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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pathogen-embed public Create reduced dimension embeddings for pathogen sequences 2024-08-22
sigprofilerassignment public SigProfilerAssignment - Assignment of known mutational signatures to individual samples and individual somatic mutations 2024-08-22
pyseer public Sequence Element Enrichment Analysis (SEER), python implementation 2024-08-22
cami-opal public OPAL assesses and compares the performance of taxonomic metagenome profilers. 2024-08-21
strdust public Tandem repeat genotyper for long reads. 2024-08-21
mquad public MQuad: Mixture Model for Mitochondrial Mutation detection in single-cell omics data. 2024-08-21
bbmix public BBMix: inference of beta-binomial mixture model 2024-08-21
gmwi2 public Enhanced Health Status Prediction from Gut Microbiome Taxonomic Profiles 2024-08-21
vcfsim public Script for generating simulated VCF's leveraging a coalescent simulating backend. 2024-08-21
ms2query public Reliable and fast MS/MS spectral based analogue search 2024-08-20
cellsnp-lite public Efficient genotyping bi-allelic SNPs on single cells 2024-08-20
cloci public Co-occurrence Locus and Orthologous Cluster Identifier 2024-08-20
xclone public Inference of clonal Copy Number Alterations in single cells. 2024-08-20
abritamr public Running AMRFinderPlus for MDU 2024-08-20
snakemake-storage-plugin-fs public A Snakemake storage plugin that reads and writes from a locally mounted filesystem using rsync 2024-08-19
segalign-galaxy public SegAlign: A Scalable GPU-Based Whole Genome Aligner 2024-08-19
segalign-full public SegAlign: A Scalable GPU-Based Whole Genome Aligner 2024-08-19
plasnet public Clustering, visualising and exploring plasmid networks 2024-08-19
snakemake-interface-storage-plugins public This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its storage plugins. 2024-08-19
graphbin public GraphBin: Refined binning of metagenomic contigs using assembly graphs 2024-08-19
alen public Simple terminal sequence alignment viewer 2024-08-19
pipits public PIPITS: An automated pipeline for analyses of fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from the Illumina sequencing platform 2024-08-19
dice public Cell lineage reconstruction from single-cell CNA data 2024-08-17
nanocount public Transcript abundance estimation from Nanopore *direct-RNA sequencing* datasets 2024-08-16
haplotaglr public Haplotagging individual long reads using known haplotype information. 2024-08-16
varfish-server-worker public Rust-based tool for the heavy lifting in varfish-server. 2024-08-16
metabinner public Ensemble binning method to recover individual genomes from complex microbial communities 2024-08-16
pyrodigal-gv public A Pyrodigal extension to predict genes in giant viruses and viruses with alternative genetic code. 2024-08-15
roadies public Reference-free Orthology-free Alignment-free DIscordance aware Estimation of Species tree (ROADIES) 2024-08-15
pia public PIA is a toolbox for MS based protein inference and identification analysis. 2024-08-14
snakemake-executor-plugin-googlebatch public Snakemake executor plugin for Google Batch 2024-08-14
scar public scAR (single-cell Ambient Remover) is a deep learning model for ambient signal removal in droplet-based single cell omicsis. 2024-08-14
pymochi public Neural networks to quantify energies, energetic couplings, epistasis and allostery from deep mutational scanning data 2024-08-14
snakemake-storage-plugin-s3 public A Snakemake storage plugin for S3 API storage (AWS S3, MinIO, etc.) 2024-08-14
singlem public SingleM is a tool for profiling shotgun metagenomes. It has a particular strength in detecting microbial lineages which are not in reference databases. The method it uses also makes it suitable for some related tasks, such as assessing eukaryotic contamination, finding bias in genome recovery, and lineage-targeted MAG recovery. 2024-08-14
cellbender public A software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data 2024-08-13
tcdemux public Demultiplex files and prepare reads for the target capture analysis pipeline. 2024-08-13
pdbx public pdbx is a parser module in python for structures of the protein data bank in the mmcif format 2024-08-13
phyloaln public PhyloAln: a reference-based multiple sequence alignment tool for phylogeny 2024-08-13
hairsplitter public Recovers collapsed haplotypes from a draft assembly and long reads 2024-08-12
cryptkeeper public A negative design tool for predicting and visualizing undesired gene expression 2024-08-12
phylofisher public A package for the creation, analysis, and visualization of eukaryotic phylogenomic datasets. 2024-08-12
treetime public Maximum-Likelihood dating and ancestral inference for phylogenetic trees 2024-08-11
poolsnp public PoolSNP is a heuristic SNP caller, which uses an MPILEUP file and a reference genome in FASTA format as inputs. 2024-08-10
pyani public pyani provides a package and script for calculation of genome-scale average nucleotide identity. 2024-08-09
dingii public Computing the Rearrangement Distance of Natural Genomes. 2024-08-09
resfinder public ResFinder identifies acquired antimicrobial resistance genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria. 2024-08-09
rhotermpredict public RhoTermPredict (Barrick Lab Fork) 2024-08-09
promotercalculator public Promoter-Calculator (Barrick Lab Fork) 2024-08-09
fraposa-pgsc public Tools to perform ancestry projection to a reference dataset within the calculator pipeline (pgsc_calc) 2024-08-08

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