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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
condiga public ConDiGA: Contigs Directed Gene Annotation for accurate protein sequence database construction in metaproteomics 2024-03-25
dimet public A tool for Differential Isotope-labeled targeted Metabolomics 2024-03-25
dram public Distilled and Refined Annotation of Metabolism: A tool for the annotation and curation of function for microbial and viral genomes 2024-03-25
bactopia-assembler public The assembly process used by Bactopia. 2024-03-25
taxor public Fast and space-efficient taxonomic classification of long reads 2024-03-24
rgi public This tool provides a preliminary annotation of your DNA sequence(s) based upon the data available in The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD). Hits to genes tagged with Antibiotic Resistance ontology terms will be highlighted. As CARD expands to include more pathogens, genomes, plasmids, and ontology terms this tool will grow increasingly powerful in providing first-pass detection of antibiotic resistance associated genes. See license at CARD website 2024-03-24
reviewer public A tool for visualizing alignments of reads in regions containing tandem repeats 2024-03-23
ltr_finder_parallel public Perl wrapper to parallelize ltr_finder 2024-03-21
ltr_harvest_parallel public Perl wrapper for parallel execution of LTR_harvest 2024-03-21
baredsc public baredSC (Bayesian Approach to Retreive Expression Distribution of Single Cell) is a tool that uses a Monte-Carlo Markov Chain to estimate a confidence interval on the probability density function (PDF) of expression of one or two genes from single-cell RNA-seq data. 2024-03-21
mugsy public Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. 2024-03-21
pymlst public python Mlst Local Search Tool 2024-03-20
skyline2isocor public Convert skyline output to IsoCor input format 2024-03-20
diffacto public A protein summarization method for shotgun proteomics experiments 2024-03-19
r-azimuth public Azimuth is a Shiny app demonstrating a query-reference mapping algorithm for single-cell data. 2024-03-18
rnachipintegrator public Analyse genes against peak data, and vice versa 2024-03-18
compleasm public Compleasm: a faster and more accurate reimplementation of BUSCO 2024-03-18
scsplit public Genotype-free demultiplexing of pooled single-cell RNA-Seq 2024-03-18
demuxem public DemuxEM is the demultiplexing module of Pegasus, which works on cell-hashing and nucleus-hashing genomics data. 2024-03-17
bactopia-variants public Methods used by Bactopia for SNP and InDel analysis 2024-03-15
lamassemble public Merge overlapping "long" DNA reads into a consensus sequence 2024-03-15
ostir public Open Source Transcription Initiation Rates 2024-03-14
biocamlib public An OCaml foundation upon which a number of the bioinformatics tools are built. 2024-03-14
msmetaenhancer public MSMetaEnhancer is a Python tool that adds more annotations (e.g. SMILES, InChI, CAS number) to MSP files. 2024-03-14
campygstyper public Accurate assignment of ANI genomic species to Campylobacter genomes. 2024-03-14
orthoflow public Orthoflow is a workflow for phylogenetic inference of genome-scale datasets of protein-coding genes. 2024-03-14
segmetrics public A Python package implementing image segmentation and object detection performance measures, for biomedical image analysis and beyond. 2024-03-14
mafft public Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences based on fast Fourier transform 2024-03-14
vireosnp public vireoSNP - donor deconvolution for multiplexed scRNA-seq data 2024-03-14
metamaps public MetaMaps is a tool for long-read metagenomic analysis 2024-03-14
treesap public TreeSAP: Tree SAmpling under Phylogenetic models 2024-03-13
fastq public A simple FASTQ toolbox for small to medium size projects without dependencies. 2024-03-13
blosum public A small module for easy access to BLOSUM matrices without dependencies. 2024-03-12
snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-sync public A Snakemake executor plugin for cluster jobs that are executed synchronously. 2024-03-12
plannotate public Webserver and command line tool for annotating engineered plasmids 2024-03-12
snakemake-executor-plugin-lsf-jobstep public A Snakemake executor plugin for running bjobs jobs inside of LSF jobs (meant for internal use by snakemake-executor-plugin-lsf) 2024-03-12
orientationpy public OrientationPy is the pythonic successor to the well-loved OrientationJ Fiji Plugin. It is a library that takes in 2D images or 3D volumes and computes the orientation of the greylevels. 2024-03-12
viralmsa public Reference-guided multiple sequence alignment of viral genomes 2024-03-12
snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic public Generic cluster executor for Snakemake 2024-03-11
virstrain public An RNA/DNA virus strain-level identification tool for short reads. 2024-03-10
merge-gbk-records public Turn multiple GenBank records (either in multiple files or a single multi-record file) into a single record 2024-03-10
cutefc public Regenotyping structural variants through an accurate and efficient force-calling method 2024-03-10
rdp_classifier public Naive Bayesian classifier that can rapidly and accurately provide taxonomic assignments from domain to genus 2024-03-09
plassembler public Quickly and accurately assemble plasmids in hybrid sequenced bacterial isolates 2024-03-08
cellsnake public cellsnake, a user-friendly tool for single cell RNA sequencing analysis 2024-03-08
mg-toolkit public Metagenomics toolkit. 2024-03-07
semibin public Metagenomic binning with semi-supervised siamese neural networks 2024-03-07
ribotools public Ribo-seq analysis tools associated with the Rp-Bp package and more 2024-03-06
phylophlan public Precise phylogenetic analysis of microbial isolates and genomes from metagenomes 2024-03-06
dosage_score public Dosage-score: pipline to estimate dosage of each genomic region 2024-03-06

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