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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-swamp public Collection of functions to connect the structure of the data with the information on the samples. Three types of associations are covered: 1. linear model of principal components. 2. hierarchical clustering analysis. 3. distribution of features-sample annotation associations. Additionally, the inter-relation between sample annotations can be analyzed. Simple methods are provided for the correction of batch effects and removal of principal components. 2024-12-14
r-ic10 public Implementation of the classifier described in the paper 'Genome-driven integrated classification of breast cancer validated in over 7,500 samples' (Ali HR et al., Genome Biology 2014). It uses copy number and/or expression form breast cancer data, trains a pamr classifier (Tibshirani et al.) with the features available and predicts the iC10 group. 2024-12-14
cpat public Coding Potential Assessment Tool 2024-12-14
bioconductor-beaddatapackr public Compression of Illumina BeadArray data 2024-12-14
metaphyler public No Summary 2024-12-14
trumicount public For NGS experiments using unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), molecules that are lost entirely during sequencing cause under- estimation of the molecule count, and amplification artifacts like PCR chimeras cause over-estimation. TRUmiCount corrects UMI data for both types of errors, thus improving the accuracy of measured molecule counts considerably. 2024-12-14
perl-class-methodmaker public Create generic methods for OO Perl 2024-12-14
mykatlas public Assists in discoveries of antibiotic-resistance with mykrobe 2024-12-14
das_tool public Recovery of genomes from metagenomes via a dereplication, aggregation and scoring strategy. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-biocworkflowtools public Tools to aid the development of Bioconductor Workflow packages 2024-12-14
bioconductor-illuminaio public Parsing Illumina Microarray Output Files 2024-12-14
bioconductor-process public Ciphergen SELDI-TOF Processing 2024-12-14
bioconductor-harman public The removal of batch effects from datasets using a PCA and constrained optimisation based technique 2024-12-14
perl-json-create public fast, minimal, UTF-8-only serialization of data to JSON 2024-12-14
perl-extutils-cppguess public guess C++ compiler and flags 2024-12-14
infernal public Infernal is for searching DNA sequence databases for RNA structure and sequence similarities. 2024-12-14
r-facets public Cellular Fraction and Copy Numbers from Tumor Sequencing 2024-12-14
fermi2 public Fermi2 focuses on the exploration of FMD-index as a graph. 2024-12-14
ucsc-websync public download from https server, using files.txt on their end to get the list of files 2024-12-14
perl-devel-size public Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables 2024-12-14
bioconductor-unifiedwmwqpcr public Unified Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney Test for testing differential expression in qPCR data 2024-12-14
ucsc-chopfalines public Read in FA file with long lines and rewrite it with shorter lines 2024-12-14
bioconductor-parody public Parametric And Resistant Outlier DYtection 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rgsea public Random Gene Set Enrichment Analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rrho public Inference on agreement between ordered lists 2024-12-14
pepnovo public No Summary 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mvcclass public Model-View-Controller (MVC) Classes 2024-12-14
bioconductor-sights public Statistics and dIagnostic Graphs for HTS 2024-12-14
bioconductor-phosphonormalizer public Compensates for the bias introduced by median normalization in 2024-12-14
bioconductor-ggtree public an R package for visualization of tree and annotation data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-preprocesscore public A collection of pre-processing functions 2024-12-14
bioconductor-diffgeneanalysis public Performs differential gene expression Analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-diffustats public Diffusion scores on biological networks 2024-12-14
bioconductor-clst public Classification by local similarity threshold 2024-12-14
bioconductor-inpower public An R package for computing the number of susceptibility SNPs 2024-12-14
bioconductor-ctc public Cluster and Tree Conversion. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-isolde public Integrative Statistics of alleLe Dependent Expression 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rcaspar public A package for survival time prediction based on a piecewise baseline hazard Cox regression model. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-cqn public Conditional quantile normalization 2024-12-14
bioconductor-epivizrserver public WebSocket server infrastructure for epivizr apps and packages 2024-12-14
ucsc-pslsomerecords public Extract multiple psl records 2024-12-14
bioconductor-antiprofiles public Implementation of gene expression anti-profiles 2024-12-14
bioconductor-swathxtend public SWATH extended library generation and statistical data analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-metacca public Summary Statistics-Based Multivariate Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies Using Canonical Correlation Analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rnaseqcomp public Benchmarks for RNA-seq Quantification Pipelines 2024-12-14
bioconductor-iaseq public iASeq: integrating multiple sequencing datasets for detecting allele-specific events 2024-12-14
bioconductor-pepxmltab public Parsing pepXML files and filter based on peptide FDR. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rlmm public A Genotype Calling Algorithm for Affymetrix SNP Arrays 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mergeomics public Integrative network analysis of omics data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-dyndoc public Dynamic document tools 2024-12-14

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