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astropy / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
astropy public No Summary 2024-10-13
reproject public No Summary 2024-10-12
sphinx-gallery public Sphinx extension for automatic generation of an example gallery 2024-10-09
photutils None No Summary 2024-10-07
pyregion None python parser for ds9 region files 2024-10-06
specutils None Astropy affiliated package for astronomical spectral operations. 2024-10-05
spherical-geometry public No Summary 2024-10-05
ligo.skymap public Tools for reading, writing, manipulating, and making LIGO and Virgo sky maps 2024-10-04
asdf public Python tools to handle ASDF files 2024-10-03
regions public No Summary 2024-09-30
python_abi public Metapackage to select python implementation 2024-09-28
jplephem public Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides, the basis for the Astronomical Alamanac 2024-09-28
extinction public No Summary 2024-09-28
pytest-arraydiff public No Summary 2024-09-28
pytest-mpl public pytest plugin to help with testing figures output from Matplotlib 2024-09-28
corner public Make some beautiful corner plots of samples. 2024-09-28
emcee None Kick ass affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling 2024-09-28
iminuit None Interactive Minimization Tools based on MINUIT 2024-09-28
lmfit public Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints 2024-09-28
pyerfa public Python bindings for ERFA routines 2024-09-28
astropy-sphinx-theme public The sphinx theme for Astropy and affiliated packages 2024-09-28
sphinx-automodapi public Sphinx extension for auto-generating API documentation for entire modules 2024-09-28
sphinx-astropy public Sphinx extensions and configuration specific to the Astropy project 2024-09-28
pytest-filter-subpackage public Pytest plugin for filtering based on sub-packages 2024-09-28
pytest-astropy-header public Pytest plugin to add diagnostic information to the header of the test output 2024-09-28
pytest-remotedata public Pytest plugin for controlling remote data access 2024-09-28
pytest-doctestplus public Pytest plugin with advanced doctest features 2024-09-28
pytest-astropy public Meta-package containing dependencies for testing Astropy 2024-09-28
agnpy public Modelling jetted Active Galactic Nuclei radiative processes with python 2024-09-28
statmorph public Non-parametric morphological diagnostics of galaxy images 2024-09-28
linetools public A package for analysing absorption and emission lines in 1d spectra, especially galaxy and quasar spectra. 2024-09-28
synphot public Synthetic photometry 2024-09-28
stingray public The Next Generation Spectral Timing Software 2024-09-28
hendrics public High-ENergy Data Reduction Interface from the Command Shell 2024-09-28
dust_extinction public Models of interstellar dust extinction curves 2024-09-28
hips public Python astronomy package for HiPS 2024-09-28
galpy public Galactic Dynamics in python 2024-09-28
gala public No Summary 2024-09-28
halotools public No Summary 2024-09-28
spectral-cube public A package for interaction with spectral cubes 2024-09-28
astroscrappy public Speedy Cosmic Ray Annihilation Package in Python 2024-09-27
python-cpl public Python interface for the ESO Common Pipeline Library 2024-09-27
astroplan public No Summary 2024-09-27
ginga None No Summary 2024-09-27
gwcs public Generalized World Coordinate System 2024-09-27
imexam None AstroPy affiliated package for quick image analysis 2024-09-27
pyavm public A pure-Python module to represent, read, and write metadata following the Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM) standard 2024-09-27
aplpy public No Summary 2024-09-27
pyvo public No Summary 2024-09-27
gammapy None No Summary 2024-09-27

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