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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
svtopovz public Complex structural variant visualization for HiFi sequencing data: plotting tool. 2025-03-28
snakemake-minimal public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2025-03-28
snippy public Rapid bacterial SNP calling and core genome alignments 2025-03-26
r-spacexr public Cell type identification and cell type-specific differential expression in spatial transcriptomics 2025-03-25
hmftools-virus-interpreter public Post-process VIRUSBreakend summary results. 2025-03-25
gtotree public GToTree is a user-friendly workflow for phylogenomics. 2025-03-25
bioconductor-data-packages public A package to enable downloading and installation of Bioconductor data packages 2025-03-25
ngscheckmate public Software package for identifying next generation sequencing (NGS) data files from the same individual. 2025-03-25
snakedeploy public Helper for deploying published Snakemake pipelines. 2025-03-25
dipcall public Dipcall is a reference-based variant calling pipeline for a pair of phased haplotype assemblies. 2025-03-25
libmaus2 public Collection of data structures and algorithms for NGS data. 2025-03-25
gunc public Python package for detection of chimerism and contamination in prokaryotic genomes. 2025-03-25
raptor public Raptor: A fast and space-efficient pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences 2025-03-25
nanocompore public Nanocompore identifies raw signal changes between two conditions dRNA-Seq data. 2025-03-25
openduck public Open source library for dynamic undocking (DUck) 2025-03-25
flair public Correction, isoform definition, and alternative splicing analysis of noisy reads (ONT and PacBio). 2025-03-25
r-sceasy public A package providing functions to convert between different single-cell data formats. 2025-03-25
altamisa public Alternative Python API for accessing ISA-tab files. 2025-03-25
scanpy-scripts public Scripts for using scanpy from the command line 2025-03-25
arb-bio-devel public ARB 6 Sequence Analysis Suite 2025-03-25
arb-bio-tools public ARB 6 Sequence Analysis Suite 2025-03-25
libarbdb public ARB 6 Sequence Analysis Suite 2025-03-25
perl-math-random-mt-auto public Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs 2025-03-25
perl-unicode-utf8 public Encoding and decoding of UTF-8 encoding form 2025-03-25
pbmm2 public A minimap2 frontend for PacBio native data formats 2025-03-25
perl-package-stash-xs public faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API 2025-03-25
perl-list-moreutils-xs public Provide the stuff missing in List::Util in XS 2025-03-25
perl-storable public persistence for Perl data structures 2025-03-25
grid public Growth Rate Index (GRiD) measures bacterial growth rate from reference genomes (including draft quality genomes) and metagenomic bins at ultra-low sequencing coverage (> 0.2x). 2025-03-25
logol public Logol is a pattern matching grammar language and a set of tools to search a pattern in a sequence (nucleic or proteic) 2025-03-25
genomelake public Simple and efficient random access to genomic data for deep learning models. 2025-03-25
r-biclust public The main function biclust provides several algorithms to find biclusters in two-dimensional data: Cheng and Church, Spectral, Plaid Model, Xmotifs and Bimax. In addition, the package provides methods for data preprocessing (normalization and discretisation), visualisation, and validation of bicluster solutions. 2025-03-25
perl-class-xsaccessor public Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation 2025-03-25
perl-mime-base64 public The RFC 2045 encodings; base64 and quoted-printable 2025-03-25
perl-indirect public Lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntax. 2025-03-25
bioconductor-hdf5array public HDF5 datasets as array-like objects in R 2025-03-25
bioconductor-rhdf5lib public hdf5 library as an R package 2025-03-25
mentalist public The MLST pipeline developed by the PathOGiST research group. 2025-03-25
bracken public Bracken (Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) is a highly accurate statistical method that computes the abundance of species in DNA sequences from a metagenomics sample. 2025-03-25
pizzly public Fast fusion detection using kallisto 2025-03-25
r-ggthemes public Some extra themes, geoms, and scales for ggplot2. Provides ggplot2 themes and scales that replicate the look of plots by Edward Tufte, Stephen Few, Fivethirtyeight, The Economist, Stata, Excel, and The Wall Street Journal, among others. Provides geoms for Tufte s box plot and range frame. 2025-03-25
arb-bio public ARB 6 Sequence Analysis Suite 2025-03-25
peakachu public Peak calling tool for CLIP-seq data. 2025-03-25
bioconductor-genomeinfodbdata public Species and taxonomy ID look up tables used by GenomeInfoDb 2025-03-25
gffcompare public GffCompare by Geo Pertea 2025-03-25
perl-datetime public A date and time object for Perl. 2025-03-25
perl-sub-attribute public Reliable subroutine attribute handlers 2025-03-25
perl-variable-magic public Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl. 2025-03-25
trnascan-se public tRNA detection in large-scale genomic sequences 2025-03-25
fastaindex public No Summary 2025-03-25

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