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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
esme_hdf5_openmpi_5_0_6 public HDF5 - Hierarchical Data Format 5 2025-02-21
ensembl-py public Ensembl Python base library 2025-02-21
gapseq public Informed prediction and analysis of bacterial metabolic pathways and genome-scale networks 2025-02-21
deeplc public DeepLC: Retention time prediction for (modified) peptides using Deep Learning. 2025-02-21
hmftools-neo public Identification of neoepitope and calculation of allele specific neoepitope binding and presentation likelihood. 2025-02-21
needletail public Fast FASTX parsing in Python 2025-02-21
metacache public MetaCache is a classification system for mapping genomic sequences (short reads, long reads, contigs, ...) from metagenomic samples to their most likely taxon of origin. 2025-02-21
profile_dists public Profile Dists: Rapid calcualtion of allele profile distances and distance base querying 2025-02-20
mgikit public mgikit is a collection of tools used to demultiplex fastq files and generate demultiplexing and quality reports. 2025-02-20
micomplete public Quality control of assembled genomes 2025-02-20
icfree-ml public Design of experiments (DoE) and machine learning packages for the iCFree project 2025-02-20
scarap public A toolkit for prokaryotic comparative genomics 2025-02-20
tbtamr public A tool implementing TB-Profiler for reporting of genomic DST for M. tuberculosis in a CPHL 2025-02-20
bioconductor-bambu public Context-Aware Transcript Quantification from Long Read RNA-Seq data 2025-02-20
hmftools-orange public ORANGE summarizes the key outputs from all algorithms in the Hartwig suite. 2025-02-20
r-ukbrapr public R functions to use in the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform (RAP) 2025-02-20
dajin2 public One-step genotyping tools for targeted long-read sequencing 2025-02-20
vcflib public Command-line tools for manipulating VCF files. 2025-02-19
shapeit5 public Fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (phasing) 2025-02-19
perl-template-toolkit public Comprehensive template processing system. 2025-02-19
mlstdb public A Python package to update and manage the MLST database for the MLST tool. 2025-02-19
hmftools-redux public Post-processing read alignments to control sequencing errors and biases 2025-02-19
vcfexpress public expressions on VCFs 2025-02-19
libssw public An SIMD Smith-Waterman C/C++/Python/Java Library for Use in Genomic Applications. 2025-02-19
consent public Scalable long read self-correction and assembly polishing with multiple sequence alignment 2025-02-19
quast public Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies 2025-02-19
perl-specio public Type constraints and coercions for Perl 2025-02-19
genmap public Ultra-fast computation of genome mappability. 2025-02-19
pupmapper public Tool & python package for calculating genome wide pileup mappability. 2025-02-19
seqlib public C++ interface to HTSlib, BWA-MEM and Fermi. 2025-02-18
genomad public Identification of mobile genetic elements. 2025-02-18
kraken2 public Kraken2 is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. 2025-02-18
gappa public Genesis Applications for Phylogenetic Placement Analysis 2025-02-18
clipkit public Alignment trimming software for phylogenetics. 2025-02-18
gencove public Gencove is a high-throughput, cost-effective platform for genome sequencing and analysis. This command-line interface can be used to easily access the Gencove API. 2025-02-18
icescreen public ICEscreen detects and annotates ICEs (Integrative and Conjugative Elements) and IMEs (Integrative and Mobilizable Elements) in Bacillota genomes. 2025-02-18
gw public View genomic sequencing data and vcf files 2025-02-18
ensembl-utils public Ensembl Python general-purpose utils 2025-02-18
r-stitch public STITCH - Sequencing To Imputation Through Constructing Haplotypes. 2025-02-18
perl-error public Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way 2025-02-18
hmftools-chord public Predict HRD using somatic mutations contexts 2025-02-18
hmftools-sage public SAGE is a somatic SNV, MNV and small INDEL caller optimised 100x tumor / 40x normal coverage, but has a flexible set of filters that can be adapted to lower or higher depth coverage. 2025-02-18
hmftools-purple public PURPLE is a purity ploidy estimator for tumor samples. 2025-02-18
mutalyzer_hgvs_parser public Mutalyzer HGVS variant description parser 2025-02-18
genin2 public Genin2 is a lightining-fast bioinformatic tool to predict genotypes for H5 viruses belonging to the European clade 2025-02-17
souporcell public Clustering scRNAseq by genotypes. 2025-02-17
skder public skDER & CiDDER: efficient & high-resolution dereplication methods for microbial genomes 2025-02-17
fastahack public No Summary 2025-02-17
wgatools public A Rust library and tools for whole genome alignment files. 2025-02-17
metafx public MetaFX (METAgenomic Feature eXtraction) is a library for feature extraction from whole-genome metagenome sequencing data and classification of groups of samples. 2025-02-17

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