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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
biobb_structure_utils public Biobb_structure_utils is the Biobb module collection to modify or extract information from a PDB structure file. 2024-11-21
biobb_pytorch public biobb_pytorch is the Biobb module collection to create and train ML & DL models. 2024-11-21
pdivas public PDIVAS: Pathogenicity predictor of Deep-Intronic Variants causing Aberrant Splicing 2024-11-21
biobb_pmx public Biobb_pmx is the Biobb module collection to perform PMX (http://pmx.mpibpc.mpg.de) executions. 2024-11-21
liana public LIANA+: a one-stop-shop framework for cell-cell communication 2024-11-21
hmftools-isofox public Isofox is a tool for counting fragment support for identifying and counting gene and transcript features using genome aligned RNASeq data in tumor samples. 2024-11-21
hmftools-lilac public LILAC is a WGS tool to determine HLA Class I types. 2024-11-21
hmftools-peach public Infer haplotypes for interpretation in a pharmacogenomic context 2024-11-21
r-dimsum public An error model and pipeline for analyzing deep mutational scanning (DMS) data and diagnosing common experimental pathologies 2024-11-20
r-archr public This package is designed to streamline scATAC analyses in R. 2024-11-20
biobb_pdb_tools public Biobb_pdb_tools is a swiss army knife for manipulating and editing PDB files. 2024-11-20
mess public Snakemake pipeline for simulating shotgun metagenomic samples 2024-11-20
sprinter public Single-cell Proliferation Rate Inference in Non-homogeneous Tumours through Evolutionary Routes (SPRINTER) 2024-11-20
biobb_model public Biobb_model is the Biobb module collection to check and model 3d structures, create mutations or reconstruct missing atoms. 2024-11-20
biobb_gromacs public biobb_gromacs is the Biobb module collection to perform molecular dynamics simulations using the GROMACS MD suite. 2024-11-20
neptune-signature public Neptune: Genomic Signature Discovery 2024-11-20
crabs public Crabs (Creating Reference databases for Amplicon-Based Sequencing) is a program to download and curate reference databases for eDNA metabarcoding analyses. 2024-11-20
svtopo public Complex structural variant visualization for HiFi sequencing data: extraction tool 2024-11-20
mvip public MVP v.1.0, a user-friendly pipeline written in Python and providing a simple framework to perform standard viromics analyses. MVP combines multiple tools to enable viral genome identification, characterization of genome quality, filtering, clustering, taxonomic and functional annotation, genome binning, and comprehensive summaries of results that can be used for downstream ecological analyses. Overall, MVP provides a standardized and reproducible pipeline for both extensive and robust characterization of viruses from large-scale sequencing data including metagenomes, metatranscriptomes, viromes and isolate genomes. 2024-11-19
hicstuff public General purpose stuff to generate and handle Hi-C data in its simplest form. 2024-11-19
hisat2-pipeline public A pipeline to automatically run an RNA-seq analysis using HISAT2/Stringtie using default settings. 2024-11-19
snpick public A fast and memory-efficient tool for SNP extraction from genomic alignments. 2024-11-19
cazy_webscraper public A tool to automate retrieving data from CAZy, build a local CAZyme SQL database, and throughly interrogating the data. Also, automate retrieving protein data, sequences, EC numbers and structure files for specific datasets in the CAZyme database from UniProt, GenBank and PDB. 2024-11-19
svtopovz public Complex structural variant visualization for HiFi sequencing data: plotting tool. 2024-11-19
parm public promoter activity regulatory model 2024-11-19
treeswift public TreeSwift: Fast tree module for Python 2 and 3 2024-11-19
minute public MINUTE-ChIP data analysis workflow 2024-11-19
panfeed public Compute gene-cluster specific k-mers over a pangenome 2024-11-19
ampcombi public A parsing tool to convert and summarise the outputs from multiple AMP detection tools. 2024-11-19
instanovo public De novo peptide sequencing with InstaNovo 2024-11-19
cnvkit public Copy number variant detection from high-throughput sequencing. 2024-11-18
kestrel public Mapping-free variant caller for short-read Illumina data 2024-11-16
jaeger-bio public A quick and precise pipeline for detecting phages in sequence assemblies. 2024-11-15
zamp public zAMP: bioinformatic pipeline designed for convenient, reproducible and scalable amplicon-based metagenomics 2024-11-15
merqury public Evaluate genome assemblies with k-mers and more. 2024-11-15
krakentools public KrakenTools is a suite of scripts to be used for post-analysis of Kraken/KrakenUniq/Kraken2/Bracken results. Please cite the relevant paper if using KrakenTools with any of the listed programs. 2024-11-15
breakfast public breakfast: fast putative outbreak cluster and infection chain detection using SNPs. 2024-11-15
virheat public Visualize microbial evolution at the SNP level by creating a heatmap from vcf files. 2024-11-15
biobb_chemistry public Biobb_chemistry is the Biobb module collection to perform chemical conversions. 2024-11-15
biobb_dna public Biobb_dna is a package composed of different analyses for nucleic acid trajectories. 2024-11-15
beagle public Beagle is a software package for phasing genotypes and for imputing ungenotyped markers. 2024-11-14
get_homologues public A versatile software package for pan-genome analysis, including GET_HOMOLOGUES and GET_HOMOLOGUES-EST 2024-11-14
snipit public Visualize snps relative to a reference sequence 2024-11-13
teloclip public A tool for the recovery of unassembled telomeres from soft-clipped read alignments. 2024-11-13
biobb_analysis public Biobb_analysis is the Biobb module collection to perform analysis of molecular dynamics simulations. 2024-11-12
coptr public Accurate and robust inference of microbial growth dynamics from metagenomic sequencing reads. 2024-11-12
orthodb public Interface to OrthoDB REST API. 2024-11-12
dnaio public Read and write FASTA and FASTQ files efficiently 2024-11-12
cellprofiler public CellProfiler is free, open-source software for quantitative analysis of biological images. 2024-11-12
matchms public Python library for fuzzy comparison of mass spectrum data and other Python objects 2024-11-12

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