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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
micro_razers public MicroRazerS - Rapid Alignment of Small RNA Reads 2024-12-14
apu-label-propagation public Adaptive Positive-Unlabelled label propagation 2024-12-14
simka public Simka and simkaMin are de novo comparative metagenomics tools. Simka represents each dataset as a k-mer spectrum and computes several classical ecological distances between them. SimkaMin outputs approximate (but very similar) results by subsampling the kmer space and requires much less computational resources. 2024-12-14
ucsc-mrnatogene public convert PSL alignments of mRNAs to gene annotations 2024-12-14
r-qtlseqr public QTLseqr is an R package for QTL mapping using NGS Bulk Segregant Analysis. 2024-12-14
pbsim public No Summary 2024-12-14
r-recetox-waveica public Removal of batch effects for large-scale untargeted metabolomics data based on wavelet transform. 2024-12-14
gadem public A Genetic Algorithm Guided Formation of Spaced Dyads Coupled with an EM Algorithm for Motif Discovery 2024-12-14
genomescope2 public Reference-free profiling of polyploid genomes 2024-12-14
phylommand public Command-line phylogenetics tools. 2024-12-14
ucsc-fasplit public Split an fa file into several files. 2024-12-14
ucsc-validatemanifest public Validates the ENCODE3 manifest.txt file. 2024-12-14
ucsc-chromgraphfrombin public Convert chromGraph binary to ascii format. 2024-12-14
prodigal-gv public A fork of Prodigal meant to improve gene calling for giant viruses 2024-12-14
paraclu public Paraclu finds clusters in data attached to sequences. 2024-12-14
balrog public Balrog: A universal protein model for prokaryotic gene prediction 2024-12-14
cfm public Tools for applying Competitive Fragmentation Modeling (CFM) to spectrum prediction and metabolite identification tasks, as well as a tools for fragment generation and peak annotation. 2024-12-14
dascrubber public Alignment-based Scrubbing pipeline 2024-12-14
ucsc-fafiltern public Get rid of sequences with too many N's 2024-12-14
ucsc-paranodestop public Shut down parasol node daemons on a list of machines 2024-12-14
codingquarry public CodingQuarry: highly accurate hidden Markov model gene prediction in fungal genomes using RNA-seq transcripts. 2024-12-14
rerconverge public RERconverge is a set of software written in R that estimates the correlation between relative evolutionary rates of gene. 2024-12-14
fastool public A simple and quick tool to read huge FastQ and FastA files (both normal and gzipped) and manipulate them. 2024-12-14
squigulator public A tool for simulating nanopore raw signal data 2024-12-14
fqtk public A toolkit for working with FASTQ files. 2024-12-14
fastq-scan public FASTQ summary statistics in JSON format 2024-12-14
rustybam public Mitchell Vollger's bioinformatics rust utilities. 2024-12-14
ucsc-pslxtofa public convert pslx (with sequence) to fasta file 2024-12-14
genomeconstellation public Fast, accurate and versatile k-mer based classification system 2024-12-14
mp-est public Maximum Pseudo-likelihood Estimation of Species Trees 2024-12-14
ratatosk public Hybrid error correction of long reads using colored de Bruijn graphs 2024-12-14
linearfold public Linear-Time Prediction for RNA Secondary Structures 2024-12-14
niemagraphgen public Niema's C++ implementations of graph generators 2024-12-14
kfoots public The package provides methods for fitting multivariate count data with a mixture model or a hidden markov model. Each mixture component is a negative multivariate random variable and an EM algorithm is used to maximize the likelihood. 2024-12-14
gdc public Utility designed for compression of genome collections from the same species. 2024-12-14
ucsc-maffrags public Collect MAFs from regions specified in a 6 column bed file 2024-12-14
perl-want public No Summary 2024-12-14
scrm public A coalescent simulator for genome-scale sequences 2024-12-14
python-msgpack public It's like JSON. But fast and small. 2024-12-14
rapifilt public RAPIFILT:RAPId FILTer is a quality control of DNA sequences 2024-12-14
ucsc-netclass public Add classification info to net 2024-12-14
perl-dbd-sqlite public Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver 2024-12-14
ucsc-qactowig public convert from compressed quality score format to wiggle format. 2024-12-14
nextdenovo public String graph-based de novo assembler for long reads (CLR, HiFi and ONT) 2024-12-14
bs_call public DNA methylation and variant Caller for Bisulfite Sequencing Data. 2024-12-14
ucsc-autoxml public Generate structures code and parser for XML file from DTD-like spec 2024-12-14
psdm public Compute a pairwise SNP distance matrix from one or two alignment(s) 2024-12-14
strobemap public Efficient string matching using strobemers 2024-12-14
kyototycoon public a lightweight network server on top of the Kyoto Cabinet key-value database, built for high-performance and concurrency 2024-12-14
ucsc-autosql public create SQL and C code for permanently storing 2024-12-14

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