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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
upload-test-d8cf4dea public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-genemodel public Using simple input, this package creates plots of gene models. Users can create plots of alternatively spliced gene variants and the positions of mutations and other gene features. 2023-06-16
upload-test-a02c8a69 public No Summary 2023-06-16
ismapper public A mapping-based tool for identification of the site and orientation of IS insertions in bacterial genomes. 2023-06-16
eval public Eval is a flexible tool for analyzing the performance of gene-structure prediction programs. 2023-06-16
pybda public Big biological data analytics powered by Apache Spark 2023-06-16
perl-logger-simple public Implementation of the Simran-Log-Log and Simran-Error-Error modules 2023-06-16
irida-uploader public Upload NGS data to IRIDA system 2023-06-16
upload-test-aa405bfb public No Summary 2023-06-16
upload-test-efc13a70 public No Summary 2023-06-16
pepgenome public A java tool to map peptide and peptidoform evideces to ENSEMBL Genome Coordinates 2023-06-16
upload-test-b3b3b66b public No Summary 2023-06-16
gapfiller public GapFiller is a seed-and-extend local assembler to fill the gap within paired reads. 2023-06-16
taxsbp public TaxSBP: taxonomic structured bin packing 2023-06-16
gmcloser public GMcloser fills and closes the gaps present in scaffold assemblies, especially those generated by the de novo assembly of whole genomes with next-generation sequencing (NGS) reads. 2023-06-16
phylovega public Interactive Phylogenetic trees in Vega. 2023-06-16
recalladapters public recalladapters - A tool to recall adapters for PacBio data 2023-06-16
phylogenetics public Python API for managing a phylogenetics projects. 2023-06-16
pyasr public Ancestral sequence reconstruction using Python. 2023-06-16
unitig-counter public Uses a compressed de Bruijn graph (implemented in GATB) to count unitigs in bacterial populations. 2023-06-16
crispr_studio public CRISPRStudio is a program developed to facilitate and accelerate CRISPR array visualization 2023-06-16
micropita public microPITA is a computational tool enabling sample selection in two-stage (tiered) studies. 2023-06-16
transposcope public A package for visualizing read coverage in areas flanking mobile element insertions. 2023-06-16
athena_meta public Athena read cloud assembler for metagenomes 2023-06-16
biobb_structure_manager public BioBB_structure_manager is a library to efficiently load and process biomolecular 3D structures. 2023-06-16
groopm public Metagenomic binning suite 2023-06-16
maskrc-svg public Masks recombinant regions in an alignment based on ClonalFrameML or Gubbins output Option to draw SVG of recombinant regions. 2023-06-16
gvcf2bed public Convert gVCF into BED 2023-06-16
cactus public Cactus is a reference-free whole-genome multiple alignment program based upon notion of Cactus graphs 2023-06-16
bioconductor-rchyoptimyx public Optimyzed Cellular Hierarchies for Flow Cytometry 2023-06-16
bioconductor-flowtype public Phenotyping Flow Cytometry Assays 2023-06-16
bioconductor-ampliqueso public The package provides tools and reports for the analysis of amplicon sequencing panels, such as AmpliSeq 2023-06-16
r-disco public Concordance and discordance of homologous gene regulation allows comparing reaction to stimuli in different organisms, for example human patients and animal models of a disease. The package contains functions to calculate discordance and concordance score for homologous gene pairs, identify concordantly or discordantly regulated transcriptional modules and visualize the results. It is intended for analysis of transcriptional data. 2023-06-16
halla public HAllA: Hierarchically All-against-All Association Testing. 2023-06-16
scater-scripts public A set of wrappers for individual components of the Scater package. Functions R packages are hard to call when building workflows outside of R, so this package adds a set of simple wrappers with robust argument parsing. Intermediate steps are currently mainly serialized R objects, but the ultimate objective is to have language-agnostic intermediate formats allowing composite workflows using a variety of software packages. 2023-06-16
upload-test-beaba7fc public No Summary 2023-06-16
upload-test-28bd3c91 public No Summary 2023-06-16
oncotator public Oncotator is a tool for annotating human genomic point mutations and indels with data relevant to cancer researchers. 2023-06-16
ncbi-util-legacy public NCBI software development toolkit 2023-06-16
biobb_wf_mutations public Lysozyme plus Mutations workflow built using BioBB Based on the official Gromacs tutorial: http://www.mdtutorials.com/gmx/lysozyme/01_pdb2gmx.html 2023-06-16
mantis public Mantis: A Fast, Small, and Exact Large-Scale Sequence-Search Index 2023-06-16
upload-test-be30d0e6 public No Summary 2023-06-16
upload-test-5caf8961 public No Summary 2023-06-16
biobb_adapters public Biobb_adapters is the Biobb module collection to use the building blocks with several workflow managers. 2023-06-16
jobtree public Python based pipeline management software for clusters that makes running recursive and dynamically scheduled computations straightforward 2023-06-16
upload-test-17ab412e public No Summary 2023-06-16
bigsi public BItsliced Genomic Signature Index [BIGSI] 2023-06-16
spotyping3 public SpoTyping3: fast and accurate in silico Mycobacterium spoligotyping from sequence reads, compatible with Python3 2023-06-16
mirfix public MIRfix automatically curates miRNA datasets by improving alignments of their precursors, the consistency of the annotation of mature miR and miR* sequence, and the phylogenetic coverage. MIRfix produces alignments that are comparable across families and sets the stage for improved homology search as well as quantitative analyses. 2023-06-16
rawtools public RawTools is an open-source and freely available package designed to perform scan data parsing and quantification, and quality control analysis of Thermo Orbitrap raw mass spectrometer files. 2023-06-16

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