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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
cmseq public Set of utilities on sequences and BAM files 2023-06-16
binlorry public BinLorry, a flexible tool for binning and filtering sequencing reads 2023-06-16
transindel public transIndel is used to detect indels (insertions and deletions) from DNA-seq or RNA-seq data by parsing chimeric alignments from BWA-MEM.. 2023-06-16
bttoxin_scanner public A toxin exploration tool for Bacillus thuringiensis 2023-06-16
ddipy public Python client for OmicsDI Restful API 2023-06-16
eukrep public Classification of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic sequences from metagenomic datasets 2023-06-16
sensv public SENSV 2023-06-16
minipolish public A tool for Racon polishing of miniasm assemblies 2023-06-16
scxa-plots public A set of wrappers to produce some bespoke plots used by the team behind Single-cell Expresion Atlas (SCXA) in single-cell RNA-seq analysis. Not to be confused with the plots displayed in SCXA itself. 2023-06-16
clipcontext public Extract CLIP-seq binding regions with both genomic and transcript context 2023-06-16
phylorank public PhyloRank provides functionality for calculating the relative evolutionary divergence (RED) of taxa in a tree and for finding the best placement of taxonomic labels in a tree. 2023-06-16
gnali public gNALI (gene nonessentiality and loss-of-function identifier) is a tool for finding PLoF gene variants. 2023-06-16
mpa-server public Independent platform for interpretation of proteomics identification results 2023-06-16
pybiomart public A simple pythonic interface to biomart. 2023-06-16
hail public Hail is Python-based data analysis tool for working with genomic data. 2023-06-16
svim-asm public SVIM-asm is a fork of the SV caller SVIM for genome-genome alignments. 2023-06-16
peaksql public Dynamic machine learning database for genomics. 2023-06-16
probabilistic2020 public Simulates somatic mutations, and calls statistically significant oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes based on a randomization-based test 2023-06-16
yamda public A highly scalable GPU-accelerated de novo motif discovery software package 2023-06-16
cmash public Fast and accurate set similarity estimation via containment min hash (for genomic datasets). 2023-06-16
gaas public Suite of tools related to Genome Assembly Annotation Service tasks at NBIS. 2023-06-16
perl-yaml-pp public YAML 1.2 Processor 2023-06-16
perl-io-null public class for null filehandles 2023-06-16
kinamine_y_shaker public Kinamine is a tool to export all phospho-peptides that were discovered by a mass spec search program 2023-06-16
goetia public streaming de Bruijn graph compaction and sketching. 2023-06-16
prophane public Annotate your metaproteomic search results 2023-06-16
diapysef public Analysis, conversion and visualization of diaPASEF data. 2023-06-16
isonclust public De novo clustering of long-read transcriptome reads. 2023-06-16
deepacvir public Detecting novel human viruses from DNA reads with reverse-complement neural networks. 2023-06-16
deepacstrain public Predicting pathogenic potentials of novel strains of known bacterial species. 2023-06-16
pubmlst_client public List and download schemes from pubMLST.org 2023-06-16
gcluster public Gcluster is a simple-to-use tool for visualizing and comparing genome contexts for numerous genomes 2023-06-16
scran-cli public A set of wrappers for individual components of the scran R package. Scran implements functions for low-level analyses of single-cell RNA-seq data.Functions R packages are hard to call when building workflows outside of R, so this package adds a set of simple wrappers with robust argument parsing. 2023-06-16
perl-gd-svg public Seamlessly enable SVG output from scripts written using GD 2023-06-16
kcalign public Kalgin-based codon-aware aligner for multiple sequences 2023-06-16
readucks public Readucks: a simple demultiplexer for nanopore reads 2023-06-16
riboseqc public Read length specific QC of Ribo-seq data 2023-06-16
rkp public Relative K-mer Project 2023-06-16
r-transphylo public Reconstruction of transmission trees using genomic data 2023-06-16
rnabloom public Java tool for RNA-seq assembly 2023-06-16
yapc public Yapc is a (yet another) peak caller for genomic high-throughput sequencing data 2023-06-16
tadbit public TADbit is a complete Python library to deal with all steps to analyze, model and explore 3C-based data. 2023-06-16
callstate public A replacement for GATK3 CallableLoci 2023-06-16
coral public Coral is an efficient tool to bridge paire-end RNA-seq reads. 2023-06-16
sigmut public Wrapper of SigProfiler (Copyright(c) 2019, Erik Bergstrom [Alexandrov Lab]) 2023-06-16
sicer2 public Redesigned and improved ChIP-seq broad peak calling tool SICER. 2023-06-16
pyslim public Manipulate tree sequences produced by SLiM. 2023-06-16
pgx-pipe-helper public A helper module for wrapping functionality which is common to all pipeline stages. 2023-06-16
phylics public Single-cell CNV data analysis toolkit 2023-06-16
phastaf public Identify phage regions in bacterial genomes for masking purposes 2023-06-16

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