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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
arcsv public A pipeline to detect SV in archaic human 2023-08-17
metamobilepicker public MetaMobilePicker: identification of MGEs and ARGs based in metagenomic samples 2023-08-17
qiskit-xyz2pdb public qiskit-xyz2pdb 2023-08-15
prscs public PRS-CS is a Python based command line tool that infers posterior SNP effect sizes under continuous shrinkage (CS) priors using GWAS summary statistics and an external LD reference panel. 2023-08-11
bactopia-gather public The methods used in Bactopia to gather all samples into one place 2023-08-11
graphmb public GraphMB is a Metagenomic Binner developed for long-read assemblies, that takes advantage of graph machine learning algorithms and the assembly graph generated during assembly. 2023-08-11
tb_variant_filter public VCF variant filter optimised for filter M. tuberculosis H37Rv variants 2023-08-10
platon public Plasmid contig classification and characterization for short read draft assemblies. 2023-08-10
vcf2maf-umccr public Convert a VCF into a MAF where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms 2023-08-10
gfflu public Annotate Influenza A virus gene segment sequences and output GFF3 files. 2023-08-10
beacon2-ri-tools public Script to parse a VCF having SnepEff/SnpSift annotations 2023-08-09
scepia public Single Cell Epigenome-based Inference of Activity 2023-08-09
perl-minion-backend-sqlite public SQLite backend for Minion job queue 2023-08-09
perl-mojo-pg public Mojolicious PostgreSQL 2023-08-08
perl-mojo-sqlite public A tiny Mojolicious wrapper for SQLite 2023-08-08
perl-sql-abstract-pg public PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract 2023-08-08
panoptes-ui public panoptes: monitor computational workflows in real time 2023-08-08
perl-sql-abstract public Generate SQL from Perl data structures 2023-08-07
sra-human-scrubber public An SRA tool identifies and removes any significant human read, and outputs the edited (cleaned) fastq file for SRA submission. 2023-08-07
perl-json-validator public Validate data against a JSON schema 2023-08-07
bioconductor-scate public SCATE: Single-cell ATAC-seq Signal Extraction and Enhancement 2023-08-07
perl-uri-nested public Nested URIs 2023-08-06
perl-module-scandeps public Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies 2023-08-04
pythomics public A multi-omic python package 2023-08-04
ncbi-genome-download public Download genome files from the NCBI FTP server. 2023-08-01
pyeasyfuse public EasyFuse is a pipeline to detect fusion transcripts from RNA-seq data with high accuracy. The current version of EasyFuse uses two fusion gene detection tools, STAR-Fusion and Fusioncatcher along with a powerful read filtering strategy, stringent re-quantification of supporting reads and machine learning for highly accurate predictions. 2023-07-31
rgt public Toolkit to perform regulatory genomics data analysis 2023-07-31
dnacauldron public Cloning simulation for DNA assembly (Golden Gate, Gibson...) 2023-07-30
crimson public Bioinformatics tool outputs converter to JSON or YAML. 2023-07-29
make_prg public A tool to create and update PRGs from a set of Multiple Sequence Alignments. 2023-07-27
metaxa public Improved Identification and Taxonomic Classification of Small and Large Subunit rRNA in Metagenomic Data. 2023-07-25
referee public Quality scoring for reference genomes 2023-07-24
m6anet public m6anet is a python package for detection of m6a modifications from Nanopore direct RNA sequencing data. 2023-07-24
polystest public Interactive tool for statistical testing, data browsing and interactive visualization of quantitative omics data 2023-07-23
bioconductor-interactivedisplay public Package for enabling powerful shiny web displays of Bioconductor objects 2023-07-23
demultiplex public Demultiplex any number of FASTA or a FASTQ files based on a list of barcodes 2023-07-21
galaxy-upload public Galaxy Command-Line Upload Utility 2023-07-21
cdhit-reader public Parse CD-HIT cluster files 2023-07-21
fastools public FASTA/FASTQ analysis and manipulation toolkit. 2023-07-20
bioconductor-pdatk public Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Tool-Kit 2023-07-19
r-dgeclustering public DGEclustering is an R package for multidimensional clustering of differential gene expression datasets, and it integrates GO annotations to improve the clustering result. 2023-07-19
bioconductor-irisfgm public Comprehensive Analysis of Gene Interactivity Networks Based on Single-Cell RNA-Seq 2023-07-19
bioconductor-fcoex public FCBF-based Co-Expression Networks for Single Cells 2023-07-19
r-bseqsc public Companion package to: A single-cell transcriptomic map of the human and mouse pancreas reveals inter- and intra-cell population structure. Baron et al. Cell Systems (2016) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27667365 2023-07-19
bioconductor-mirsm public Inferring miRNA sponge modules in heterogeneous data 2023-07-19
bioconductor-nanostringqcpro public Quality metrics and data processing methods for NanoString mRNA gene expression data 2023-07-19
bioconductor-singlecellexperiment-scripts public A set of wrappers for operations associated with the SingleCellExperiment package. Functions in R packages are hard to call when building workflows outside of R, so this package adds a set of simple wrappers with robust argument parsing. Intermediate steps are currently mainly serialized R objects, but the ultimate objective is to have language-agnostic intermediate formats allowing composite workflows using a variety of software packages. 2023-07-18
bioconductor-chromswitch public An R package to detect chromatin state switches from epigenomic data 2023-07-18
r-calder2 public CALDER is a Hi-C analysis tool for the analysis of hierarchical chromatin interactions 2023-07-18
bioconductor-benchdamic public Benchmark of differential abundance methods on microbiome data 2023-07-18

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