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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-bacon public Controlling bias and inflation in association studies using the empirical null distribution 2024-12-17
bioconductor-sclcbam public Sequence data from chromosome 4 of a small-cell lung tumor 2024-12-17
bioconductor-gpaexample public Example data for the GPA package (Genetic analysis incorporating Pleiotropy and Annotation) 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mouse4302frmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.19.3 and hgu133ahsentrezgcdf version 19.0.0. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mousechrloc public Annotation data file for mouseCHRLOC assembled using data from public data repositories 2024-12-17
bioconductor-metamsdata public Example CDF data for the metaMS package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hsmmsinglecell public Single-cell RNA-Seq for differentiating human skeletal muscle myoblasts (HSMM) 2024-12-17
bioconductor-humancytosnp12v2p1hcrlmm public Package with metadata for genotyping Illumina CytoSNP 12 arrays using the 'crlmm' package. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-macrophage public Human macrophage immune response 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ygs98frmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.19.3 and hgu133ahsentrezgcdf version 19.0.0. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-estrogen public Microarray dataset that can be used as example for 2x2 factorial designs 2024-12-17
bioconductor-celarefdata public Processed scRNA data for celaref Vignette - cell labelling by reference 2024-12-17
bioconductor-rcistarget.hg19.motifdbs.cisbponly.500bp public RcisTarget motif databases for human (hg19) - Subset of 4.6k motifs 2024-12-17
bioconductor-beclear public Correction of batch effects in DNA methylation data 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ccdata public Data for Combination Connectivity Mapping (ccmap) Package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-uniprotkeywords public Keywords from UniProt Database 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ahcytobands public CytoBands for AnnotationHub 2024-12-17
bioconductor-stemhypoxia public Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells under Hypoxia gene expression dataset by Prado-Lopez et al. (2010) 2024-12-17
tabixpp public A C++ wrapper around the tabix project, a generic indexer for TAB-delimited genome position files. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-humanomniexpress12v1bcrlmm public Package with metadata for genotyping Illumina Omni Express 12 arrays using the 'crlmm' package. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hapmap100khind public Sample data - Hapmap 100K HIND Affymetrix 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ngscopydata public Subset of BAM files of human tumor and pooled normal sequencing data (Zhao et al. 2014) for the NGScopy package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mugaexampledata public Example {M}ouse {U}niversal {G}enotyping {A}rray data for genome reconstruction and quantitative trait locus mapping. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-affymoe4302expr public Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (GPL1261) Expression Data Package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-oct4 public Conditional knockdown of OCT4 in mouse ESCs 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hgu2beta7 public A data package containing annotation data for hgu2beta7 2024-12-17
bioconductor-cnanorm public A normalization method for Copy Number Aberration in cancer samples 2024-12-17
bioconductor-genesummary public RefSeq Gene Summaries 2024-12-17
bioconductor-gdrtestdata public gDRtestData - R data package with testing dose response data 2024-12-17
bioconductor-jaspar2024 public Data package for JASPAR database (version 2024) 2024-12-17
bioconductor-h5vcdata public Example data for the h5vc package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-genomationdata public Experimental data for showing functionalities of the genomation package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-arrmdata public Example dataset for normalization of Illumina 450k Methylation data 2024-12-17
r-stitch public STITCH - Sequencing To Imputation Through Constructing Haplotypes. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ncigraphdata public Data for the NCIgraph software package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hpannot public Anotation package for Hipathia package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-biobase public Biobase: Base functions for Bioconductor 2024-12-17
bioconductor-dvddata public Drug versus Disease Data 2024-12-17
bioconductor-human550v3bcrlmm public Package with metadata for genotyping Illumina 550k arrays using the 'crlmm' package. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-netactivitydata public Data required for getting the gene set scores with NetActivity package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-derfinderdata public Processed BigWigs from BrainSpan for examples 2024-12-17
bioconductor-lungcanceracvssccgeo public A lung cancer dataset that can be used with maPredictDSC package for developing outcome prediction models from Affymetrix CEL files. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-human370quadv3ccrlmm public Package with metadata for genotyping Illumina 370kQuad arrays using the 'crlmm' package. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-tofsimsdata public Import, process and analysis of ToF-SIMS imaging data 2024-12-17
bioconductor-curatedadipoarray public A Curated Microarrays Dataset of MDI-induced Differentiated Adipocytes (3T3-L1) Under Genetic and Pharmacological Perturbations 2024-12-17
bioconductor-breastcancermainz public Gene expression dataset published by Schmidt et al. [2008] (MAINZ). 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ipath public iPath pipeline for detecting perturbed pathways at individual level 2024-12-17
bedops public High-performance genomic feature operations. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-breastcancervdx public Gene expression datasets published by Wang et al. [2005] and Minn et al. [2007] (VDX). 2024-12-17
bioconductor-human660quadv1acrlmm public Package with metadata for genotyping Illumina 660kQuad arrays using the 'crlmm' package. 2024-12-17

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