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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconda-repodata-patches public generate tweaks to index metadata, hosted separately from anaconda.org index 2025-03-21
fastga public FastGA - A Fast Genome Aligner. 2025-03-20
snakemake-minimal public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2025-03-20
snakemake public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2025-03-20
snakemake-storage-plugin-fs public A Snakemake storage plugin that reads and writes from a locally mounted filesystem using rsync. 2025-03-20
mi-pimento public A PrIMEr infereNce TOolkit to facilitate large-scale calling of metabarcoding amplicon sequence variants 2025-03-20
cctyper public CRISPRCasTyper: Automatic detection and subtyping of CRISPR-Cas operons 2025-03-20
dbcan public Standalone version of dbCAN annotation tool for automated CAZyme annotation. 2025-03-20
ntm-profiler public Profiling tool for NTM to detect species and resistance from WGS data 2025-03-20
semibin public Metagenomic binning with siamese neural networks 2025-03-20
firecloud public API and CLI for Broad Institute's Firecloud workspace/workflow management service. 2025-03-20
binette public A fast and accurate binning refinement tool to constructs high quality MAGs from the output of multiple binning tools. 2025-03-20
fgpyo public Python bioinformatics and genomics library 2025-03-20
bioconductor-scdblfinder public scDblFinder 2025-03-20
bioconductor-scater public Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R 2025-03-20
bioconductor-scds public In-Silico Annotation of Doublets for Single Cell RNA Sequencing Data 2025-03-20
snakemake-interface-storage-plugins public This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its storage plugins. 2025-03-20
caspeak public A pipeline for finding non-reference mobile element insertions 2025-03-20
nextclade public Viral genome alignment, mutation calling, clade assignment, quality checks and phylogenetic placement 2025-03-20
metagenome-atlas public ATLAS - Three commands to start analysing your metagenome data 2025-03-20
snakemake-interface-logger-plugins public This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its logger plugins. 2025-03-20
nrpys public Python language bindings for nrps-rs substrate specificity predictor. 2025-03-20
shiba2sashimi public A utility for creating sashimi plot from Shiba output 2025-03-20
plasann public A tool for plasmid annotation and visualization 2025-03-20
hyphy public An open-source software package for comparative sequence analysis using stochastic evolutionary models. 2025-03-20
nanocaller public NanoCaller for accurate detection of SNPs and indels in difficult-to-map regions from long-read sequencing. 2025-03-20
corgi public Classifier for ORganelle Genomes Inter alia 2025-03-20
somaticseq public An ensemble approach to accurately detect somatic mutations. 2025-03-19
nda-tools public Python package for interacting with NDA web services. 2025-03-19
perl-extutils-depends public Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions. 2025-03-19
ezomero public A module with convenience functions for writing Python code that interacts with OMERO. 2025-03-19
latch public The Latch python bioinformatics framework 2025-03-19
wakhan public A tool to analyze haplotype-specific chromosome-scale somatic copy number aberrations and aneuploidy using long reads 2025-03-19
pytrf public a fast Python package for finding tandem repeat sequences 2025-03-19
fusion-report public Tool for parsing outputs from fusion detection tools. Part of a nf-core/rnafusion pipeline 2025-03-19
bioconductor-lpsymphony public Symphony integer linear programming solver in R 2025-03-19
repeatmasker public RepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences. 2025-03-19
bioconductor-flowworkspace public Infrastructure for representing and interacting with gated and ungated cytometry data sets. 2025-03-19
ngs-bits public Short-read sequencing tools 2025-03-19
npstructures public Simple data structures that augments the numpy library 2025-03-19
bioconductor-cellnoptr public Training of boolean logic models of signalling networks using prior knowledge networks and perturbation data 2025-03-19
bioconductor-rgadem public de novo motif discovery 2025-03-19
bioconductor-rbowtie public R bowtie wrapper 2025-03-19
bioconductor-deepsnv public Detection of subclonal SNVs in deep sequencing data. 2025-03-19
bioconductor-aseb public Predict Acetylated Lysine Sites 2025-03-19
bioconductor-beaddatapackr public Compression of Illumina BeadArray data 2025-03-19
bioconductor-tweedeseq public RNA-seq data analysis using the Poisson-Tweedie family of distributions 2025-03-19
pisad public pisad - Phsaed Intraspecies Sample Anomalies Detection tool 2025-03-19
ncbi-vdb-py public SRA tools database engine (Python bindings). 2025-03-19
captus public Captus: Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data 2025-03-19

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