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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pbptyper public In silico Penicillin Binding Protein (PBP) typer for Streptococcus pneumoniae assemblies 2024-08-06
cite-seq-count public A python package to map reads from CITE-seq or hashing data for single cell experiments. 2024-08-05
bam-readcount public bam-readcount generates metrics at single nucleotide positions. 2024-08-05
snapgene-reader public Convert Snapgene *.dna files dict/json/biopython. 2024-08-02
pmultiqc public Python package for quality control of proteomics datasets, based on multiqc package 2024-08-02
genewalk public Determine gene function based on network embeddings. 2024-08-02
carveme public CarveMe: automated genome-scale metabolic model reconstruction 2024-08-02
reframed public Metabolic modeling package. 2024-08-02
ncbi-fcs-gx public The NCBI Foreign Contamination Screen. Genomic cross-species aligner, for contamination detection. 2024-08-01
neofox public Annotation of mutated peptide sequences (mps) with published or novel potential neo-epitope descriptors 2024-08-01
r-ichorcna public Estimating tumor fraction in cell-free DNA from ultra-low-pass whole genome sequencing. 2024-08-01
smof public UNIX-style utilities for FASTA file exploration 2024-08-01
perl-json public JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder 2024-07-31
snakeatac_env public snakemake based ATACseq pipeline 2024-07-31
espresso public ESPRESSO (Error Statistics PRomoted Evaluator of Splice Site Options) processes long read RNA-seq data 2024-07-31
bigslice public A highly scalable, user-interactive tool for the large scale analysis of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters data. 2024-07-31
dbcan public Standalone version of dbCAN annotation tool for automated CAZyme annotation 2024-07-31
codoff public codoff: program to measure the irregularity of the codon usage for a single genomic region (e.g. a BGC, phage, etc.) relative to the full genome. 2024-07-31
bio public Command-line utilities to make bioinformatics explorations more enjoyable. 2024-07-30
subset-bam public A tool to subset a 10x Genomics BAM file based on a tag, most commonly the cell barcode tag. 2024-07-30
cstag public Python module to manipulate the minimap2's CS tag 2024-07-29
neodisambiguate public Disambiguate reads that were mapped to multiple references. 2024-07-28
nda-tools public Python package for interacting with NDA web services. 2024-07-26
deepmei public A tool to detect mobile elements insertion 2024-07-26
lusstr public Tool for converting NGS sequence data of forensic STR loci to various annotation styles 2024-07-25
pychopper public A tool to identify, orient and rescue full length cDNA reads from nanopore data. 2024-07-25
sincei public A user-friendly toolkit for QC, counting, clustering and plotting of single-cell (epi)genomics data. 2024-07-25
morpheus public mass spectrometry–based proteomics database search algorithm 2024-07-25
rcx-tk public This package adjusts and cleans the metadata file provided by a user. 2024-07-25
eskrim public ESKRIM: EStimate with K-mers the RIchness in a Microbiome 2024-07-24
elastic-blast public ElasticBLAST is a cloud-based tool to perform your BLAST searches faster and make you more effective. 2024-07-24
arcas-hla public high-resolution HLA typing from RNA seq 2024-07-24
ctxcore public Core functions for pycisTarget and the SCENIC tool suite. 2024-07-24
seacells public SEACells algorithm for Inference of transcriptional and epigenomic cellular states from single-cell genomics data. 2024-07-23
entrez-direct public Entrez Direct (EDirect) is an advanced method for accessing the NCBI's set of interconnected databases (publication, sequence, structure, gene, variation, expression, etc.) from a UNIX terminal window. Functions take search terms from command-line arguments. Individual operations are combined to build multi-step queries. Record retrieval and formatting normally complete the process. 2024-07-23
obonet public Parse OBO formatted ontologies into networkx 2024-07-22
chronumental public Make time trees from large phylogenetic divergence trees 2024-07-22
r-epitrace public Inference of cell age and phylogeny from single cell ATAC data. 2024-07-21
ymp public Create entire NGS pipelines with one command 2024-07-19
pydna public Representing double stranded DNA and functions for simulating cloning and homologous recombination between DNA molecules. 2024-07-19
gia public Genomic Interval Arithmetic (gia) 2024-07-19
ggcaller public A de Bruijn graph-based gene-caller and pangenome analysis tool 2024-07-19
scrubby public Read depletion/extraction and database cleaning using k-mer and alignment methods 2024-07-19
tmhg public tMHG-Finder is a tree-guided tool to partition whole genomes into maximal homologous groups. 2024-07-19
khipu-metabolomics public Python library for generalized, low-level annotation of MS metabolomics 2024-07-19
r-ldweaver public Perform genomewide epistasis analysis by evaluating the LD structure in bacteria. 2024-07-19
paragone public Identify ortholog groups from a set of paralog sequences from multiple taxa. 2024-07-19
clermontyping public determine the Clermont E coli phylotype 2024-07-18
isa-rwval public ISA metadata tracking tools 2024-07-18
jupiterplot public Circos Assembly Consistency (Jupiter) plot 2024-07-18

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