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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
asgal public A graph aligner 2024-12-16
orfipy public orfipy: fast and flexible search for open reading frames in fasta sequences 2024-12-15
genomedata public Tools for accessing large amounts of genomic data 2024-12-15
mycotools public Comparative genomics automation and standardization software. 2024-12-15
fastremap-bio public FastRemap, a C++ tool for quickly remapping reads between genome assemblies based on the commonly used CrossMap tool. 2024-12-15
haptools public Ancestry and haplotype aware simulation of genotypes and phenotypes for complex trait analysis 2024-12-15
metilene public Fast and sensitive detection of differential DNA methylation 2024-12-15
oncocnv public a package to detect copy number changes in Deep Sequencing data 2024-12-15
svdss public Structural Variant Discovery from Sample-specific Strings. 2024-12-15
crispritz public CRISPRitz, tool package for CRISPR experiments assessment and analysis. 2024-12-15
minimac4 public Computationally efficient genotype imputation 2024-12-15
pecat public A phased error correction and assembly tool 2024-12-15
ribotaper public RiboTaper is a new analysis pipeline for Ribosome Profiling (Ribo-seq) experiments, which exploits the triplet periodicity of ribosomal footprints to call translated regions. 2024-12-15
perl-retroseq public RetroSeq: discovery and genotyping of TEVs from reads in BAM format. 2024-12-15
sequenza-utils public Analysis of cancer sequencing samples, utilities for the R package sequenza 2024-12-15
dunovo public Du Novo: A pipeline for processing duplex sequencing data. 2024-12-15
probeit public Probeit: a probe designer for detecting and genotyping pathogen!!! 2024-12-15
sneep public Identify regulatory non-coding SNPs (rSNPs) 2024-12-15
hydra-multi public Hydra detects structural variation breakpoints in both unique and duplicated genomic regions. 2024-12-15
stare-abc public Calculate Gene-TF affinities via enhancer-gene interactions 2024-12-15
bwread public Read bigwig files quickly into PyRanges or DataFrames 2024-12-15
batvi public Detect viral integrations 2024-12-15
difcover public Pipeline to identify genomic regions with read coverage differences between pairs of samples 2024-12-15
r-bedtoolsr public R package wrapping bedtools 2024-12-15
bioconductor-ndexr public NDEx R client library 2024-12-15
r-umi4c public Process UMI-4C data from scratch to produce nice plots. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-dupradar public Assessment of duplication rates in RNA-Seq datasets 2024-12-15
snikt public Identify and remove adapter/systemic contamination in metagenomic sequencing DNA/RNA data. 2024-12-15
genome_updater public genome_updater: bash script to download/update snapshots of refseq/genbank 2024-12-15
rascaf public No Summary 2024-12-15
demuxlet public Genetic multiplexing of barcoded single cell RNA-seq 2024-12-15
fastq_utils public Validation and manipulation of FASTQ files, scRNA-seq barcode pre-processing and UMI quantification. 2024-12-15
soapdenovo-trans public No Summary 2024-12-15
minys public MinYS allows targeted assembly of bacterial genomes using a reference-guided pipeline. 2024-12-15
pbipa public Improved Phased Assembly 2024-12-15
psiclass public Simultaneous multi-sample transcript assembler for RNA-seq data 2024-12-15
galaxy-ml public APIs for Galaxy machine learning tools 2024-12-15
perl-set-intervaltree public An interval tree implementation in PERL. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-tanggle public Visualization of Phylogenetic Networks 2024-12-15
bioconductor-ggtreedendro public Drawing 'dendrogram' using 'ggtree' 2024-12-15
coinfinder public A tool for the identification of coincident (associating and dissociating) genes in pangenomes. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-ggtreeextra public An R Package To Add Geometric Layers On Circular Or Other Layout Tree Of "ggtree" 2024-12-15
bioconductor-philr public Phylogenetic partitioning based ILR transform for metagenomics data 2024-12-15
r-fastbaps public A fast approximation to a Dirichlet Process Mixture model (DPM) for clustering genetic data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-sitepath public Phylogeny-based sequence clustering with site polymorphism 2024-12-15
bioconductor-clstutils public Tools for performing taxonomic assignment 2024-12-15
rnabridge-align public A tool to construct the alignments of entire fragments given the alignments of paired-end reads. 2024-12-15
bcftools public BCFtools is a set of utilities that manipulate variant calls in the Variant Call Format (VCF) and its binary counterpart BCF. All commands work transparently with both VCFs and BCFs, both uncompressed and BGZF-compressed. Most commands accept VCF, bgzipped VCF and BCF with filetype detected automatically even when streaming from a pipe. Indexed VCF and BCF will work in all situations. Un-indexed VCF and BCF and streams will work in most, but not all situations. 2024-12-15
expansionhunterdenovo public ExpansionHunter Denovo (EHdn) is a suite of tools for detecting novel expansions of short tandem repeats (STRs). 2024-12-15
lumpy-sv-minimal public A general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery. This package contains only the lumpy executable 2024-12-15

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