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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
icfree-ml public Design of experiments (DoE) and machine learning packages for the iCFree project 2025-01-21
sra-tools public The SRA Toolkit and SDK from NCBI. 2025-01-21
tiddit public TIDDIT - structural variant calling. 2025-01-21
py2bit public A package for accessing 2bit files using lib2bit 2025-01-21
emu public Emu is a relative abundance estimator for 16s genomic data. 2025-01-21
ena-upload-cli public Command Line Interface to upload data to the European Nucleotide Archive 2025-01-21
crocodeel public CroCoDeEL is a tool that detects cross-sample contamination in shotgun metagenomic data 2025-01-21
ms2pip public MS²PIP: MS² Peak Intensity Prediction 2025-01-21
virusrecom public An information-theory-based method for recombination detection of viral lineages. 2025-01-21
kbo-cli public Command-line interface for the kbo local aligner 2025-01-21
biobb_amber public Biobb_amber is a BioBB category for AMBER MD package. 2025-01-21
ebi-eva-common-pyutils public EBI EVA - Common Python Utilities 2025-01-21
biobb_haddock public biobb_haddock is the Biobb module collection to compute information-driven flexible protein-protein docking. 2025-01-21
staden_io_lib public Staden io_lib is a library of file reading and writing code e.g. for SAM/BAM/CRAM 2025-01-21
grepq public Quickly filter FASTQ files 2025-01-21
pyopenms public python bindings for OpenMS, an open-source software C++ library for LC-MS data management and analyses 2025-01-21
haddock_biobb public HADDOCK3 is the next generation integrative modelling software in the long-lasting HADDOCK project. 2025-01-21
linkedsv public A novel structural variant caller for 10X Genomics (linked-read) sequencing data 2025-01-21
kegg-pathways-completeness public The tool counts completeness of each KEGG pathway for protein sequences. 2025-01-21
psm-utils public Common utilities for parsing and handling peptide-spectrum matches and search engine results. 2025-01-21
calisp public Estimate isotopic composition of peptides from proteomics mass spectrometry data. 2025-01-21
psims public Writers and controlled vocabulary manager for PSI-MS's mzML and mzIdentML standards 2025-01-21
pomoxis public Assembly, consensensus, and analysis tools by ONT research 2025-01-21
igv public Integrative Genomics Viewer. Fast, efficient, scalable visualization tool for genomics data and annotations. 2025-01-21
pacini_typing public YAML-based bacterial genotyping application 2025-01-21
nf-core public Python package with helper tools for the nf-core community. 2025-01-21
nextflow public A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines http://nextflow.io 2025-01-21
vvv2_display public Creates png image file with all [vardict] variants proportions alongside genome/assembly with annotations from [vadr]. 2025-01-21
severus public A tool for somatic structural variant calling using long reads 2025-01-21
neat public Toolset for generating synthethic FASTQ, VCF and BAM files. 2025-01-21
hybracter public An automated long-read first bacterial genome assembly pipeline. 2025-01-21
deeptools public A set of user-friendly tools for normalization and visualzation of deep-sequencing data 2025-01-20
ms2rescore-rs public Rust functionality for the MS²Rescore package 2025-01-20
foldseek public Foldseek: fast and accurate protein structure search 2025-01-20
tissuumaps public TissUUmaps is a lightweight viewer that uses basic web tools to visualize gene expression data or any kind of point data on top of whole slide images 2025-01-20
poseidon-trident public A tool (trident) to work with modular genotype databases formatted using Poseidon. 2025-01-20
t-coffee public A collection of tools for Multiple Alignments of DNA, RNA, Protein Sequence 2025-01-20
memopair public A package for identifying methylated motif pairs 2025-01-20
ourotools public A comprehensive toolkit for quality control and analysis of single-cell long-read RNA-seq data 2025-01-20
pharokka public Fast Phage Annotation Program 2025-01-20
metabolights-utils public MetaboLights open metabolomics data repository command line interface (CLI), common MetaboLights data models, utility methods and classes. 2025-01-19
seismic-rna public SEISMIC-RNA software by the Rouskin Lab 2025-01-19
superintervals public Rapid interval intersections 2025-01-18
mmseqs2 public MMseqs2: ultra fast and sensitive sequence search and clustering suite 2025-01-18
biobb_morph public biobb_morph is the Biobb module collection to perform molecular dynamics simulations using the morph MD suite. 2025-01-18
gxf2bed public Fastest GTF/GFF-to-BED converter chilling around 2025-01-18
wipertools public A suite of programs that drop or fix pesky lines in FASTQ files and that split FASTQ files into chunks or merge them. 2025-01-17
fasten public Perform random operations on fastq files, using unix streaming. Secure your analysis with Fasten! 2025-01-17
trgt public Tandem repeat genotyping and visualization from PacBio HiFi data 2025-01-17
pango-designation public Repository for suggesting new lineages that should be added to the current scheme. 2025-01-17

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