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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
phasius public A rust tool to create phase-block maps from phased cram/bam files 2025-03-11
eggnog-mapper public Fast genome-wide functional annotation through orthology assignment. 2025-03-11
easel public Easel is an ANSI C code library for computational analysis of biological sequences using probabilistic models. 2025-03-11
pilea public Pilea: profiling bacterial growth dynamics from metagenomes with sketching 2025-03-11
afragmenter public Schema-free, tunable protein domain segmentation tool for AlphaFold structures 2025-03-11
py_fasta_validator public Simply and quickly validate a fasta file. Invalid files return non-zero exit codes 2025-03-11
wgsim public No Summary 2025-03-11
segemehl public Short read mapping with gaps 2025-03-11
rrmscorer public RRMScorer (RRM-RNA score predictor) predicts how likely a single RRM is to bind ssRNA 2025-03-11
pear public paired-end read merger 2025-03-11
dysgu public A collection of tools for calling structural variants using short or long reads 2025-03-11
plasann public A tool for plasmid annotation and visualization 2025-03-11
snakemake public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2025-03-11
snakemake-minimal public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2025-03-11
iseq public iSeq is a Bash script that allows you to download sequencing data and metadata from GSA, SRA, ENA, and DDBJ databases. 2025-03-11
snakedeploy public Helper for deploying published Snakemake pipelines. 2025-03-11
pysamstats public A Python utility for calculating statistics against genome position based on sequence alignments from a SAM, BAM or CRAM file. 2025-03-11
muat public A package for Mutation Attention Tool 2025-03-11
amiga public Analysis of Microbial Growth Assays 2025-03-11
meme public Motif-based sequence analysis tools. 2025-03-11
gottcha2 public Genomic Origin Through Taxonomic CHAllenge (GOTTCHA) v2. 2025-03-10
haplotaglr public Haplotagging individual long reads using known haplotype information. 2025-03-10
mgnify-pipelines-toolkit public Collection of scripts and tools for MGnify pipelines. 2025-03-10
smallgenomeutilities public A collection of scripts that are useful for dealing with viral RNA NGS data. 2025-03-10
presto public A bioinformatics toolkit for processing high-throughput lymphocyte receptor sequencing data. 2025-03-10
crisprme public CRISPRme, tool package for CRISPR experiments assessment and analysis. 2025-03-10
autobigs-cli public A CLI tool to rapidly fetch fetch MLST profiles given sequences for various diseases. 2025-03-10
dxpy public DNAnexus Platform API bindings for Python 2025-03-10
gnparser public GNparser normalises scientific names and extracts their semantic elements 2025-03-10
binette public A fast and accurate binning refinement tool to constructs high quality MAGs from the output of multiple binning tools. 2025-03-10
perl-cgi public A generic file fetching mechanism. 2025-03-10
revoluzer public Genome rearrangement analysis tools 2025-03-10
scirpy public A Scanpy extension for analyzing single-cell T-cell and B-cell receptor (TCR/BCR) sequencing data. 2025-03-10
tidk public Identify and find telomeres, or telomeric repeats in a genome. 2025-03-10
hackgap public hackgap (hash-based counting of k-mers with gaps) provides a fast jit-compiled k-kmer counter which supports gapped k-mers. 2025-03-10
jacusa2 public JACUSA2 is a framework for accurate variant assessment, detecting SNVs and arrest events in NGS data. 2025-03-10
aliview public AliView is an intuitive and fast alignment viewer and editor for DNA and amino acid sequences. 2025-03-10
cleanifier public A fast lightweight tool to remove contamination using k-mers. 2025-03-10
severus public A tool for somatic structural variant calling using long reads 2025-03-10
hmftools-esvee public Structural variant caller specialised for breakend-breakpoint calling. 2025-03-10
hmftools-linx public LINX is an annotation, interpretation and visualisation tool for structural variants. 2025-03-10
hmftools-pave public PAVE annotates SNV/MNV/INDEL calls with consequence on corresponding genes, transcripts, and proteins. 2025-03-10
r-pathosurveilr public Utilities for interacting with the pathogensurveillance pipeline. 2025-03-10
metafun public Custom package for metafun workflow management 2025-03-10
grepq public Quickly filter FASTQ files. 2025-03-09
olivar public Olivar PCR tiling design 2025-03-09
captus public Captus: Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data 2025-03-09
artic public ARTIC pipeline - a bioinformatics pipeline for working with virus sequencing data sequenced with nanopore. 2025-03-09
pybwa public Pybwa is a python module that makes it easy to align sequence data. It is a lightweight wrapper of bwa. 2025-03-08
galaxy-data public The Galaxy models, datatype framework, and datatype implementations. 2025-03-08

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