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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
lordec public A hybrid error correction program for long, PacBio reads 2023-06-16
bcftools-snvphyl-plugin public The SNVPhyl (Single Nucleotide Variant PHYLogenomics) pipeline is a pipeline for identifying Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV) within a collection\ of microbial genomes and constructing a phylogenetic tree. This package is the bcftools C plugin 2023-06-16
nucleoatac public Python package for calling nucleosomes using ATAC-Seq data. Also includes general scripts for working with paired-end ATAC-Seq data (or potentially other paired-end data). 2023-06-16
sift4g public SIFT 4G is a faster version of SIFT that enables us to scale up and provide SIFT predictions for more organisms. 2023-06-16
perl-io-gzip public Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip 2023-06-16
mapsembler2 public Targeted assembly software 2023-06-16
graphicsmagick public GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing 2023-06-16
fwdpp public A C++ template library for forward-time population genetic simulation. 2023-06-16
bamm public Metagenomics-focused BAM file manipulation 2023-06-16
perl-bio-cigar public Parse CIGAR strings and translate coordinates to/from reference/query 2023-06-16
upload-test-362e395d public No Summary 2023-06-16
cmv public A collection of tools for the visualisation of Hidden Markov Models (HMMV) and RNA-family models (CMV). 2023-06-16
perl-term-progressbar public provide a progress meter on a standard terminal 2023-06-16
perl-types-standard public bundled set of built-in types for Type::Tiny 2023-06-16
perl-pod-usage public print a usage message from embedded pod documentation 2023-06-16
qcumber public Quality control, quality trimming, adapter removal and sequence content check of NGS data. 2023-06-16
upload-test-814fedad public No Summary 2023-06-16
abruijn public Long read assembly via A-Bruijn graph 2023-06-16
bumbershoot public The Bumbershoot tool suite for analyzing shotgun proteomic data 2023-06-16
virema public ViReMa (Viral Recombination Mapper) detects and reports recombination or fusion events in virus genomes using deep sequencing datasets. 2023-06-16
breakseq2 public BreakSeq2: Ultrafast and accurate nucleotide-resolution analysis of structural variants. 2023-06-16
chemfp public chemfp is a set of command-lines tools for generating cheminformatics fingerprints and searching those fingerprints by Tanimoto similarity, as well as a Python library which can be used to build new tools. These algorithms are designed for the dense, 100-10,000 bit fingerprints which occur in small-molecule/pharmaceutical chemisty. The Tanimoto search algorithms are implemented in C for performance and support both threshold and k-nearest searches. Fingerprint generation can be done either by extracting existing fingerprint data from an SD file or by using an existing chemistry toolkit. chemfp supports the Python libraries from Open Babel, OpenEye, and RDKit toolkits. 2023-06-16
upload-test-3009147d public No Summary 2023-06-16
ig-flowtools public set of tools for flow cytometry analysis 2023-06-16
ig-checkflowtypes public quick flow-related datatype for galaxy checks 2023-06-16
perl-digest-md5-file public Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls. 2023-06-16
clustergrammer public A python module for the Clustergrammer visualization project 2023-06-16
validate-fasta-database public Code for Galaxy tool for quality control on FASTA database 2023-06-16
itsx public ITSx is an open source software utility to extract the highly variable ITS1 and ITS2 subregions from ITS sequences, which is commonly used as a molecular barcode for e.g. fungi. 2023-06-16
samsift public Advanced filtering and tagging of SAM/BAM alignments using Python expressions. 2023-06-16
orthomcl public Ortholog groups of protein sequences 2023-06-16
hichipper public Processing HiChIP data into loops. 2023-06-16
ebfilter public EBFilter (Empirical Bayesian Mutation Filtering) 2023-06-16
picopore public A tool for reducing the size of Oxford Nanopore Technologies' datasets without losing information. 2023-06-16
mglex public MGLEX - MetaGenome Likelihood EXtractor 2023-06-16
hclust2 public hclust2 is a handy tool for plotting heat-maps 2023-06-16
qtip public A tandem simulation approach for accurately predicting read alignment mapping qualities. 2023-06-16
hera public hera is a bioinformatics tool that helps analyze RNA-seq data, providing base-to-base alignment BAM files, transcript abundance estimation, and fusion gene detection. 2023-06-16
translatorx public Multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences guided by amino acid information 2023-06-16
perl-string-util public String::Util -- String processing utilities 2023-06-16
perl-number-misc public Number::Misc - handy utilities for numbers 2023-06-16
maker public MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline. 2023-06-16
plant_tribes_assembly_post_processor public Transcriptome assembly post processing pipeline 2023-06-16
perl-test-toolbox public Test::Toolbox - tools for testing 2023-06-16
semeta public SeMeta is a new software for taxonomic assignment of metagenomic reads. It supports both single-end and paired-end reads. The software is implemented in C++ 2023-06-16
enasearch public A Python library for interacting with ENA's API 2023-06-16
irida-linker public The NGS Archive Linker is a Perl script used to generate a structure of links for files stored in the IRIDA platform. 2023-06-16
daisysuite public DaisySuite - mapping-based pipeline for horizontal gene transfer (HGT) detection using sequencing data 2023-06-16
probamconvert public proBAMconvert is a conversion tool to convert common peptide identification files (mzIdentML, pepXML, mzTAB) to the proBAM or proBED format 2023-06-16
bioconductor-mvgst public mvGST provides platform-independent tools to identify GO terms (gene sets) that are differentially active (up or down) in multiple contrasts of interest. Given a matrix of one-sided p-values (rows for genes, columns for contrasts), mvGST uses meta-analytic methods to combine p-values for all genes annotated to each gene set, and then classify each gene set as being significantly more active (1), less active (-1), or not significantly differentially active (0) in each contrast of interest. With multiple contrasts of interest, each gene set is assigned to a profile (across contrasts) of differential activity. Tools are also provided for visualizing (in a GO graph) the gene sets classified to a given profile. 2023-06-16

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