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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-hgu133aprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was HG-U133A\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.nugo.hs1a520180 public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name NuGO_Hs1a520180 2024-12-22
bioconductor-adductdata public Data from untargeted MS of modifications to Cys34 of serum albumin 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mgu74av2cdf public A package containing an environment representing the MG_U74Av2.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.maize public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Maize 2024-12-22
bioconductor-depmap public Cancer Dependency Map Data Package 2024-12-22
bioconductor-bovine.db0 public Base Level Annotation databases for bovine 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.chicken public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Chicken 2024-12-22
bioconductor-humanaffydata public GEO accession GSE64985 and ArrayExpress accession E-MTAB-62 as ExpressionSet objects 2024-12-22
bioconductor-rgu34cprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was RG-U34C\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.chigene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix ChiGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-curatedadipochip public A Curated ChIP-Seq Dataset of MDI-induced Differentiated Adipocytes (3T3-L1) 2024-12-22
xbioc public Extra Base Functions for Bioconductor 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.rhegene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix RheGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-emtdata public An ExperimentHub Package for data sets with an Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hgu95bcdf public A package containing an environment representing the HG U95B.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-easierdata public easier internal data and exemplary dataset from IMvigor210CoreBiologies package 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mimager public mimager: The Microarray Imager 2024-12-22
bioconductor-soybeancdf public A package containing an environment representing the Soybean.cdf file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-copyneutralima public Copy Neutral Illumina Methylation Arrays 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.drogene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix DroGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-vitisviniferacdf public A package containing an environment representing the Vitis_Vinifera.cdf file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-u133aaofav2cdf public A package containing an environment representing the U133AAofAv2.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mogene.2.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MoGene-2_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-tenxpbmcdata public PBMC data from 10X Genomics 2024-12-22
bioconductor-org.mm.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Mouse 2024-12-22
bioconductor-puma public Propagating Uncertainty in Microarray Analysis(including Affymetrix tranditional 3' arrays and exon arrays and Human Transcriptome Array 2.0) 2024-12-22
bioconductor-octad.db public Open Cancer TherApeutic Discovery (OCTAD) database 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mu11ksubbcdf public A package containing an environment representing the Mu11KsubB.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-spatialdatasets public Collection of spatial omics datasets 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.rta.1.0 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix RTA-1_0 2024-12-22
bioconductor-orthology.eg.db public Orthology mapping package 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.ht.hg.u133a public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_HG-U133A 2024-12-22
bioconductor-cosiadata public VST normalized RNA-Sequencing data with annotations for multiple species samples from Bgee 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mirnatap public miRNAtap: microRNA Targets - Aggregated Predictions 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mapping250k.sty public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Mapping250K_Sty 2024-12-22
bioconductor-bloodgen3module public This R package for performing module repertoire analyses and generating fingerprint representations 2024-12-22
bioconductor-biocset public Representing Different Biological Sets 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mapping250k.nsp public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Mapping250K_Nsp 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hdcytodata public Collection of high-dimensional cytometry benchmark datasets in Bioconductor object formats 2024-12-22
bioconductor-barley1cdf public A package containing an environment representing the Barley1.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-msnid public Utilities for Exploration and Assessment of Confidence of LC-MSn Proteomics Identifications 2024-12-22
bioconductor-org.ag.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Anopheles 2024-12-22
bioconductor-phyloprofile public PhyloProfile 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.chogene.2.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix CHOGene-2_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-cosmiq public cosmiq - COmbining Single Masses Into Quantities 2024-12-22
bioconductor-org.eck12.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for E coli strain K12 2024-12-22
bioconductor-arrayexpress public Access the ArrayExpress Collection at EMBL-EBI Biostudies and build Bioconductor data structures: ExpressionSet, AffyBatch, NChannelSet 2024-12-22
bioconductor-paeg1aprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was P\_aeg1a\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.tomato public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Tomato 2024-12-22

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