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apw247 / packages / topas4rmc 0.0.7

Tools for preparing Topas Bragg data to be used RMCProfile fitting.


  • win-64 v0.0.7

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install apw247::topas4rmc


By default, when launching the program, only the GUI will be launched. However, in this case, when running the profile or matrix generation, a terminal will keep flashing, which will block you from doing anything on the computer while it is running.

To suppress such a behavior, one should right click on the shortcut created on Windows desktop and click on the Properties option (on Windows 11, we need to right click the shortcut, then click on Show more options, and then click on Properties). In the shortcut setting window, copy the content in the Target box, paste it in text editor and replace all 'pythonw.exe' with 'python.exe' (there are two instances) and put it back to the box to replace the default value. In my case, the default value is,

C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\pythonw.exe C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\cwp.py C:\Users\kviet\.conda\envs\topas4rmc_test C:\Users\kviet\.conda\envs\topas4rmc_test\pythonw.exe C:\Users\kviet\.conda\envs\topas4rmc_test\Scripts\topas4rmc-script.pyw

After the replacement, it looks like,

C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\python.exe C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\cwp.py C:\Users\kviet\.conda\envs\topas4rmc_test C:\Users\kviet\.conda\envs\topas4rmc_test\python.exe C:\Users\kviet\.conda\envs\topas4rmc_test\Scripts\topas4rmc-script.pyw

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