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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-tenxio public Import methods for 10X Genomics files 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.x.laevis.2 public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name X_laevis_2 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mgu74acdf public A package containing an environment representing the MG_U74A.cdf file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-imcrtools public Methods for imaging mass cytometry data analysis 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.clariom.s.human public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Clariom_S_Human 2024-12-22
bioconductor-ye6100subbcdf public A package containing an environment representing the Ye6100subB.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-htratfocuscdf public A package containing an environment representing the HT_Rat-Focus.cdf file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.bovgene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix BovGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-simpic public simPIC: flexible simulation of paired-insertion counts for single-cell ATAC-sequencing data 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hu35ksubacdf public A package containing an environment representing the Hu35KsubA.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.rusgene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix RUSGene-1_1-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-transformgampoi public Variance Stabilizing Transformation for Gamma-Poisson Models 2024-12-22
bioconductor-ecolik12.db0 public Base Level Annotation databases for E coli K12 Strain 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.atdschip.tiling public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Atdschip_tiling 2024-12-22
bioconductor-lemur public Latent Embedding Multivariate Regression 2024-12-22
bioconductor-poplarcdf public A package containing an environment representing the Poplar.cdf file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.drosophila.2 public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Drosophila_2 2024-12-22
bioconductor-rnu34cdf public A package containing an environment representing the RN_U34.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.rat230.2 public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Rat230_2 2024-12-22
bioconductor-cytoviewer public An interactive multi-channel image viewer for R 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mu6500subacdf public A package containing an environment representing the Mu6500subA.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mgu74cv2probe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was MG-U74Cv2\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mapping50k.hind240 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Mapping50K_Hind240 2024-12-22
bioconductor-imcdatasets public Collection of publicly available imaging mass cytometry (IMC) datasets 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hgu95av2probe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was HG\_U95Av2\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.hugene.2.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix HuGene-2_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-org.at.tair.db public Genome wide annotation for Arabidopsis 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.fingene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix FinGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-simpleseg public A package to perform simple cell segmentation 2024-12-22
bioconductor-huexexonprobesetlocation public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.7.17. The exon-level probeset genome location was retrieved from Netaffx using AffyCompatible. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.plasmodium.anopheles public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Plasmodium_Anopheles 2024-12-22
bioconductor-test2cdf public A package containing an environment representing the Test2.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-rgenometracks public Integerated visualization of epigenomic data 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.margene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MarGene-1_1-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mouse4302cdf public A package containing an environment representing the Mouse430_2.cdf file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-tenxplore public ontological exploration of scRNA-seq of 1.3 million mouse neurons from 10x genomics 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.vitis.vinifera public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Vitis_Vinifera 2024-12-22
bioconductor-rtu34probe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was RT-U34\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.hugene.1.1.st.v1 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix HuGene-1_1-st-v1 2024-12-22
bioconductor-moe430bprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was MOE430B\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pogos public PharmacOGenomics Ontology Support 2024-12-22
bioconductor-test3probe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was Test3\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.clariom.s.rat public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Clariom_S_Rat 2024-12-22
bioconductor-synaptome.db public Synamptosome Proteome Database 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.2006.07.18.mm8.refseq.promoter public Platform Design Info for NimbleGen 2006-07-18_mm8_refseq_promoter 2024-12-22
bioconductor-xenopus.db0 public Base Level Annotation databases for xenopus 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hpar public Human Protein Atlas in R 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hgu95ccdf public A package containing an environment representing the HG U95C.CDF file. 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mg.u74c public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name MG_U74C 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hgu133aprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was HG-U133A\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-22

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