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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
autobigs-cli public A CLI tool to rapidly fetch fetch MLST profiles given sequences for various diseases. 2025-01-25
grepq public Quickly filter FASTQ files 2025-01-25
nbitk public nbitk: Naturalis BioInformatics ToolKit 2025-01-25
pybwa public Pybwa is a python module that makes it easy to align sequence data. It is a lightweight wrapper of bwa. 2025-01-25
bioconda-repodata-patches public generate tweaks to index metadata, hosted separately from anaconda.org index 2025-01-25
paraphase public HiFi-based caller for highly homologous genes 2025-01-24
seismic-rna public SEISMIC-RNA software by the Rouskin Lab 2025-01-24
notramp public Super-fast Normalization and Trimming for Amplicon Sequencing Data (Long- and Short-read) 2025-01-24
strangepg public Strange pangenome-scale interactive graph visualizer 2025-01-24
autobigs-engine public A library to rapidly fetch fetch MLST profiles given sequences for various diseases. 2025-01-24
solvebio public The SolveBio Python client 2025-01-24
rbpbench public Evaluate CLIP-seq and other genomic region data using a comprehensive collection of known RBP binding motifs 2025-01-24
mgnify-pipelines-toolkit public Collection of scripts and tools for MGnify pipelines 2025-01-24
gdc-client public GDC Data Transfer Tool 2025-01-24
piscem public piscem is a next-generation compacted colored de Bruijn Graph-based indexer and mapper 2025-01-24
bakta public Rapid & standardized annotation of bacterial genomes, MAGs & plasmids. 2025-01-24
pyopenms public python bindings for OpenMS, an open-source software C++ library for LC-MS data management and analyses 2025-01-24
cat public CAT/BAT: tool for taxonomic classification of contigs and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) 2025-01-24
viroconstrictor public ViroConstrictor is a flexible pipeline for analysis of targeted viral sequencing data 2025-01-24
varfish-cli public Command line interface to VarFish via REST API 2025-01-24
nanomotif public Identifying methlyation motifs in nanopore data 2025-01-24
transannot public TransAnnot: a fast transcriptome annotation pipeline. 2025-01-24
amdirt public amdirt: AncientMetagenomeDir Toolkit 2025-01-24
nafcodec public PyO3 bindings and Python interface to nafcodec, an encoder/decoder for Nucleotide Archive Format (NAF) files. 2025-01-24
bali-phy public Phylogenetics - Bayesian estimation of phylogenies and multiple sequence alignments. 2025-01-24
gw public View genomic sequencing data and vcf files 2025-01-24
mavenn public MAVE-NN: genotype-phenotype maps from multiplex assays of variant effect. 2025-01-24
oakvar public OakVar - Genomic Variant Analysis Platform 2025-01-24
seqerakit public Automate creation of Seqera Platform resources 2025-01-24
fastqsplitter public Splits FASTQ files evenly. 2025-01-24
kma public KMA is a mapping method designed to map raw reads directly against redundant databases, in an ultra-fast manner using seed and extend. 2025-01-24
quatradis public A set of tools to analyse the output from TraDIS analyses 2025-01-23
rnastructure public RNAstructure is a complete package for RNA and DNA secondary structure prediction and analysis. It includes algorithms for secondary structure prediction, including facility to predict base pairing probabilities. It also can be used to predict bimolecular structures and can predict the equilibrium binding affinity of an oligonucleotide to a structured RNA target. This is useful for siRNA design. It can also predict secondary structures common to two, unaligned sequences, which is much more accurate than single sequence secondary structure prediction. Finally, RNAstructure can take a number of different types of experiment mapping data to constrain or restrain structure prediction. These include chemical mapping, enzymatic mapping, NMR, and SHAPE data. 2025-01-23
parsnp public Parsnp is a command-line-tool for efficient microbial core genome alignment and SNP detection. 2025-01-23
snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm public A Snakemake executor plugin for submitting jobs to a SLURM cluster. 2025-01-23
pydamage public Damage parameter estimation for ancient DNA. 2025-01-23
pybiolib public BioLib Python Client 2025-01-23
perl-math-bigint public Arbitrary size floating point math package 2025-01-23
ncbi-stxtyper public StxTyper identifies and types Stx operons from assembled genomic sequence. 2025-01-23
primerforge public primerForge: software to identify primers that can be used to distinguish genomes. 2025-01-23
gaftools public gaftools is a fast and comprehensive toolkit designed for processing pangenome alignments in GAF format 2025-01-23
artic public ARTIC pipeline - a bioinformatics pipeline for working with virus sequencing data sequenced with nanopore. 2025-01-23
marti public Metagenomic Analysis in Real Time 2025-01-23
resistify public A resistance gene annotation tool. 2025-01-23
openms public OpenMS is an open-source software C++ library for LC-MS data management and analyses 2025-01-23
libopenms public OpenMS is an open-source software C++ library for LC-MS data management and analyses 2025-01-23
openms-thirdparty public OpenMS is an open-source software C++ library for LC-MS data management and analyses 2025-01-23
perl-string-diff public Simple diff to String 2025-01-23
spaln public Map and align a set of cDNA/EST or protein sequences onto a genome 2025-01-23
longstitch public A genome assembly correction and scaffolding pipeline using long reads 2025-01-23

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