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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-aroma.core public Core methods and classes used by higher-level 'aroma.*' packages part of the Aroma Project, e.g. 'aroma.affymetrix' and 'aroma.cn'. 2024-12-16
smartmap public SmartMap: Bayesian Analysis of Ambiguously Mapped Reads 2024-12-16
bioconductor-cbpmanager public Generate, manage, and edit data and metadata files suitable for the import in cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics 2024-12-16
bioconductor-hca public Exploring the Human Cell Atlas Data Coordinating Platform 2024-12-16
bioconductor-snifter public R wrapper for the python openTSNE library 2024-12-16
bioconductor-ihw public Independent Hypothesis Weighting 2024-12-16
fastq-filter public A fast FASTQ filter program. 2024-12-16
bpp-phyl public Bio++ is a set of C++ libraries for Bioinformatics. 2024-12-16
ultraplex public fastq demultiplexer 2024-12-16
cutadapt public Trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads 2024-12-16
viewbs public ViewBS is a powerful toolkit for visualization of high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data 2024-12-16
bioconductor-interactivedisplaybase public Base package for enabling powerful shiny web displays of Bioconductor objects 2024-12-16
bpp-popgen public Bio++ is a set of C++ libraries for Bioinformatics. 2024-12-16
perl-sanger-cgp-vagrent public A toolset for comparing genomic variants to reference genome annotation to identify potential biological consequences. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-fenr public Fast functional enrichment for interactive applications 2024-12-16
gmap public Genomic mapping and alignment program for mRNA and EST sequences. 2024-12-16
biobambam public Tools for early stage alignment file processing. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-ctdquerier public Package for CTDbase data query, visualization and downstream analysis 2024-12-16
bioconductor-anvilworkflow public Run workflows implemented in Terra/AnVIL workspace 2024-12-16
bioconductor-rpx public R Interface to the ProteomeXchange Repository 2024-12-16
bioconductor-famagg public Pedigree Analysis and Familial Aggregation 2024-12-16
bioconductor-anvilpublish public Publish Packages and Other Resources to AnVIL Workspaces 2024-12-16
bioconductor-enmcb public Predicting Disease Progression Based on Methylation Correlated Blocks using Ensemble Models 2024-12-16
bioconductor-ldblock public data structures for linkage disequilibrium measures in populations 2024-12-16
dbg2olc public Efficient Assembly of Large Genomes Using Long Erroneous Reads of the Third Generation Sequencing Technologies 2024-12-16
snvphyl-tools public The SNVPhyl (Single Nucleotide Variant PHYLogenomics) pipeline is a pipeline for identifying Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV) within a collection of microbial genomes and constructing a phylogenetic tree 2024-12-16
bioconductor-genproseq public Generating Protein Sequences with Deep Generative Models 2024-12-16
addrg public No Summary 2024-12-16
discosnp public reference-free small variant caller for short read sequencing data 2024-12-16
bioconductor-browserviz public BrowserViz: interactive R/browser graphics using websockets and JSON 2024-12-16
bioconductor-basilisk public Freezing Python Dependencies Inside Bioconductor Packages 2024-12-16
ipk public IPK is a tool for computing phylo-k-mers for a fixed phylogeny. 2024-12-16
perl-file-copy-recursive public Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories 2024-12-16
bioconductor-methylmnm public detect different methylation level (DMR) 2024-12-16
bioconductor-gcatest public Genotype Conditional Association TEST 2024-12-16
bioconductor-msstats public Protein Significance Analysis in DDA, SRM and DIA for Label-free or Label-based Proteomics Experiments 2024-12-16
ucsc-fatovcf public Extract VCF from a multi-sequence FASTA alignment. 2024-12-16
angsd public ANGSD: Analysis of next generation Sequencing Data 2024-12-16
pangwes public Performing pangenome-spanning epistasis and co-selection analysis via de Bruijn graphs 2024-12-16
metasnv public SNV calling software 2024-12-16
ucsc-bedtobigbed public Convert bed file to bigBed. (BigBed version: 4) 2024-12-16
aegean public The AEGeAn Toolkit provides a bundle of software tools for evaluating gene structure annotations and genome organization. The software is implemented in C and Python. 2024-12-16
aletsch public Aletsch is an accurate, versatile assembler for multiple RNA-seq samples. 2024-12-16
ntsm public ntsm - Nucleotide Sequence/Sample Matcher 2024-12-16
vtools public Various tools operating over VCF files. Uses cyvcf2 and cython under the hood for speed 2024-12-16
perl-json-xs public JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast 2024-12-16
orfanage public Ultra-efficient and sensitive method to search for ORFs in spliced genomes guided by reference annotation to maximize protein similarity within genes. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-rsubread public Mapping, quantification and variant analysis of sequencing data 2024-12-16
strainr2 public StrainR2 accurately deconvolutes strain-level abundances in synthetic microbial communities using metagenomic sequencing reads 2024-12-16
callerpp public A simple consensus caller based on partial order alignment with spoa 2024-12-16

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