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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pbcommand public Library for generating the CLI of various PacBio tools 2023-06-16
pbcore public A Python library for reading and writing PacBio data files 2023-06-16
riboseed public riboSeed: assemble across rDNA regions 2023-06-16
perl-file-path public Create or remove directory trees 2023-06-16
eqtlbma public Package to detect eQTLs jointly in multiple subgroups (e.g. tissues) via Bayesian Model Averaging. 2023-06-16
perl-io-handle public supply object methods for I/O handles 2023-06-16
perl-extutils-parsexs public converts Perl XS code into C code 2023-06-16
motus public Marker gene-based OTU (mOTU) profiling 2023-06-16
basic public BASIC is a semi-de novo assembly method for assembling BCR and TCR genes from single cell RNA-seq data. 2023-06-16
perl-xsloader public Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code 2023-06-16
ngless public A tool for short-read processing with a focus on metagenomics 2023-06-16
flapjack public Flapjack provides interactive visualizations of high-throughput genotyping data. 2023-06-16
nanosv public Structural variation detection tool for Oxford Nanopore data. 2023-06-16
behst public BEHST reads an input dataset of chromosome regions, and intersects them with the chromatin interactions available in the Hi-C dataset. Of these chromosome regions, BEHST selects those that are presentthe regulatory regions of genes of APPRIS, a dataset of principal isoform annotations. We defined these cis-regulatory regions upon the position of their nearest transcription start site of the APPRIS genes' principal transcripts (obtained through GENCODE), plus an upstream and downstream extension. Afterwards, BEHST takes the genes of the resulting partner loci found in gene regulatory regions, and performs a gene set enrichment analysis on them through g:Profiler. BEHST, finally, outputs the list of the most significant Gene Ontology terms detected by g:Profiler. Citation: Davide Chicco, Haixin Sarah Bi, Juri Reimand, and Michael M. Hoffman, 'BEHST: Genomic set enrichment analysis enhanced through integration of chromatin long-range interactions', 2018. In preparation. Website: http://behst.hoffmanlab.org/ 2023-06-16
xyalign public Command line tools and python library to infer ploidy, correct for sex chromosome complement, and work with NGS data 2023-06-16
pypiper public Pypiper is a lightweight python toolkit that helps you write slick pipelines in python. 2023-06-16
pymvpa public PyMVPA -- Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python 2023-06-16
slncky public slncky is a tool for lncRNA discovery from RNA-Seq data. slncky filters a high-quality set of noncoding transcripts, discovers lncRNA orthologs, and characterizes conserved lncRNA evolution. slncky was developed as a collaboration between the Garber Lab at UMass Medical and the Regev Lab at the Broad Institute. 2023-06-16
udocker public Freely available tools for computational molecular biology. 2023-06-16
dammit public simple de novo transcriptome annotator 2023-06-16
berokka public Trim, circularise and orient long read bacterial genome assemblies. 2023-06-16
bcl2fastq-nextseq public NextSeq .bcl Conversion 2023-06-16
python-cluster public python-cluster is a "simple" package that allows to create several groups (clusters) of objects from a list 2023-06-16
tgt public TextGridTools -- Read, write, and manipulate Praat TextGrid files 2023-06-16
orfm public OrfM is a simple and not slow ORF caller 2023-06-16
besst public Scaffolder for genomic assemblies. 2023-06-16
loompy public Work with .loom files for single-cell RNA-seq data 2023-06-16
scoary public Microbial pan-GWAS using the output from Roary 2023-06-16
afterqc public Automatic Filtering, Trimming, Error Removing and Quality Control for fastq data. AfterQC can simply go through all fastq files in a folder and then output three folders: good, bad and QC folders, which contains good reads, bad reads and the QC results of each fastq file/pair. Currently it supports processing data from HiSeq 2000/2500/3000/4000, Nextseq 500/550, MiniSeq...and other Illumina 1.8 or newer formats. 2023-06-16
blasr public No Summary 2023-06-16
blasr_libcpp public blasr_libcpp is a support library used by blasr and other PacBio tools 2023-06-16
export2graphlan public Conversion software tool for annotating tree with GraPhlAn 2023-06-16
canvas public Copy number variant (CNV) calling from DNA sequencing data 2023-06-16
metaphlan2 public Metagenomic Phylogenetic Analysis 2023-06-16
ont-tombo public Detection of modified bases from raw nanopore sequencing data. 2023-06-16
qiime public Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology 2023-06-16
netreg public netReg fits linear regression models using network-penalization. 2023-06-16
secapr public Process sequence-capture FASTQ files into alignments for phylogenetic analyses. Integrates allele phasing. 2023-06-16
bwameth public A fast and accurate aligner of BS-seq reads 2023-06-16
minced public MinCED - Mining CRISPRs in Environmental Datasets 2023-06-16
jannovar-cli public Java tool for performing annotation of VCF files 2023-06-16
tracer public Tracer is a program for analysing the trace files generated by Bayesian MCMC runs (that is, the continuous parameter values sampled from the chain). It can be used to analyse runs of BEAST, MrBayes, LAMARC and possibly other MCMC programs. 2023-06-16
quasitools public Quasitools is a collection of tools for analysing Viral Quasispecies 2023-06-16
qorts public QoRTs toolkit for analysis, quality control, and data management of RNA-Seq datasets. 2023-06-16
seqmagick public Tools for converting and modifying sequence files from the command-line 2023-06-16
discasm public DISCASM aims to extract reads that map to reference genomes in a discordant fashion and optionally include reads that do not map to the genome at all, and perform a de novo transcriptome assembly of these reads. DISCASM relies on the output from STAR (as run via STAR-Fusion), and supports de novo transcriptome assembly using Trinity or Oases. - https://github.com/DISCASM/DISCASM/wiki 2023-06-16
phylowgs public Application for inferring subclonal composition and evolution from whole-genome sequencing data 2023-06-16
kat public KAT is a suite of tools that analyse jellyfish hashes or sequence files (fasta or fastq) using kmer counts 2023-06-16
mobster public NGS tool for detecting MEI and gene retrotransposition events in WGS and WES data, see Thung et al. Genome Biol. 2014 for more information. 2023-06-16
metfrag public MetFrag is a freely available software for the annotation of high precision tandem mass spectra of metabolites which is a first and critical step for the identification of a molecular structure. Candidate molecules of different databases are fragmented in silico and matched against mass to charge values. A score calculated using the fragment peak matches gives hints to the quality of the candidate spectrum assignment. 2023-06-16

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