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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pyinstaller-hooks-contrib public Community maintained hooks for PyInstaller 2025-02-26
ca-certificates public Certificates for use with other packages. 2025-02-26
pytest-xprocess public pytest external process plugin 2025-02-26
cryptography public Provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers 2025-02-26
proto-plus public Beautiful, Pythonic protocol buffers. 2025-02-26
cryptography-vectors public Test vectors for cryptography. 2025-02-26
trubar public Utility for translation of Python sources 2025-02-26
pyqt6-sip public Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit 2025-02-25
pyqtwebengine public Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit 2025-02-25
pyqt public Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit 2025-02-25
pyspark public Apache Spark Python API 2025-02-25
watchdog public Filesystem events monitoring 2025-02-24
pyee public A port of node.js's EventEmitter to python. 2025-02-24
jaraco.functools public Additional functools in the spirit of stdlib's functools. 2025-02-24
plotly public An interactive JavaScript-based visualization library for Python 2025-02-24
glad2-cmake public CMake package for glad2. 2025-02-24
glad2 public Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specs. 2025-02-24
yt public Analysis and visualization toolkit for volumetric data 2025-02-22
pydata-sphinx-theme public Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community 2025-02-22
gawk public The awk utility interprets a special-purpose programming language that makes it easy to handle simple data-reformatting jobs. 2025-02-21
rasterio public Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets 2025-02-20
libcurl public tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax 2025-02-20
curl public tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax 2025-02-20
oneccl-devel public IntelĀ® oneAPI Collective Communications Library 2021.3.0 for Linux* 2025-02-20
unyt public Handle, manipulate, and convert data with units in Python 2025-02-20
python-graphviz public Simple Python interface for Graphviz 2025-02-20
pbp-test public No Summary 2025-02-20
numpy-base public Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. 2025-02-20
torchaudio public Torchaudio is a library for audio and signal processing with PyTorch. 2025-02-19
vispy public High performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization. 2025-02-18
cmyt public A collection of Matplotlib colormaps from the yt project 2025-02-18
colorspacious public A powerful, accurate, and easy-to-use Python library for doing colorspace conversions 2025-02-18
pymssql public DB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server for Python. (new Cython-based version) 2025-02-18
param public Param: Make your Python code clearer and more reliable by declaring Parameters 2025-02-18
torchmetrics public Collection of PyTorch native metrics for easy evaluating machine learning models 2025-02-18
wheel public A built-package format for Python. 2025-02-18
tinycss2 public Low-level CSS parser for Python 2025-02-18
streamlit-vertical-slider public Creates a customizable vertical slider 2025-02-18
stumpy public A powerful and scalable library that can be used for a variety of time series data mining tasks. 2025-02-18
streamlit-keyup public Text input that renders on keyup 2025-02-18
streamlit-toggle-switch public Creates a customizable toggle 2025-02-18
streamlit-image-coordinates public Streamlit component that displays an image and returns the coordinates when you click on it 2025-02-18
streamlit-embedcode public Streamlit component for embedded code snippets 2025-02-18
streamlit-chat public A streamlit component, to make chatbots 2025-02-18
streamlit-camera-input-live public Alternative version of st.camera_input which returns the webcam images live, without any button press needed 2025-02-18
streamlit-card public A streamlit component, to make UI cards 2025-02-18
sqlparse public A non-validating SQL parser module for Python. 2025-02-18
st-annotated-text public A simple component to display annotated text in Streamlit apps. 2025-02-18
sparse public Sparse multi-dimensional arrays for the PyData ecosystem 2025-02-18
qtconsole public Jupyter Qt console 2025-02-18

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