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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-anvil public Bioconductor on the AnVIL compute environment 2024-12-15
rcorrector public Rcorrector (RNA-seq error CORRECTOR) is a kmer-based error correction method for RNA-seq data. Rcorrector can also be applied to other type of sequencing data where the read coverage is non-uniform, such as single-cell sequencing. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-anvilgcp public The GCP R Client for the AnVIL 2024-12-15
livekraken public LiveKraken is a real-time metagenomic classifier for Illumina sequencing data. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-basilisk.utils public Basilisk Installation Utilities 2024-12-15
howdesbt public Sequence Bloom Tree, supporting determined/how split filters 2024-12-15
leviathan public Linked-reads based structural variant caller with barcode indexing 2024-12-15
r-virfinder public VirFinder: a novel k-mer based tool for identifying viral sequences from assembled metagenomic data. 2024-12-15
kraken public Kraken is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. 2024-12-15
r-nbpseq public Negative Binomial (NB) models for two-group comparisons and regression inferences from RNA-Sequencing Data. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-metapone public Conducts pathway test of metabolomics data using a weighted permutation test 2024-12-15
bioconductor-degseq public Identify Differentially Expressed Genes from RNA-seq data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-fobitools public Tools for Manipulating the FOBI Ontology 2024-12-15
snk public A Snakemake CLI and Workflow Management System. 2024-12-15
xatlas public xAtlas is a fast and retrainable small variant caller that has been developed at the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-rdisop public Decomposition of Isotopic Patterns 2024-12-15
bioconductor-projectr public Functions for the projection of weights from PCA, CoGAPS, NMF, correlation, and clustering 2024-12-15
bioconductor-alpsnmr public Automated spectraL Processing System for NMR 2024-12-15
r-viscorvar public Overlaying of Correlation Circles and Network of Correlated Variables 2024-12-15
bioconductor-retrofit public RETROFIT: Reference-free deconvolution of cell mixtures in spatial transcriptomics 2024-12-15
bioconductor-timeomics public Time-Course Multi-Omics data integration 2024-12-15
bioconductor-metapod public Meta-Analyses on P-Values of Differential Analyses 2024-12-15
primer3 public Design PCR primers from DNA sequence. From mispriming libraries to sequence quality data to the generation of internal oligos, primer3 does it. 2024-12-15
rapidshapes public RapidShapes computes a thermodynamic matcher (TDM), using a runtime heuristic for probabilistic shape analysis. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-lea public LEA: an R package for Landscape and Ecological Association Studies 2024-12-15
phcue-ck public phcue-ck (pronounced "F-Q-Seek") is a simple tool to get FTP urls for FASTQ files on ENA. 2024-12-15
palikiss public pAliKiss predicts RNA secondary structures for fixed RNA multiple sequence alignments, with special attention for pseudoknotted structures. 2024-12-15
fastqc-rs public A fast quality control tool for FASTQ files written in rust. 2024-12-15
gopeaks public Peak caller for CUT&TAG data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-targetsearch public A package for the analysis of GC-MS metabolite profiling data 2024-12-15
mupbwt public A light pbwt-based index 2024-12-15
bioconductor-treeandleaf public Displaying binary trees with focus on dendrogram leaves 2024-12-15
fastqtk public fastqtk is a fast and lightweight tool for interleaving/deinterleaving/counting/trimming FASTQ files. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-panr public Posterior association networks and functional modules inferred from rich phenotypes of gene perturbations 2024-12-15
rnaalishapes public RNAalishapes is a tool for secondary structure prediction, using shape abstraction. Input is a multiple sequence alignment. Pseudoknots are not considered at all. 2024-12-15
python-edlib public Lightweight, super fast C/C++ (& Python) library for sequence alignment using edit (Levenshtein) distance. 2024-12-15
exparna public No Summary 2024-12-15
damasker public DAMASKER: Module to determine where repeats are and make soft-masks of said 2024-12-15
generax public GeneRax: a parallel tool for species tree-aware maximum likelihood based gene tree inference under gene duplication, transfer, and loss. 2024-12-15
rnaredprint public Tree-decomposition based dynamic programming algorithm for multiple target RNA design 2024-12-15
pbbam public PacBio BAM C++ library 2024-12-15
locarna public Multiple alignment of RNAs 2024-12-15
phylobayes-mpi public A Bayesian software for phylogentic reconstrunction using mixture models 2024-12-15
bioconductor-switchbox public Utilities to train and validate classifiers based on pair switching using the K-Top-Scoring-Pair (KTSP) algorithm 2024-12-15
merquryfk public MerquryFK replaces meryl with the FastK k-mer counter suite to considerably speed up analyses. 2024-12-15
perl-ipc-sharelite public Lightweight interface to shared memory 2024-12-15
colorid_bv public Experiments with using BIGSI data structure for metagenomic and QC applications 2024-12-15
haslr public A fast tool for hybrid genome assembly of long and short reads 2024-12-15
bioconductor-nupop public An R package for nucleosome positioning prediction 2024-12-15
bioconductor-santa public Spatial Analysis of Network Associations 2024-12-15

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