2024-12-13
ucsc-psldropoverlap public deletes all overlapping self alignments. 2024-12-13
clustalw public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-oligomatch public find perfect matches in sequence. 2024-12-13
nonpareil public Estimate average coverage and create curves for metagenomic datasets 2024-12-13
selscan public a program to calculate EHH-based scans for positive selection in genomes 2024-12-13
ucsc-findmotif public find specified motif in sequence 2024-12-13
ucsc-chaintoaxt public Convert from chain to axt file 2024-12-13
swarm public A robust and fast clustering method for amplicon-based studies. 2024-12-13
dsk public DSK is a k-mer counter for reads or genomes. 2024-12-13
ucsc-psltochain public Convert psl records to chain records 2024-12-13
cd-hit public Clusters and compares protein or nucleotide sequences 2024-12-13
mvicuna public M-Vicuna is a modularized version of VICUNA, a de novo assembly program targeting populations with high mutation rates 2024-12-13
sparc public No Summary 2024-12-13
verse public VERSE: a versatile and efficient RNA-Seq read counting tool 2024-12-13
lordfast public Sensitive and Fast Alignment Search Tool for Long Read sequencing Data 2024-12-13
ucsc-tolower public Convert upper case to lower case in file. Leave other chars alone 2024-12-13
anise_basil public BASIL is a method to detect breakpoints for structural variants (including insertion breakpoints) from aligned paired HTS reads in BAM format. ANISE is a method for the assembly of large insertions from paired reads in BAM format and a list candidate insert breakpoints as generated by BASIL. 2024-12-13
mapdia public Performs essential data preprocessing, including novel retention time-based normalization method and a sequence of peptide/fragment selection steps, and more importantly, hierarchical model-based statistical significance analysis for multi-group comparisons under representative experimental designs. 2024-12-13
red public Red (RepeatsDetector): an intelligent, rapid, accurate tool for detecting repeats de-novo on the genomic scale. 2024-12-13
hapbin public hapbin is a collection of tools for efficiently calculating Extended Haplotype Homozygosity (EHH), the Integrated Haplotype Score (iHS) and the Cross Population Extended Haplotype Homozogysity (XP-EHH) statistic. 2024-12-13
ucsc-addcols public Sum columns in a text file. 2024-12-13
ucsc-avecols public average together columns 2024-12-13
ucsc-chainsplit public Split chains up by target or query sequence 2024-12-13
ucsc-fapolyasizes public get poly A sizes 2024-12-13
rust-ncbitaxonomy public A Rust crate for working with a local copy of the NCBI Taxonomy database, which provides utilities for taxonomic filtering. 2024-12-13
ucsc-hgbbidblink public Add table that just contains a pointer to a bbiFile to database. This program 2024-12-13
ucsc-mktime public convert date string to unix timestamp 2024-12-13
trimal public A tool for the automated removal of spurious sequences or poorly aligned regions from a multiple sequence alignment 2024-12-13
racon public Ultrafast consensus module for raw de novo genome assembly of long uncorrected reads. 2024-12-13
r-xmlrpc public A simple implementation of XML-RPC for R. 2024-12-13
ucsc-pslswap public Swap target and query in psls 2024-12-13
ucsc-ratotab public Convert ra file to table. 2024-12-13
ucsc-fetchchromsizes public used to fetch chrom.sizes information from UCSC for the given <db> 2024-12-13
ucsc-nibsize public print size of nibs 2024-12-13
htstream public HTStream is a quality control and processing pipeline for High Throughput Sequencing data. The difference between HTStream and other tools is that HTStream uses a tab delimited fastq format that allows for streaming from application to application. This streaming creates some awesome efficiencies when processing HTS data and makes it fully interoperable with other standard Linux tools. 2024-12-13
libbigwig public A C library for handling bigWig files 2024-12-13
hmmer public Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models 2024-12-13

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