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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
cutqc public generate aggregated fastqc report of both before and after trimming. 2023-06-16
corsid public Core Sequence Identifier 2023-06-16
sequana_pipetools public A set of tools to help building or using Sequana pipelines 2023-06-16
genview public Gene-centric visualization tool for genomic sequences 2023-06-16
biobb_remote public Biobb_remote is the Biobb module for remote execution via ssl. 2023-06-16
mhg public MHG is an annotation-free graph-based tool to merge and partition homologous groups. 2023-06-16
turbocor public A command line tool to compute very large correlation matrices. 2023-06-16
perl-xxx public See Your Data in the Nude 2023-06-16
perl-moosex-strictconstructor public Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes 2023-06-16
perl-io-pager public Select a pager (possibly perl-based) & pipe it text if a TTY 2023-06-16
proksee public Proksee is a suite of command line tools for performing assembly, annotation and visualization of microbial genomes. 2023-06-16
how_are_we_stranded_here public Python package for testing strandedness of RNA-Seq fastq files 2023-06-16
cirtap public A CLI to handle PATRIC data from the FTP 2023-06-16
isafe public A program for identifying a favored mutation in positive selective sweep. 2023-06-16
cpt_gffparser public A Biopython extension package for I/O of GFF files 2023-06-16
liv_utils public Liverpool University Basic Tools 2023-06-16
colord public A versatile compressor of third generation sequencing reads. 2023-06-16
bakdrive public Bakdrive finds a minimum set of driver species from real metagenomic samples and simulates fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) process 2023-06-16
interproscan public InterPro integrates together predictive information about proteins function from a number of partner resources 2023-06-16
hormon public A tool for annotation of alpha satellite arrays in centromeres of a newly assembled human genome. 2023-06-16
staphb_toolkit public A ToolKit of commonly used Public Health Bioinformatics Tools 2023-06-16
bamr public A lightweight Python3 bam reader library 2023-06-16
vafator public VAFator annotates the variants in a VCF file with technical annotations extracted from one or more BAM alignment files. We implement a set of basic coverage annotations and also more sophisticated published annotations used to assess the quality of every variant call. 2023-06-16
examine public A graphical application to visually analyze network modules. 2023-06-16
nanospring public NanoSpring is a compression tool for nanopore reads in Fastq files 2023-06-16
nerpa public A tool for discovering biosynthetic gene clusters of nonribosomal peptides 2023-06-16
ginpipepy public Package for temporal binning of dated sequences in BAM format and fast population size estimate computation 2023-06-16
seq2onehot public Encode biological sequences to a one-hot numpy array 2023-06-16
onehot2seq public Decode a one-hot numpy array to biological sequences 2023-06-16
harvest-variants public Harvest Variants is a pipeline for variant calling on SARS-CoV-2 samples 2023-06-16
bird_tool_utils_python public Python utilities used as part of the bird suite of bioinformatic tools. 2023-06-16
liquorice public A tool for bias correction and quantification of changes in coverage around regions of interest in cfDNA WGS datasets 2023-06-16
pifcosm public PisCoSm is a pipeline to construct supermatrix trees from GenBank data 2023-06-16
clearcnv public CNV calling package 2023-06-16
mars public Multiple Alignment-based Refinement of SVs (MARS) 2023-06-16
emeraldbgc public SMBGC detection tool 2023-06-16
opfi public A package for discovery, annotation, and analysis of gene clusters in genomics or metagenomics datasets. 2023-06-16
pathogentrack public A pipeline to identify pathogenic microorganisms from scRNA-seq raw data 2023-06-16
gff3toddbj public Create a DDBJ annotation file from GFF3 and FASTA files 2023-06-16
autogenes public Automatic Gene Selection for Bulk Deconvolution. 2023-06-16
needle public Needle: A fast and space-efficient pre-filter for the quantification of very large collections of nucleotide sequences 2023-06-16
calcs public Append minimap2's CS tag to a SAM file. 2023-06-16
rust-mdbg public An ultra-fast minimizer-space de Bruijn graph (mdBG) implementation, geared towards the assembly of long and accurate reads. 2023-06-16
proteomiqon-labelfreeproteinquantification public The tool LabelFreeProteinQuantification estimates protein abundances using quantified peptide ions. 2023-06-16
uscdc-datasets-sars-cov-2 public Benchmark datasets for WGS analysis of SARS-CoV-2 2023-06-16
miidl public A Python package for microbial biomarkers identification powered by interpretable deep learning 2023-06-16
proteomiqon-joinquantpepionswithproteins public The tool JoinQuantPepIonsWithProteins combines results from ProteinInference and PSMBasedQuantification. 2023-06-16
proteomiqon-labeledproteinquantification public The tool LabeledProteinQuantification combines the results from ProteomIQon ProteinInference and ProteomIQon PSMBasedQuantification 2023-06-16
metaclock public A python package for facilitating strain-level phylogenetic and molecular clock analysis 2023-06-16
anadama2 public AnADAMA2: Another Automated Data Analysis Management Application 2 2023-06-16

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