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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
tagore public A simple way to visualize features on human chromosome ideograms 2023-06-16
umap public Umap and Bismap: tools for genome and methylome mappability 2023-06-16
salmid public Rapid tool to check taxonomic ID of single isolate samples. Currently only IDs Salmonella species and subspecies, and some common contaminants (Listeria, Escherichia). 2023-06-16
python-eel public Tool for finding evolutionarily conserved mammalian enhancer elements. 2023-06-16
xpressplot public A toolkit for navigating and analyzing gene expression datasets. 2023-06-16
panpasco public Pipeline for pangenome mapping and pairwise SNP distance 2023-06-16
fings public Filters for Next Generation Sequencing 2023-06-16
blksheep public A package for differential extreme values analysis 2023-06-16
traitar public traitar - The microbial trait analyzer 2023-06-16
kggseq public KGGSeq is a software platform constituted of Bioinformatics and statistical genetics functions making use of valuable biologic resources and knowledge for sequencing-based genetic mapping of variants/genes responsible for human diseases/traits. 2023-06-16
atlas-metadata-validator public A MAGE-TAB validator for Expression Atlas and Single Cell Expression Atlas 2023-06-16
sepp-refgg138 public SATe-enabled phylogenetic placement 2023-06-16
rop public The Read Origin Protocol (ROP) is a computational protocol that aims to discover the source of all reads, including those originating from repeat sequences, recombinant B and T cell receptors, and microbial communities. 2023-06-16
sepp-refsilva128 public SATe-enabled phylogenetic placement 2023-06-16
svanalyzer public SVanalyzer: tools for the analysis of structural variation in genomes 2023-06-16
ena-dl public A tool to download FASTQs associated with Study, Experiment, or Run accessions. 2023-06-16
calib public Clustering without alignment using (locality sensitive hashing) LSH and MinHashing of barcoded reads 2023-06-16
jmztab-m public This project is the reference reader, writer and validator implementation for mzTab for metabolomics 2.0+. 2023-06-16
emmtyper public Streptococcus pyogenes in silico EMM typer 2023-06-16
monocle3-cli public A set of wrappers for individual components of the monocle3 package. Functions R packages are hard to call when building workflows outside of R, so this package adds a set of simple wrappers with robust argument parsing. Intermediate steps are currently monocle3 R objects, but the ultimate objective is to have language-agnostic intermediate formats allowing composite workflows using a variety of software packages. 2023-06-16
aquila public Diploid personal genome assembly and comprehensive variant detection based on linked-reads 2023-06-16
jupyterngsplugin public Jupyter notebook plugin Bioinformatics NGS data analysis 2023-06-16
extract_fasta_seq public To extract specific fasta sequences from a fasta file. 2023-06-16
msaconverter public To convert multiple alignment alignments (MSA) into different formats 2023-06-16
python-goenrichment public GO enrichment analysis from a list of gene names using a precomputed database 2023-06-16
taxonomy_ranks public To get taxonomy ranks information for taxid, species name, or higher ranks (e.g., genus, family) with ETE3 from NCBI Taxonomy database. 2023-06-16
bold-identification public A tool for taxonomic assignment for given sequences using the BOLD database (http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php) 2023-06-16
extract-codon-alignment public To extract some codon positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd) from a CDS alignment. 2023-06-16
ega2 public EGA download client v2 2023-06-16
logomaker public Package for making Sequence Logos 2023-06-16
aquila_umap public This is a program to generate Umap for Aquila diploid assembly. 2023-06-16
motifraptor public Motif-centric analysis on GWAS data 2023-06-16
pynnotator public A Python Annotation Framework for VCFs using multiple tools. 2023-06-16
uvp public A Unified Variant Pipeline to identify variants and assign lineage from MTBC sequence data. 2023-06-16
kounta public Generate multi-sample k-mer count matrix 2023-06-16
aquila_stlfr public Diploid assembly and variants calling for stLFR and hybrid assembler for both linked-reads. 2023-06-16
vmatch public The Vmatch large scale sequence analysis software 2023-06-16
bioconductor-easyqpcr public EasyqpcR for low-throughput real-time quantitative PCR data analysis 2023-06-16
bioconductor-conumee public Enhanced copy-number variation analysis using Illumina DNA methylation arrays 2023-06-16
phylocsf public Phylogenetic analysis of multi-species genome sequence alignments to identify conserved protein-coding regions 2023-06-16
legsta public In silico Legionella pneumophila Sequence Based Typing 2023-06-16
jasmine public Jasmine: a Java pipeline for isomiR characterization in miRNA-Seq Data 2023-06-16
biopython.convert public Interconvert various file formats supported by BioPython 2023-06-16
scrublet public Doublet prediction in single-cell RNA-sequencing data 2023-06-16
python-htsget public Python API and command line interface for the GA4GH htsget API. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-mafdb.gnomad.r2.1.grch38 public Minor allele frequency data from gnomAD release 2.1 for GRCh38 2023-06-16
feature_merge public Merge features in GFF files 2023-06-16
blacksheep-outliers public A package for differential extreme values analysis 2023-06-16
bioconductor-epihet public Determining Epigenetic Heterogeneity from Bisulfite Sequencing Data 2023-06-16
bioconductor-mcagui public Microbial Community Analysis GUI 2023-06-16

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