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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
cpstools public CPStools is a package for analyzing chloroplast genome sequences. 2024-10-06
snakemake-interface-executor-plugins public This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its executor plugins. 2024-10-06
bioconda-repodata-patches public generate tweaks to index metadata, hosted separately from anaconda.org index 2024-10-06
pgrc public A tool for compressing the DNA stream of FASTQ datasets. 2024-10-05
genomad public Identification of mobile genetic elements 2024-10-05
qtlseq public QTL-seq: pipeline to identify causative mutations responsible for a phenotype 2024-10-05
mutmap public MutMap: pipeline to identify causative mutations responsible for a phenotype 2024-10-05
vclean public vClean: Assessing the contamination of viral genomes 2024-10-05
maxit public MAXIT assists in the processing and curation of macromolecular structure data. 2024-10-05
mashmap public A fast approximate aligner for long DNA sequences. 2024-10-04
harpy public Process raw haplotagging data, from raw sequences to phased haplotypes. 2024-10-04
phables public Phables: from fragmented assemblies to high-quality bacteriophage genomes 2024-10-04
snakemake-interface-report-plugins public This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its report plugins. 2024-10-04
protgraph public ProtGraph, a graph generator for proteins. 2024-10-04
peaks2utr public A robust, parallelized Python CLI for annotating three_prime_UTR 2024-10-04
snakemake-interface-common public Common functions and classes for Snakemake and its plugins 2024-10-04
tidk public Identify and find telomeres, or telomeric repeats in a genome. 2024-10-04
hmftools-sage public SAGE is a somatic SNV, MNV and small INDEL caller optimised 100x tumor / 40x normal coverage, but has a flexible set of filters that can be adapted to lower or higher depth coverage. 2024-10-04
kleborate public Kleborate: a tool for typing and screening pathogen genome assemblies 2024-10-04
goldrush public Linear-time de novo long read assembler, from the Bioinformatics Technology Lab 2024-10-04
hmftools-cuppa public Predict tissue of origin for tumor samples from WGTS data. 2024-10-04
hmftools-cobalt public Calculate read-depth counts and GC ratios to use in PURPLE. 2024-10-04
hmftools-peach public Infer haplotypes for interpretation in a pharmacogenomic context 2024-10-04
bactopia-py public A Python package for working with Bactopia 2024-10-04
hmftools-amber public Generates a tumor BAF file for use in PURPLE. 2024-10-04
hmftools-redux public Post-processing read alignments to control sequencing errors and biases 2024-10-04
dnaio public Read and write FASTA and FASTQ files efficiently 2024-10-04
hmftools-virus-interpreter public Post-process VIRUSBreakend summary results. 2024-10-04
hmftools-pave public PAVE annotates SNV/MNV/INDEL calls with consequence on corresponding genes, transcripts, and proteins. 2024-10-04
hmftools-bam-tools public Rapidly process BAMs for various tasks. 2024-10-04
skder public skDER & CiDDER: efficient & high-resolution dereplication methods for microbial genomes 2024-10-04
lighter public Lighter is a kmer-based error correction method for whole genome sequencing data 2024-10-03
tracs public Tracs - Fast pairwise transmission inference from single genome and/or metagenomic data 2024-10-03
orthologer public Find orthologous genes as well as mapping to OrthoDB. 2024-10-03
pysradb public Python package for retrieving metadata and downloading datasets from SRA/ENA/GEO 2024-10-03
tbtamr public A tool implementing TB-Profiler for reporting of genomic DST for M. tuberculosis in a CPHL 2024-10-03
versionix public Get version of any tools. 2024-10-03
clusty public Clusty is a tool for large-scale data clustering. 2024-10-03
pcaone public PCAone - Principal Component Analysis All in One 2024-10-03
longreadsum public Long read sequencing data quality control tool 2024-10-03
gxf2bed public Fastest GTF/GFF-to-BED converter chilling around 2024-10-03
strobealign public Align short reads using dynamic seed size with strobemers 2024-10-03
spec2vec public Word2Vec based similarity measure of mass spectrometry data. 2024-10-03
pydustmasker public Python library for identification and masking of low-complexity regions in nucleotide sequences. 2024-10-03
verkko public A hybrid genome assembly pipeline developed for telomere-to-telomere assembly of accurate (HiFi, ONT Duplex, ONT HERRO) and long (ONT UL) reads. 2024-10-03
k8 public Lightweight JavaScript shell based on Google's V8 JavaScript engine 2024-10-03
rukki public Extracting paths from assembly graphs. 2024-10-02
mycotools public Comparative genomics automation and standardization software. 2024-10-02
bactopia-teton public Methods used by Bactopia for taxonomic classification 2024-10-02
sizemeup public A simple tool to determine the genome size of an organism 2024-10-02

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