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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
metaphor public Metaphor - Metagenomic Pipeline for Short Reads 2024-11-11
lamps public Liverpool Annotation of metabolites using Mass Spectrometry 2024-11-10
r-remapenrich public Bioinformatics tools to compute statistical enrichment of geonomic regions for ReMap peaks 2024-11-10
gadma public Genetic Algorithm for Demographic Inference 2024-11-07
bam2plot public Plot of coverage from bam file 2024-11-07
sigprofilermatrixgenerator public SigProfiler matrix generator tool. 2024-11-07
trtools public Toolkit for genome-wide analysis of tandem repeats 2024-11-07
zdb public zDB is both a bacterial comparative genomics pipeline and a tool to visualize the results 2024-11-06
bftools public Bio-Formats Command line tools 2024-11-06
argparse2tool public Instrument for forming Galaxy XML and CWL tool descriptions from argparse arguments 2024-11-05
pangolin public Phylogenetic Assignment of Named Global Outbreak LINeages 2024-11-05
snipe public SRA-Scale sequence QC and analysis 2024-11-05
perl-ole-storage_lite public Read and write OLE storage files. 2024-11-05
seqspec public File format that describes data generated from genomics experiments. File format and seqspec tool enable uniform processing of genomics data. 2024-11-05
perl-url-encode public Encoding and decoding of application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding. 2024-11-05
bubblegun public BubbleGun is a tool for detecting bubbles and superbubbles in GFA graphs, and reports them and their nested structures. 2024-11-05
tinscan public Find alignment signatures characteristic of transposon insertion sites. 2024-11-05
decom public decOM: Similarity-based microbial source tracking for contamination assessment of ancient oral samples using k-mer-based methods 2024-11-05
tiberius public Tiberius is a programme for quantifying and analysing genetic sequence data. 2024-11-04
mimeo public Scan genomes for internally repeated sequences, elements which are repetitive in another species, or high-identity HGT candidate regions between species. 2024-11-04
buscolite public buscolite: busco analysis for gene predictions 2024-11-04
nf-test public nf-test is a simple test framework for Nextflow pipelines. 2024-11-04
gfftk public GFFtk: genome annotation GFF3 tool kit 2024-11-04
eagle2 public The Eagle software estimates haplotype phase either within a genotyped cohort or using a phased reference panel. 2024-11-04
bioutils public miscellaneous simple bioinformatics utilities and lookup tables 2024-11-04
msa4u public A simple visualisation tool for Multiple Sequence Alignment. 2024-11-03
gsmap public gsMap (genetically informed spatial mapping of cells for complex traits) 2024-11-02
csvtk public A cross-platform, efficient, practical CSV/TSV toolkit 2024-11-02
fgsv public Tools to find evidence for structural variation. 2024-11-02
lotus2 public LotuS2 is a lightweight complete 16S/18S/ITS pipeline 2024-11-02
phykit public PhyKIT is a UNIX shell toolkit for processing and analyzing phylogenomic data. 2024-10-31
tirmite public Map TIR-pHMM models to genomic sequences for annotation of MITES and complete DNA-Transposons. 2024-10-31
gatk4-spark public Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK4) 2024-10-31
gatk4 public Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK4) 2024-10-31
gcnvkernel public Python package to support GATK gCNV calling. 2024-10-31
spring public Spring is a compression tool for Fastq files 2024-10-30
r-recetox-aplcms public apLCMS is a software which generates a feature table from a batch of LC/MS spectra. A modified fork of the original apLCMS by Tianwei Yu. 2024-10-30
r-mfassignr public The MFAssignR package was designed for multi-element molecular formula (MF) assignment of ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry measurements. A number of tools for internal mass recalibration, MF assignment, signal-to-noise evaluation, and unambiguous formula selections are provided. 2024-10-30
ampd-up public De novo antimicrobial peptide sequence generation with recurrent neural networks 2024-10-30
doubletdetection public Method to detect and enable removal of doublets from single-cell RNA-sequencing. 2024-10-30
phenograph public Graph-based clustering for high-dimensional single-cell data. 2024-10-29
stxtyper public Accurately type both known and unknown Shiga toxin operons from assembled genomic sequence. 2024-10-29
pyscenic public Python implementation of the SCENIC pipeline for transcription factor inference from single-cell transcriptomics experiments. 2024-10-29
geosketch public Geometry-preserving random sampling. 2024-10-29
tides-ml public Tool for ORF-calling and ORF-classification using ML approaches. 2024-10-29
pgscatalog-utils public Utilities for working with PGS Catalog API and scoring files 2024-10-29
flippyr public This package is designed to align a PLINK fileset with a FASTA reference genome. 2024-10-29
massdash public MassDash is a streamlined DIA mass spec visualization, analysis, optimization, and rapid prototyping. 2024-10-29
pgscatalog.core public Core tools for working with polygenic scores (PGS) and the PGS Catalog 2024-10-29
corneto public CORNETO: A Unified Framework for Omics-Driven Network Inference 2024-10-29

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