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anaconda-cloud / packages / anaconda-env-log
conda Standard Python

Log conda environments to Anaconda.cloud

  • 3553 total downloads
  • Last upload: 26 days and 14 hours ago


  • noarch v0.3.1

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install anaconda-cloud::anaconda-env-log
conda install anaconda-cloud/label/broken::anaconda-env-log
conda install anaconda-cloud/label/dev::anaconda-env-log

pip install

To install this package run one of the following:
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/anaconda-cloud/simple anaconda-env-log
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/anaconda-cloud/label/broken/simple anaconda-env-log
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/anaconda-cloud/label/dev/simple anaconda-env-log



Log conda environments to anaconda.cloud

Once install, conda environment are automatically logged to anaconda.cloud when they are created or updated. This is accomplished with a pre-command conda plugin.

Manual logging

Environment can be logged manually from the command line:

conda env-log log {--name/-n/--prefix/-p name_or_prefix}


Environment are logged with an alerts_enabled flagged.

This can be set per environment from the command line:

conda env-log alerts {--name/-n/--prefix/-p name_or_prefix} --enable/disable

The current alerts status can be checked using:

conda env-log alerts {--name/-n/--prefix/-p name_or_prefix}

The ANACONDA_ENV_LOG_ALERTS_ENABLED environment variable controls the default alerts status for environments that do not set this explicitly. The default is False, meaning alerts are disabled.


By default, environment details are logged to anaconda.cloud. This can be changed by setting the ANACONDA_ENV_LOG_ACTION environment variables. Possible values for this variable include:

  • none : Do not log anything.
  • print : Print the recorded environment details to stdout.
  • local-dir : Save the logs as JSON file in the directory specified by ANACONDA_ENV_LOG_DIR. If not specified logs are saved in $HOME/env_logs.
  • anaconda.cloud : Log to anaconda.cloud, the default option. This is accomplished using the anaconda-cloud-auth library which has it's own set of variables for configuration.

These alternatives logging methods are intended for testing and debugging not production use.

Setup for development

Ensure you have conda installed. Then run:

make setup

This creates a development environment in the root of the project directory. Activate it using:

conda activate ./env

After activation conda will still refer to the install in the base environment. The conda from the environment where plugin is installed needs to be called from the condabin directory:

./env/condabin/conda env-log --help

To switch conda to refer to the developmennt installuse:

eval $(./env/condabin/conda shell.zsh hook)

Replace shell.zsh with shell.bash when using bash.

With this switch conda can be used directory to test logging and the subcommand, for example:

conda env-log --help

Run the unit tests

make test

Run the unit tests across isolated environments with tox

make tox

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