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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
postmaster public Postmaster is a tool for annotating transcriptome alignments with posterior alignment probabilities derived from salmon quantifications. 2025-03-25
danbing-tk public Toolkit for VNTR genotyping and repeat-pan genome graph construction 2025-03-25
longbow public A Python program for nanopore sequencing basecalling configuration prediction 2025-03-25
r-psminer public Utilities for interacting with the pathogensurveillance pipeline. 2025-03-25
te-aid public Annotation helper tool for the manual curation of transposable element consensus sequences 2025-03-25
lassaseq public Tool for downloading Lassa virus sequences 2025-03-25
ebolaseq public Tool for downloading and analyzing Ebola virus sequences 2025-03-25
enviroampdesigner public Tool for training model and classifying reads from environmental ONT amplicon sequencing. 2025-03-25
snakemake-storage-plugin-sharepoint public Snakemake storage plugin for reading and writing files on Microsoft SharePoint. 2025-03-25
autocycler public A tool for generating consensus long-read assemblies for bacterial genomes. 2025-03-25
cayman public A command-line profiling tool for profiling CAZyme abundances in metagenomic datasets. 2025-03-25
mity public Mity is a bioinformatic analysis pipeline designed to call mitochondrial SNV and INDEL variants from Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data. 2025-03-25
pvga public PVGA is a powerful virus-focused assembler that does both assembly and polishing. 2025-03-25
gqlib public A gene quantification library. 2025-03-25
mitosalt public MitoSAlt is a pipeline to identify large deletions and duplications in human and mouse mitochondrial genomes from next generation whole genome/exome sequencing data. The pipeline is capable of analyzing any circular genome in principle, as long as a proper configuration file is provided. 2025-03-25
mitorsaw public A tool for mitochondrial analysis for HiFi sequencing data 2025-03-25
artex public Artex - Artic pipeline extension 2025-03-25
metator public Metagenomic binning based on Hi-C data. 2025-03-25
ctc-scite public CTC-SCITE is a software package to infer cell lineages of single-cells and clusters of single-cells. 2025-03-25
vpt public Command line tool for highly parallelized processing of Vizgen data 2025-03-25
vpt-core public Core components for the Vizgen Post-processing Tool 2025-03-25
neffy-cli public NEFF calculator and MSA file converter 2025-03-25
baczy public Bacterial toolkit 2025-03-25
gfviewer public A bioinformatics tool for visualizing the localization of multi-gene families across the genome of a given organism. 2025-03-25
cleanifier public A fast lightweight tool to remove contamination using k-mers. 2025-03-25

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