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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-genarise public Microarray Analysis tool 2024-12-14
bioconductor-gsalightning public Fast Permutation-based Gene Set Analysis 2024-12-14
straitrazor public The STR Allele Identification Tool 2024-12-14
bioconductor-calm public Covariate Assisted Large-scale Multiple testing 2024-12-14
fastindep public A fast random heuristic algorithm for identifying large sets of unrelated individuals and unrelated markers 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rwikipathways public rWikiPathways - R client library for the WikiPathways API 2024-12-14
bioconductor-difflogo public DiffLogo: A comparative visualisation of biooligomer motifs 2024-12-14
ucsc-gensub2 public version 12.18 2024-12-14
spacepharer public SpacePHARER: Sensitive identification of phages from CRISPR spacers in prokaryotic hosts 2024-12-14
bioconductor-gseamining public Make Biological Sense of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Outputs 2024-12-14
bioconductor-matchbox public Utilities to compute, compare, and plot the agreement between ordered vectors of features (ie. distinct genomic experiments). The package includes Correspondence-At-the-TOP (CAT) analysis. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-birewire public High-performing routines for the randomization of a bipartite graph (or a binary event matrix), undirected and directed signed graph preserving degree distribution (or marginal totals) 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mbamethyl public Model-based analysis of DNA methylation data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-genocn public genotyping and copy number study tools 2024-12-14
ucsc-crtreesearchbed public Search a crTree indexed bed file and print all items that overlap query. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-fdrame public FDR adjustments of Microarray Experiments (FDR-AME) 2024-12-14
bioconductor-quantsmooth public Quantile smoothing and genomic visualization of array data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-genega public Design gene based on both mRNA secondary structure and codon usage bias using Genetic algorithm 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rdrtoolbox public A package for nonlinear dimension reduction with Isomap and LLE. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rsemmed public An interface to the Semantic MEDLINE database 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mdqc public Mahalanobis Distance Quality Control for microarrays 2024-12-14
bioconductor-sagenhaft public Collection of functions for reading and comparing SAGE libraries 2024-12-14
bioconductor-gaprediction public Prediction of gestational age with Illumina HumanMethylation450 data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-pathifier public Quantify deregulation of pathways in cancer 2024-12-14
bioconductor-dearseq public Differential Expression Analysis for RNA-seq data through a robust variance component test 2024-12-14
bioconductor-netprior public A model for network-based prioritisation of genes 2024-12-14
bioconductor-globalseq public Global Test for Counts 2024-12-14
bioconductor-biocstyle public Standard styles for vignettes and other Bioconductor documents 2024-12-14
bioconductor-director public A dynamic visualization tool of multi-level data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-drawproteins public Package to Draw Protein Schematics from Uniprot API output 2024-12-14
bioconductor-banocc public Bayesian ANalysis Of Compositional Covariance 2024-12-14
bioconductor-enhancedvolcano public Publication-ready volcano plots with enhanced colouring and labeling 2024-12-14
bioconductor-decontam public Identify Contaminants in Marker-gene and Metagenomics Sequencing Data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-assorthead public Assorted Header-Only C++ Libraries 2024-12-14
bioconductor-deltagseg public deltaGseg 2024-12-14
bioconductor-pickgene public Adaptive Gene Picking for Microarray Expression Data Analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-phenogeneranker public PhenoGeneRanker: A gene and phenotype prioritization tool 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mirbaseconverter public A comprehensive and high-efficiency tool for converting and retrieving the information of miRNAs in different miRBase versions 2024-12-14
bioconductor-similarpeak public Metrics to estimate a level of similarity between two ChIP-Seq profiles 2024-12-14
bioconductor-biocthis public Automate package and project setup for Bioconductor packages 2024-12-14
bioconductor-hierinf public Hierarchical Inference 2024-12-14
bioconductor-compran public Complexome Profiling Analysis package 2024-12-14
bioconductor-raresim public Simulation of Rare Variant Genetic Data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-measurementerror.cor public Measurement Error model estimate for correlation coefficient 2024-12-14
bioconductor-dama public Efficient design and analysis of factorial two-colour microarray data 2024-12-14
pydna_repeatfinder public Search for direct and inverted repeats in DNA sequences. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-metabinr public Abundance and Compositional Based Binning of Metagenomes 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mgsa public Model-based gene set analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-impcdata public Retrieves data from IMPC database 2024-12-14
bioconductor-ssrch public a simple search engine 2024-12-14

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