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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-biodb public An R package for connecting to chemical and biological databases. 2024-12-12
consensify public A method for generating a consensus pseudohaploid genome sequence 2024-12-12
fastk public FastK is a k‑mer counter that is optimized for processing high quality DNA assembly data sets such as those produced with an Illumina instrument or a PacBio run in HiFi mode. 2024-12-12
gffcompare public GffCompare by Geo Pertea 2024-12-12
raxml-ng public RAxML Next Generation: faster, easier-to-use and more flexible 2024-12-12
boutroslabplottinggeneral public No Summary 2024-12-12
ucsc-fastqtofa public Convert from fastq to fasta format. 2024-12-12
ucsc-hgloadmaf public Load a maf file index into the database 2024-12-12
prot-scriber public Assigns short human readable descriptions (HRD) to query biological sequences using reference candidate descriptions. 2024-12-12
conifer public Calculate confidence scores from Kraken2 output 2024-12-12
bustools public bustools is a program for manipulating BUS files for single cell RNA-Seq datasets. 2024-12-12
miniprot-boundary-scorer public Miniprot boundary scorer parses introns, starts, stops and exons from miniprot's alignment output and scores them 2024-12-12
ucsc-mafaddqrows public Add quality data to a maf 2024-12-12
core-snp-filter public Filtering sites (i.e. columns) in a FASTA-format whole-genome pseudo-alignment. 2024-12-12
ucsc-mafsinregion public Extract MAFS in a genomic region 2024-12-12
ucsc-farc public Reverse complement a FA file 2024-12-12
ucsc-maftosnpbed public finds SNPs in MAF and builds a bed with their functional consequence 2024-12-12
ucsc-maskoutfa public Produce a masked .fa file given an unmasked .fa and 2024-12-12
ucsc-gff3topsl public convert a GFF3 CIGAR file to a PSL file 2024-12-12
smudgeplot_rn public Inference of ploidy and heterozygosity structure using whole genome sequencing data. Fork of Kamil S. Jarons Smudgeplot. 2024-12-12
pgenlib public Python wrapper for pgenlib's basic reader and writer. 2024-12-12
bayestyper public A method for variant graph genotyping based on exact alignment of k-mers 2024-12-12
est-sfs public est-sfs ( Keightley and Jackson, 2018) is a stand-alone implementation of a method to infer the unfolded site frequency spectrum (the uSFS) and ancestral state probabilities by maximum likelihood (ML). 2024-12-12
links public Long Interval Nucleotide K-mer Scaffolder 2024-12-12
r-momf public The package can fit single RNA-seq data set(SOMF) and multiple RNA-seq data sets (MOMF). 2024-12-12
derna public RNA sequence design for a target protein sequence. 2024-12-12
gum public A header-only library for representation of sequence graphs 2024-12-12
mbg public Minimizer based sparse de Bruijn graph constructor 2024-12-12
daligner public DALIGNER: Find all significant local alignments between reads 2024-12-12
riblast public RIblast is ultrafast RNA-RNA interaction prediction software. 2024-12-12
carnac-lr public Clustering coefficient-based Acquisition of RNA Communities in Long Read 2024-12-12
repaq public A fast lossless FASTQ compressor with ultra-high compression ratio 2024-12-12
blockbuster public Blockbuster detects blocks of overlapping reads using a gaussian-distribution approach. 2024-12-12
r-seurat-disk public The h5Seurat file format is specifically designed for the storage and analysis of multi-modal single-cell and spatially-resolved expression experiments, for example, from CITE-seq or 10X Visium technologies. It holds all molecular information and associated metadata, including (for example) nearest-neighbor graphs, dimensional reduction information, spatial coordinates and image data, and cluster labels. We also support rapid and on-disk conversion between h5Seurat and AnnData objects, with the goal of enhancing interoperability between Seurat and Scanpy. 2024-12-12
gtfsort public A chr/pos/feature GTF sorter that uses a lexicographically-based index ordering algorithm. 2024-12-12
ucsc-transmappsltogenepred public convert PSL alignments of mRNAs to gene annotations. 2024-12-12
porechop_abi public Adapter inferrence and removal of Oxford Nanopore reads 2024-12-12
wtdbg public Wtdbg2: A fuzzy Bruijn graph approach to long noisy reads assembly 2024-12-12
pbjasmine public jasmine 2024-12-12
survivor public Toolset for SV simulation, comparison and filtering 2024-12-12
genion public Characterizing gene fusions using long transcriptomics reads 2024-12-12
netcdf-metadata-info public Metadata information from netcdf file for Galaxy use. 2024-12-12
haplink public Viral haplotype calling via linkage disequilibrium 2024-12-12
fingerprintscan public Search against FingerPRINTScan with a protein query sequence to identify the closest matching PRINTS sequence motif fingerprints in a protein sequence. 2024-12-12
sabre public A barcode demultiplexing and trimming tool for FastQ files 2024-12-12
bwa public The BWA read mapper. 2024-12-12
fermi public A WGS de novo assembler based on the FMD-index for large genomes 2024-12-12
cmph public No Summary 2024-12-12
merfishtools public MERFISHtools implement a Bayesian framework for accurately predicting gene or transcript expression from MERFISH data. On top, differential expression analysis can be performed for two or multiple conditions, including credible intervals for fold change and coefficient of variation, and controlling the expected false discovery rate. 2024-12-12
bgt public Flexible genotype query among 30,000+ samples whole-genome. 2024-12-12

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